100字范文 > 时务报 the Chinese Progress英语短句 例句大全

时务报 the Chinese Progress英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-07 01:19:16


时务报 the Chinese Progress英语短句 例句大全

时务报,the Chinese Progress

1)the Chinese Progress时务报

1.According to the fresh data found in The Chinese Progress,we can draw the conclusion that it isthe Chinese Progress that is the earliest newspaper founded by Chinese people.根据《时务报》的珍贵史料,可以得出:在迄今掌握的史实中,《时务报》才是最早介绍诺贝尔奖相关情况的国人报刊。


1.Zhang Zhidong and the Reformation Group of Current Affairs Newspaper;张之洞与《时务报》维新派的文化关系

2.The Coterie,the Factions and Chinese Coterie Press--Interpreting Shiwubao"s Schism同人、帮派与中国同人报——《时务报》纷争的报刊史意义

3.The Observing and Referencing of Japan by the Chinese Reformers: On Reports and Comments about Japan in Shih-wu Pao;维新派对日本的观察与借鉴——《时务报》日本报道及日本评论研究

4.The Public Opinion of the Chinese Progress and the Political Powers in Modern China;《时务报》的舆论变化与近代政治权势纷争

5.Establishing the Public Space of World Knowledge: Researching into the translated articles in Shi Wu Magazine;开创“世界知识”的公共空间:《时务报》译稿研究

6.A tragedy to modern Chinese intellectual --discussing on faction of people of Current Affairs Newspaper;近代中国知识分子的悲剧——试论《时务报》内讧

7.Shiwubao and the Constructs of the Public Sphere in Modern China;《时务报》与中国近代公共舆论空间的建构

8.interim financial performance report财务执行情况临时报告

9.current purchasing power statement按现时购买力编制的财务报表

10.It is, for example, the mass media" s duty to promptly report mining accidents.大众媒体有义务及时报道矿井事故。

11.It is forbidden to use the alarming sirens unless when urgent tasks are performed.在执行非紧急任务时,禁止使用警报器。

12.Server Usage Report by Hour for {0}{0} 的每小时服务器使用情况报告

13.Instant Financial Report: Theory Demand and Possibility for its Enforcing;实时财务报告:理论需求与实现可能

14.The Time Characteristics of Financial Report and Its Effect on Financial Analysis;财务报表的时间性特征及其对财务分析的影响

15.Accountancy - This practice include the timely preparation of financial statements, and value-added advice and assistance in the areas of reporting.会计--此项业务包括为客户及时准备财务报表,财务报告的增值咨询服务。

16.On Demand Task [Note: This is the only Task type available when adding a task for an Alert].按需分配任务[说明:这是在为警报添加任务时唯一可用的任务类型]。

17.Conservatism in accounting, also called prudence, means to report items in financial statements at amounts that lead to the gloomiest immediate financial results.会计稳健性亦称谨慎性,是指财务报表中报告项目时要按照导致最坏财务结果的金额进行报告。

18.The hydrologic measuring and report technique level concern to the accuracy and its timely of flood prevention and fight a flood.水文测报的技术水平关系到防汛抗洪报务的准确性和及时性。



1.Shiwubao and the Constructs of the Public Sphere in Modern China;《时务报》与中国近代公共舆论空间的建构


1.A communication s Analysis on the Faction inShiwubao;《时务报》内讧的传播分析——以汪康年和梁启超的相互想象为中心

2.Research on dissemination of technology and scientific thoughts ofShiwubao;《时务报》的科技报道与科学思想传播研究

3.The words of radiotelegraphy and electromagnetic wave first appeared inShiwubao;telautogram technology was first reported in Zhixinbao;wide use of radiotelegraphy technology spread in depth in Dongfang Journal.《时务报》最早出现"无线电报"以及"电浪"(电磁波)一词;《知新报》最早报道传真电报知识;《东方杂志》较为深入地传播了无线电报技术的广泛应用。

4)real-time financial report实时财务报告

1.Thereal-time financial report under information system,as a developing trend for future financial accounting development,will become great challenge to traditional financial accounting.信息化下的实时财务报告系统作为未来财务会计发展的一个方向必将给传统的财务会计领域带来重大的变革。

5)Speaking clock电话报时服务

6)timed signal service报时信号服务


