100字范文 > 法国对华直接投资 The French direct investment in china英语短句 例句大全

法国对华直接投资 The French direct investment in china英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-01 01:03:09


法国对华直接投资 The French direct investment in china英语短句 例句大全

法国对华直接投资,The French direct investment in china

1)The French direct investment in china法国对华直接投资

2)U.S. FDI in China美国对华直接投资

1.Analysis on Economic Growth Effect ofU.S. FDI in China;美国对华直接投资的经济增长效应分析

2.trade deficit with China and U.运用基于误差修正模型的格兰杰因果关系检验模型,在商品分类层面研究美中贸易逆差与美国对华直接投资的内在联系。

3.The dissertation chooses U.本文以美国对华直接投资为分析对象,着重探讨其外溢效应的产生和传递以及对中国经济的影响,并总结出其不同于总体外商对华直接投资的外溢效应的特殊性。


1.A Study on American Direct Investment in China (1980-2000);美国对华直接投资研究(1980—2000)

2.Study on the US FDI to China and Sino-US Trade;美国对华直接投资与中美贸易关系的研究

3.Studies on American FDI and Sino-US Trade Imbalance;美国对华直接投资与中美贸易失衡问题研究

4.Analysis on the Situation of Direct Investment from U.S.A. to China after China s WTO Entry;入世后美国对华直接投资及中国的对策

5.An Analysis of Determinant Factors of American Direct Investment in China (1983-2000)美国对华直接投资决定性因素分析(1983—2000)

6.Analysis of American Direct Investment to China and the Change of Trade Growth;美国对华直接投资与贸易增长变化分析

7.Analysis on Economic Growth Effect of U.S. FDI in China;美国对华直接投资的经济增长效应分析

8.Sino-US Trade and American FDI;中美贸易和美国对华直接投资——基于1984—2002年数据的实证分析

9.Bilateral trade continues to grow, while US direct investment in China increases by a large margin双边贸易继续增长,美国对华直接投资同比大幅增长

10.The Theory and Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of American Direct Investment in China;美国对华直接投资的决定性因素:理论和实证分析

11.The Impact of Inward the US Direct Investment in China on the China-US Trade美国在华直接投资对中美贸易的影响

12.Tests on the Relationship between US Investment in China and Its Trade美国直接投资与对华贸易的关系检验

13.American Direct Investment s Impact on Bilateral Trade between China and USA;美国在华直接投资对中美双边贸易影响的研究

14.Research on the New Economy in America and the American Multinational s FDI into China;美国新经济及其跨国公司对华直接投资研究

15.Study on the Relationship between U.S. Direct Investment in China and the Export Structure of China to U.S.;美国在华直接投资与中国对美国出口商品结构的关系研究

16.The Study on American Direct Investment s Affection on Chinese Export to American;美国在华直接投资对中国向美国出口的影响研究

17.An Empirical Study of the Relationship between U.S. Direct Investment in China and China s Export Structure to U.S.;美在华直接投资与中国对美出口商品结构关系研究

18.The Influence of Japanese Direct Investment in China to Our Country s Trade;日本对华直接投资对我国贸易的影响


U.S. FDI in China美国对华直接投资

1.Analysis on Economic Growth Effect ofU.S. FDI in China;美国对华直接投资的经济增长效应分析

2.trade deficit with China and U.运用基于误差修正模型的格兰杰因果关系检验模型,在商品分类层面研究美中贸易逆差与美国对华直接投资的内在联系。

3.The dissertation chooses U.本文以美国对华直接投资为分析对象,着重探讨其外溢效应的产生和传递以及对中国经济的影响,并总结出其不同于总体外商对华直接投资的外溢效应的特殊性。

3)German direct investment德国对华直接投资

4)Korean direct investment in china韩国对华直接投资

5)U.S. direct investment in China美对华直接投资

6)Direct Investment in China对华直接投资

1.Continual fluctuations have been witnessed in Japan抯 direct investment in China along with the development and changes of Sino-Japan relationship and economic connections.随着中日关系及经济联系的发展变化,日本对华直接投资也呈不断波动的趋势。


