100字范文 > 城市领导 leaders in urban area英语短句 例句大全

城市领导 leaders in urban area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-17 03:32:12


城市领导 leaders in urban area英语短句 例句大全

城市领导,leaders in urban area

1)leaders in urban area城市领导

1.Under the serious impact of the turning of social structures and global financial crisis,leaders in urban area are confronted with the challenges, such as the turning of the guidance of value, the bind of resources in development, the turning of leading style, the renewal of knowledge and specialized ability, the prevention of "city illness", as well as the strong pressure of public opinion.在社会结构转型和全球性金融危机的严重冲击下,城市领导者面临着价值导向转型、发展的资源约束、领导方式的转型、知识和专业能力更新、"城市病"预防和强大舆论压力等挑战。


1.New Challenge of Leaders in Urban Area and Rational Choice of Leading Action城市领导面临的新挑战及领导行为的理性选择

2.Strive to Improve the Urban Leadership Under Market Economy Conditions;努力提高市场经济条件下的城市领导工作水平

3.The period of "from the city to the village" and of the city leading the village has now begun.从现在起,开始了由城市到乡村并由城市领导乡村的时期。

4.The City Leadership Building in the Construction of a Harmonious Socialist Society社会主义和谐社会构建中的城市领导力建设

5.On Urban Community Public Health Service under the Guidance of Government;论政府领导下的城市社区公共卫生服务

6.On the Urban Layout Concept of the Three-Generation Leaders;三代领导人城市布局思想与政策绩效分析

7.This city should be congratulated in having such a brilliant man to lead its schools.这座城市能有这样一位有才华的人领导全市的学校是值得庆贺的。

8.Six leading citizens refused to hand the city over to the enemy, and offered themselves as prisoners instead.六位领导市民不愿把城市交给敌人,而自愿当了战俘。

9.The character of the leader is the most important factor that influences the city planning administrative policy.领导者的素质是影响城市规划行政决策最主要的因素。

10.A Study on the Leading High-Tech Industries Selection of Urban Agglomeration Based on Grey Incidence Analysis灰色关联理论视角下的城市群主导性高技术产业领域选择研究

11.Current Research Fields of Urban Social Geography in Western Countries and Its Enlightenment:A Review of Urban Social Geography an Introduction;近期西方城市社会地理主要研究领域及启示——《城市社会地理学导论》综述

12.City Leaders and Their Authority Rebuilding in City Crisis;城市危机中的城市领袖及其权威重塑


14.Public facilities design conducted by city culture;城市文化导向下的城市公共设施设计

15.The Overall Urban Design Oriented by City Cognition“城市认知”为导向的总体城市设计

16.Mao Tze-tung, chairman of the Communist party, and General Chu Teh, commander in chief of the army, and other high party leaders left the city without a murmur.共产党主席毛泽东、队总司令朱德将军以及党的其他高级领导人悄悄地离开了这座城市。

17.In arousing the masses in the cities, we had to arouse the workers first so that they could play the vanguard and leading role in the campaign to settle accounts with traitors and secret agents.在城市中发动群众,必须首先发动工人,使工人在清算汉奸、特务的运动中起先锋作用和领导作用。

18.hearth of American culture and still a leader in education, medicine, and music.波士顿是美国文化重镇以及依然居教育、医学和音乐领导地位的城市。


young urban trend setters年轻的城市潮流领导者

3)Urban precinct城市领地

4)city leaders城市领袖

1.City crisis is surely challengingcity leaders and providing chanees for rebuildingcity leaders authority.城市危机无疑是对城市领袖的挑战和考验,但同时也为城市领袖权威的重塑提供了良好的机遇。

5)seize a city占领城市

6)City leaders County市领导县

1.City leaders County system with Chinese characteristics is the local government management system.市领导县体制是具有中国特色的地方政府管理体制。


领地1.奴隶社会﹑封建社会中领主所占有的土地。 2.领土。 3.同"领域"。指学术思想或社会活动的范围。
