100字范文 > 公共信息会计 public information accounting英语短句 例句大全

公共信息会计 public information accounting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-23 09:32:22


公共信息会计 public information accounting英语短句 例句大全

公共信息会计,public information accounting

1)public information accounting公共信息会计

2)accounting information of public properties公共物品会计信息

3)public regulation of accounting information disclosure会计信息披露公共管制

4)Committee on Public Information公共信息委员会

1.Committee on Public Information and Freedom of Speech;公共信息委员会与言论自由

5)public information公共信息

1.The order functions and realizing conditions ofpublic information;公共信息的秩序功能及其实现条件

2.Transformingpublic information resources into a strategic national asset;公共信息转变为国家战略资产的途径


1.Usage of Web Data Mining in Public Security Monitor;Web信息挖掘在公共信息安全中的应用

2.Research on the Structure of the Public Information Sharing Platform System of Civil Aviation民航公共信息共享平台体系结构研究

3.The Rational Thought of Public Library"s Participation in Public Information Resource Management公共图书馆参与公共信息资源管理的理性思考

4.The Opening Information of the Administrative Public and the Legal Protection of Civil Knowing Rights;行政公共信息公开与公民知情权的法律保护

5.USCG Public Information Assist Team美国海岸警卫队公共信息援助队

6.Graphical symbols for use on public information signsGB10001-1994公共信息标志用图形符号

7.Study on the Multiple Management System of Public Information Resources;公共信息资源的多元化管理体制研究

8.The Realization and Management of Public Information Service Based on 3G;基于3G的公共信息服务的实现与管理

9.Government Information Disclosure and Public Library Information Services政府信息公开与公共图书馆信息服务

10.Social Public Informatization社会公共领域信息化

11.The Trends of Information Resources Sharing and Public Libraries in Transition信息资源共享趋势与公共图书馆转型

12.The Studies on Government Information Public from the View of Public Field;“公共性”视野下的政府信息公开研究

13.On Openness of Government Information During Public Crisis in China;论公共危机时期的我国政府信息公开

14.The Role of Urban Public Library on Citizen Information Quality Education;城市公共图书馆与公民信息素质教育

15.A Study on Government Information Disclosure in Public Crisis Management公共危机管理中的政府信息公开研究

16.A Study on Governmental Choices of Public Policy to Promote Information Public Access;推进信息资源公共获取的公共政策选择

17.Imagination about the Public Library s Coexistence with Information Consulting Corporation in China;我国公共图书馆与信息咨询公司“共生”的设想

18.a board on which information can be displayed to public view.信息能够被显示在公共场合的面板。


accounting information of public properties公共物品会计信息

3)public regulation of accounting information disclosure会计信息披露公共管制

4)Committee on Public Information公共信息委员会

1.Committee on Public Information and Freedom of Speech;公共信息委员会与言论自由

5)public information公共信息

1.The order functions and realizing conditions ofpublic information;公共信息的秩序功能及其实现条件

2.Transformingpublic information resources into a strategic national asset;公共信息转变为国家战略资产的途径

6)public accounting公共会计

1.This belongs to "public accounting", and constructs three accounting systems with financial accounting and government and NGOs accounting.这样的环境会计属于"公共会计"的范畴,与企业财务会计、政府及非赢利组织会计并列为三大会计体系。


