100字范文 > 燃煤链条锅炉 coal chain-boiler英语短句 例句大全

燃煤链条锅炉 coal chain-boiler英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-24 15:40:46


燃煤链条锅炉 coal chain-boiler英语短句 例句大全

燃煤链条锅炉,coal chain-boiler

1)coal chain-boiler燃煤链条锅炉


1.Application of Coal-fired Chain-grate Boiler High Efficiency New Combustion Technology燃煤链条锅炉高效燃烧新技术的应用

2.Chain furnace burning coal energy automatic control device application case analysis燃煤链条锅炉燃烧节能自动控制装置应用分析

3.Flow Characteristics in CWM-fired Chamber Retrofitted from Travelling Grate Boiler链条炉排锅炉改燃水煤浆后炉内气流特性研究

4.The Application of Fuzzy Control to a Chain Steam Boiler燃煤链条蒸汽锅炉燃烧过程的模糊控制

5.Probe into Energy-Saving Modification of A-Type Combustion Technology in Traveling Grate Coal-Burning Boiler谈谈a型燃烧技术在链条燃煤锅炉的节能改造

6.The Method and Function for Changing Cable Length Row Type Boiler to Burn Coal Burn Gas Type Boiler-Take the Example of the Boiler Reform of Datong Coal Gas Company;链条炉排型锅炉改为燃煤燃气式锅炉的方法及作用——以大同市煤气公司锅炉改造为例

7.Modification & Measures of Dedust and Sulphur Remove in Chain Boiler Transforming链条式燃煤锅炉改造及其脱硫除尘措施

8.Rationality and possibility of applying oxygen-enriched combustion tecbnology to chain-grate boiler富氧燃烧技术用于链条燃煤蒸汽锅炉的合理性和可行性

9.Application of Stratified Coal Feeding Equipment to Chain Boiler分层式给煤装置在链条锅炉上的应用

10.Primary Studies on Applications of Stratified Combustion in Backward Moving Chain Grate Boilers正转链条炉排锅炉分层燃烧技术应用初探

11.Discussion on the transformation from a Pulverized-coal Fired Boiler to a BFG-fired boiler in the power System动力燃煤锅炉改造为燃高炉煤气锅炉的探讨

12.Emission Characteristics of Fine Particles from Grate Firing Boilers工业燃煤链条炉细粒子排放特征研究

13.Discrepancies between Oxy-fuel Combustion Based Boiler Units and Traditional Coal-fired Boiler UnitsO_2/CO_2燃煤锅炉机组与传统燃煤锅炉机组的差异

pound burning technology in chain grate boiler with suspension burning of wood dust人造板厂链条式锅炉喷射砂光粉复合燃烧技术

15.The Resarch of Fuzzy Control on the Combustion System of Chain Boiler;链条锅炉燃烧系统模糊控制的应用研究

16.Character of the anthracite and combustion adjustment and the operation of the chain boiler无烟煤特性和无烟煤链条炉的燃烧调整与操作

17.The Application of Compound Buring Technique with Multiblade Fan Pulverizer in Travelling Grate Stoker Boiler采用多级风扇磨的复合燃烧技术在链条炉排锅炉上的应用

18.Coal-burning Boiler Transforming to Comprehensive Utilization of Resource Boiler in Shaqu Coal Preparation Plant沙曲选煤厂燃煤锅炉改造为资源综合利用锅炉


traveling grate coal-burning boiler链条燃煤锅炉

3)transforming of coal chain-boiler燃煤链条炉

4)spreader stoker fired chain grate boiler抛煤机链条锅炉

1.An analysis is performed of some problems involved in the operation of aspreader stoker fired chain grate boiler.分析了抛煤机链条锅炉运行中存在的问题 ,提出了用复合循环燃烧技术把抛煤机链条锅炉改造成循环流化床锅炉的措施。

5)coal-fired chain furnace链条式燃煤炉

1.For the uniform distribution of coal on the chains,the DZTF-4 multi-function stratified coal distributor is added tocoal-fired chain furnace.为了使加入链条式燃煤炉的煤均匀分布在链条上,引入DZTF-4多功能分层给煤器,介绍其结构、分层均匀加煤的特点,使用中出现传动链条易断故障的原因及解决措施。

6)coal-fired boiler燃煤锅炉

1.Process characteristic analysis on simultaneous desulfurization and denitriflcation forcoal-fired boilers;燃煤锅炉同时脱硫脱硝技术工艺性分析

2.Selective catalytic reduction technique for flue gas denitration ofcoal-fired boilers;燃煤锅炉的选择性催化还原烟气脱硝技术

3.Study on desulfrization incoal-fired boiler;燃煤锅炉的有机钙脱硫研究


