100字范文 > 民国初年 the early years of the Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

民国初年 the early years of the Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-14 02:21:20


民国初年 the early years of the Republic of China英语短句 例句大全

民国初年,the early years of the Republic of China

1)the early years of the Republic of China民国初年

1.On the thoughts of reforming the tax system inthe early years of the Republic of China;民国初年税制改革思想述评

2.Inthe early years of the Republic of China,owing to the infection of the position of the international and internal and all sorts of newly rising ethos,the view of the cultural consonance once rose.民国初年,由于受国际和国内形势及各种新兴社会思潮的影响,文化调和的论调一度兴起。

3.The ideological trend of scientifical education prevailing inthe early years of the Republic of China is one of current important ideological trends of education.民国初年盛行的以倡导科学教育、阐明科学价值、传授科学知识、弘扬科学精神、重视科学方法为主要内容的科学教育思潮是中国近代重要的教育思潮之一。


1.Study on Qing Royal Family"s Preferential Fund in the Early Republic of China(1912-1916)民国初年逊清岁费问题初探(1912—1916)

2.Verifications on the Following of Civil and Commercial Custom Style during the Initial Stage of the Republic of China;民国初年遵从民商事习惯风格之考证

3.On the Liberty Idea of China s Anarchist in the Early 20th Century;民国初年中国无政府主义自由观剖析

4.Viewing Political Environment of Early Republic of China from the Perspective of Anfu Congress从安福国会选举看民国初年政治环境

5.On Chinese Government’s System of Disaster Relief in the Beginning of Republic of China论民国初年我国的政府救灾行政系统

6."Four Parties" "Forum on the Constitution in the Early of ROC民国初年“四党”宪法讨论会及其意义

7.Analysis on Politics in the Beginning Year of the Republic (1912-1913);民国初年政党政治探析(1912-1913)

8.On the Rush for Forming Parties in Henan in the Early Years of the People’s Republic;论民国初年河南“组党热”及其影响

9.A Discussion of the Modernization of the Local Politics in the Early Years of the Republic of China;民国初年浙江地方政治的近代化转型

10.“Sheng Newspaper” in the First Years of The Republic Subscribed by Shaanxi Branch of Pingyao Draft Bank;平遥陕号订阅的山西民国初年《绳报》

11.The Judicial System in Early Republic of China(1912-1928);略评民国初年(1912—1928)的司法制度

12.Study on the Causes of the Rise and Fall of ForestryAdministration in Early Republic of China;民国初年林政兴起和衰落的原因探析


14.On the Struggle between the Principles of"Rule by Authority" and "Rule by Law;论民国初年的“人治”与“法治”之争

15.The 1911 Revolution and the"Drive for Industrial Revolution;辛亥革命与民国初年的“产业革命热”

16.Research on Legal Issues about Village Autonomy of Shanxi in the Early of the Republic of China民国初年山西村治中的法律问题研究

17.Gansu Provincial Assembly in the Early Years of the Republic of China (1912-1927)民国初年的甘肃省议会(1912-1927)

18.The Exploration and Practice on Itinerant Library in the Early Years of Minguo试论民国初年巡回文库的探索与实践


Early Republic of China民国初年

1.Revolution of 1911 and Peking University in theEarly Republic of China;辛亥革命与民国初年的北京大学

2.In early Republic of China,laws entitled women to have more rights of property and choosing an heir in marriage and family,which on the other hand reflected the process of women s emancipation.民国初年妇女在婚姻家庭中的财产所有权、寡妇立嗣权等方面的法律地位出现了实质性变化,这从一个侧面反映了中国妇女解放的历程。

3.On Kulun Group s Harassment to Mongolia inEarly Republic of China——From Shengjing Daily;民国初年,库伦集团屡次对内蒙地区实施武力侵扰。

3)The Early Republic of China民国初年

1.The Autonomy Movement of Hubei Province in the early Republic of China;民国初年的湖北自治运动

2.The punishment is more alleviated inThe Early Republic of China than before.民国初年,国家对女性性犯罪的惩罚较前有所减轻。

4)beginning of the Republic of China民国初年

1.During the period of Wu Xu political reform,at thebeginning of the Republic of China as well as the period of protectorate campaign,their relations were very closed.梁启超与袁世凯是中国近代史上两个非常重要的历史人物,梁袁关系的变化与中国近代重大事件相联系,在戊戌变法时期、民国初年、护国运动时期他们之间关系密切、交往频繁,时而言和,时而结怨,变化异常,对中国政局产生了重大的影响。

2.With the deepening of the invasion of the imperialism and the awakening of civil sovereignty consciousness at thebeginning of the Republic of China,civil diplomacy movement rose unprecedentedly.民国初年,随着国民主权意识的觉醒和帝国主义入侵的加深,国民外交运动空前高涨。

5)the first years of the Republic民国初年

1.In order to strengthen autocratic sovereignty, Beiyang government held four examinations of the county magistrate inthe first years of the Republic.为了强化专制统治 ,民国初年北洋政府举行了四届县知事考试。

6)science of history in the early days of the Republic of China民国初年史学


《神策军碑》册(唐末或北宋初年拓本)唐柳公权书《皇帝巡幸左神策军纪圣德碑》的原石拓本。剪条装。现存 1册,文为前半部,27 开,54 页,每页纵23厘米,横35.6厘米。此碑为柳公权66岁时所书,书法精练苍劲,结体布局平稳匀称,为今传柳体书中佳作之一,加之刻工精良,拓本与真迹无异。此拓为海内孤本,唐末五代或北宋初年拓,始为南宋贾似道藏原宋代内府故物,贾遭籍没复归内府。其后归元朝翰林国史院。元亡,归明库,拓本末题有"洪武六年闰十一月十八日收"泥金小字 1行。此后归晋王府,明亡为孙承泽所有。又经梁清标、安岐、张蓉舫等递藏。20世纪中叶,流于香港,1965年在周恩来指示下,以重金购回。现藏北京图书馆。拓本首签题曰:"柳公权神册军纪圣德碑。"后尾有著名元代书法家鲜元枢及清孙承泽、姚元之等题记。全本钤有"翰林国史院官书"、"晋府书画之印"、"北平孙氏"、"安仪周家珍藏"、"关玩流藏"、"伯郊过眼"、"梁清标印"、"张氏蓉舫"及宋贾似道"封"字等印记 96 方。此本归谭敬收藏时曾以珂罗版影印行世,艺苑真赏社又翻印,日本二玄社《书迹名品丛刊》再翻印辑入。1974年文物出版社又以原拓本制版重新印行。《神策军碑》刻于唐会昌三年 (843),崔铉奉敕撰文,柳公权奉勅书册。碑在宫廷禁中,拓本不易,故传本绝少。原石已无存。
