100字范文 > 中国机电产品 mechanical and electronic products in China英语短句 例句大全

中国机电产品 mechanical and electronic products in China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-20 02:53:36


中国机电产品 mechanical and electronic products in China英语短句 例句大全

中国机电产品,mechanical and electronic products in China

1)mechanical and electronic products in China中国机电产品


1.China Chamber of Commerce for I/E of Machinery & Electronic Products中国机电产品进出口商会

2.Analysis on Revealed Comparative Advantage of China"s Electromechanical Products中国机电产品显性比较优势变动分析

3.Analysis of Chinese Mechanical and Electronic Products Exports to America Encountered Section 337 Investigation;中国机电产品出口美国遭遇337条款调查分析

4.Analysis of Promoting International Competitiveness of Mechanical and Electronic Products after China Entering WTO;加入WTO后中国机电产品国际竞争力提升分析

5.Impacts of Environmental Barriers on Exporting Mechanical and Electronic Products and Countermeasures;环境壁垒对中国机电产品出口的影响及对策

6.Import and export trade in electromechanical products continued to increase, and their proportion in total imports and exports continued to climb.中国机电产品进出口贸易继续增加,占总进出口的比重继续上升。

7.Research on the Effect of TBT on China s Mechanical and Electronic Products Export;技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)对中国机电产品出口的影响研究

8.Influence of Adjustment of the RMB Exchange Rate on China s Import and Export of Mechanical and Electrical Products;人民币实际汇率变动对中国机电产品进出口的影响

9.The Competition and Complementary Prospective of China-ASEAN Electrical Equipment,Computer and Machinery;中国-东盟机电产品竞争与互补分析

10.The Optimization Discussion of the ElectromechanicalProduct after China Enter into WTO;中国加入WTO后对机电产品的优化探讨

11.The Development Foreground of the Electromechanical Product after China Enter WTO;中国加入WTO后机电产品的发展前景

12.An Analysis on the Development of the Intra-industry Trade in Machinery and Electrical Products between China and ASEAN;中国与东盟机电产品产业内贸易发展探究

13.The variety that Qatar imported from China is various, mainly including the mechanical and electrical product, the textile, the furniture etc.卡国从中国进口品种繁多,主要有机电产品、织品、具等。

14.Research on Green Barrier in Our Country s Electromechanical Product Export;我国机电产品出口中的绿色壁垒问题研究

15.An Analysis on the Influencing Factors on the Machinery and Electrical Products Export Trade from China to Russia中国对俄罗斯机电产品出口贸易影响因素研究

16.Positive analysis of IIT in machinelectronical industry in China我国机电产品产业内贸易的实证分析

17.At present, the output of the nation"s steel, crude oil, cement, cotton cloth and television sets comes first in the world.目前,中国的钢、原煤、水泥、棉布、电视机等产品产量均居世界首位。

18.The Research on International Bidding of Mechanical & Electronic Products in Hunan International Economic Technology Development Company;湖南国发公司机电产品国际投标研究


Chinese exports中国产品

1.TheChinese exports involved in the anti-dumping investigations initiated by EU may be granted three treatments: Non-market Economy Treatment,Individual Treatment or Market Economy Treatment(MET).在针对中国产品的反倾销调查中,欧盟可能给予中国涉诉企业三种不同的待遇:非市场经济待遇,个别税率待遇和市场经济待遇。

3)motor industry of China中国电机产业

4)Chinese deer product中国鹿产品

5)Chinese agricultural products中国农产品

1.This article analyses the existing state of forein trade inChinese agricultural products and the influence of adapting to WTO upon this foreign trade,and puts forward the ways to deal with the development of this foreign trade,or the ways of improving the quality of superior agricultural products,fostering head enterprises and restructuring agricultural management system.作者在文中分析了中国农产品对外贸易的现状和入世对中国农产品对外贸易的影响 ,提出了入世后发展中国农产品对外贸易的对策 ,即提高优势农产品质量 ,培育龙头企业 ,改革农业管理体

6)China"s aquatic products中国水产品


