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旱育 dry raising英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-13 13:16:28


旱育 dry raising英语短句 例句大全

旱育,dry raising

1)dry raising旱育

1.Study on antioxidation system in high yield hybrid rice Langyoupeijiuseedlings underdry raising conditions;高产杂交稻两优培九旱育秧苗期抗氧化系统活性的研究


1.Experimental Research in Different Types of Dry-growed Rice Seedlings水稻旱育秧不同方式的试验研究报告

2.A comparison experiment of different dosages of dry-cultivation "nurse"旱育保姆不同剂量拌种育秧对比试验初报

3.Studies on the Standardized Plant Key Technical of Dry Stress Seedling Nursing and Transplantation of Paddy Rice of NingXia;宁夏水稻旱育稀植规范化种植关键技术研究

4.Study on Physiological and Morphology Selecting Targets in Drought-resistant Breeding of Soybean;大豆抗旱育种生理和形态选择指标的应用研究

5.Optimized Irrigation Regime of Rice Under Dry Seeded and Thinly Populated Cultivated Pattern;水稻旱育稀植栽培模式下的优化灌溉制度研究

6.The Study and Application in Diskless Dry Nursery No-tillage Throwing of Rice水稻无盘旱育免耕抛秧技术研究及应用

7.High Quality,High Yield and Drought Resistance Mulberry Variety Breeding优质高产抗旱新桑品种川826选育

8.Effects of Winter Drought on Growth and Development of Wheat Seedlings冬季干旱对小麦苗期生长发育的影响

9.Study on Production and Growing Characters of Wheat at Different Droughts Levels小麦受旱对产量及生育性状影响研究

10.The Study of Diversity and Phylogeny of Rhizobia Isolated from Caragana in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions in Northwestern China西北干旱与半干旱地区锦鸡儿属根瘤菌多样性及系统发育研究

11.Water-saving Cultural Techniques of Upland and Sparse Seedling Raising and Drought-avoiding Transplanting in Hybrid Rice杂交水稻旱稀育壮秧避旱移栽节水丰产栽培技术

12.Study on Introduction and Seedling-breeding of Rock Elms from America and Its Physiological Characters under Water-and-salt Stress美国岩榆的引种育苗技术与耐盐耐旱特性研究

13.Effects of fertilizer on pistil upgrowth and drought-resistance physiological characteristic of Armeniaca vulgaris×Sibirica施肥对大扁杏雌蕊发育及抗旱生理特性的影响

14.Studies of Seedling-growing Experiments of Pinus radiata Seeds in the Arid Yalley of the Upper Reaches of the Minjing River岷江上游干旱河谷辐射松种子育苗试验研究

15.The Effect of Growth Characters of the Winter Wheat Shannnong981Sprayed Foliar Fertilization on Upland;叶面肥对旱地冬小麦陕农981生育特性的影响

16.Breeding of Drought-and Salt-tolerant Lines by Bioengineering Techiniques in Tall Fescue (Festuca Arundinacea Schreb.);利用生物工程技术培育高羊茅耐盐耐旱新品系

17.Influence of Plastic Film Mulching on Sterility of CMS in B.napus;地膜覆盖对旱地油菜CMS育性的影响研究

18.The Drought Resistance Mechanism of Spring Wheat in the Prophase of Growth and Screening of Resistant Resources in Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省春小麦生育前期抗旱机制及抗源筛选


drought-resistant breeding抗旱育种

1.Selecting targets and markers indrought-resistant breeding of soybean;大豆抗旱育种中选择指标和标记的研究现状

3)dryly raising seedling without a tray无盘旱育

4)dry-raised rice seedling旱育秧苗

1.Coating seeds with a certain seed coating developed in the Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the Lixiahe District of Jiangsu province is the key technology in cast-transplantation of no-platedry-raised rice seedlings.本研究采用无盘抛秧剂包衣种子,分析无盘旱育秧苗与塑盘旱育秧苗、常规旱育秧苗生理机能的差异。

5)Breeding for drought tolerance抗旱育种

1.This paper has summarized the general methods in maize breeding for drought tolerance, and introduced the present drought- tolerant maize germplasm.玉米抗旱育种是减少干旱造成产量损失的重要手段。

6)Breeding for drought resistance抗旱育种

1.Maize breeding for drought resistance;干旱是当今乃至未来玉米生产的第一限制因素,进行玉米抗旱育种十分必要。


旱育秧(dry rice-nursery)旱育秧(dry rice-nursery)整个育秧过程中,只保持秧田土壤湿润而不建立灌水层的育秧方法。其优点是:①土壤氧气充足,有利于萌芽中子进行旺盛的有氧呼吸,促进种子贮藏物质的转化,秧苗粗壮;②旱秧体内含碳、氮量高,移栽后发根力强,返青分蘖快;③旱秧细胞组织致密,自由水含量少,束缚水含量较高,植株挺韧,较耐低温、干旱,抗逆性强;④旱身比水身能早成熟,有利于抗低温增产。但抗苗稻温的能力较弱。旱育秧具有适应北方无霜期短、气温低、水源不足等生态特点的能力。20世纪70年代首先在东北各省推广应用,现已成为中国北方稻区培育壮秧、节水抗旱的一种重要育秧方法。秧田选地和床土培养:选择土质肥沃疏松、保水保肥力强、排水良好、pH较低、水源方便的旱地、园田或水田做固定秧田。经年年多施农家肥,培养出理想的旱秧田。整地做床:清除根茬施优质农肥后,浅翻或旋耕10cm深。秧床规格同保温湿润育秧。做床后施氮、磷化肥,碎土整平,床面再用木磙镇压好。也可采取铺营养土方法,即在浅翻整平压平床面后,先均匀撒施化肥,再将配制好的营养土层呈湿润壮态。床土用草炭、腐殖酸或硫酸等酸化材料调整土壤pH值,有较好的防止黄枯、立枯和培育壮秧作用。播种:播种期可比一般薄膜育秧早3-4天,播种量要稀一些。北方一般每平方米150-200g。播后压种入泥一半,使种子与潮土紧密结合,然后覆盖细肥土1cm左右,并喷除草剂。再搭架盖膜。秧田管理:播后至一叶一心前密闭保温,以后温度控制指标参照薄膜湿润育身。一叶一心期必须及时喷杀菌剂“敌克松”预防立枯病。当土壤干燥、傍晚秧苗叶片不能展开时即应浇透水,可采取喷灌办法以节省劳动力。盐碱地区旱育秧,为预防盐害,也可采取床面过水,即灌水2-3小时后排除,追肥方法,用硫酸铵兑水100倍喷浇,浇完再用清水冲洗一遍,以防伤叶。
