100字范文 > 汉语成语 Chinese idioms英语短句 例句大全

汉语成语 Chinese idioms英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-05 02:56:27


汉语成语 Chinese idioms英语短句 例句大全

汉语成语,Chinese idioms

1)Chinese idioms汉语成语

1.Strategies of Russian Equivalent Translation of Chinese Idioms;汉语成语俄译中的等效策略

2.The philosophical thought in Zhou Yi andChinese idioms;《周易》哲思和汉语成语


1.A View of the Influence of Chinese Idioms on Korean Language and Korean Idioms from Language Contact;从语言接触看汉语成语对韩语与其成语的影响

2.About the Semantic Transfer of Chinese Four-character Idioms;汉语成语中的语义转移——以四字格目标域缺失的汉语成语为基点

3.Japanese is interlarded with many Chinese idioms and phrases日语中混有许多汉语成语。

4.Aesthetic Function of Chinese Idioms in Translation of English Sci-tech Documents科技英语翻译中汉语成语的审美功能

5.Revelations of English and Chinese Idioms in a Cross-Cultural Perspective;英语成语与汉语成语启示的跨文化研究

6.A Note on Logical Coherence of English Idioms and Chinese Idioms;浅析英语成语与汉语成语在逻辑上的一致性

7.An Approach to National Cultural Difference by Studying the English and the Chinese Idoms;从英语习语和汉语成语看民族文化差异

8.A Corpus-based Analysis of the Prototype-based Grammatical Functions of Chinese Idioms基于语料库的汉语成语原型语法功能分析

9.Poetic Set Phrases--On the Interaction of Chinese Poetry and Set Phrases;诗化成语——试论中华诗词与汉语成语的互动

10.The dialogue spoken by the Japanese has been dubbed in Chinese日语对话译成了汉语。

11.Some English phrases can"t be done into Chinese satisfactorily.有些英语成语是无法满意地译成汉语。

12.The inflight announcement will be made in English, Frence, German, Japanese and Chinese.飞机上的广播分成英语、法语、德语、日语及汉语。

13.Application of Four - character Idioms to the English - Chinese Translation;汉语四字格成语在英汉翻译中的运用

14.Studies on the Interpretation Epitheti of "Four-character" Phrases in Modern Chinese Dictionary;《现代汉语词典》四字成语解释用语考察

15.The Common Characters of Chinese and English in formation of New Words从新词语的构成看英语、汉语的共性

16.Definition of Idioms--Also on the criteria for classifying idioms in Chinese Lexicology成语界说——兼评《汉语语汇学》成语划分标准

17.Semantic Patterns of Chinese Compounds and Their Significance in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language汉语复合词语义构成与对外汉语词汇教学

18.A Comparison between Compounds in Chinese, Tibeto Burman, Dong Tai and Miao Yao Languages;汉语、藏缅语、侗台语、苗瑶语复合式合成词比较


Chinese idiom汉语成语

1.Revelations of English and Chinese Idioms in a Cross-Cultural Perspective;英语成语与汉语成语启示的跨文化研究

2.The words ofChinese idioms are mostly taken from the past classical and popular writings,which leads to the result that aChinese idiom is actually a dependent element in relation to the original writing.成语形成的机理同人们感知外界事物以下认知特点有至为密切的关系,即相邻和相似的事物分别倾向于被识解为一个整体;汉语成语基本上是从古人的话语里摘取出来的,这使汉语成语成为相对于其出处的“依存成分”。

3.Chinese idiom is a kind of special Chinese vocabulary which is frequently used in practice.汉语成语是汉语词汇中比较特殊的一种词汇,它形式简洁而意思精辟,在现时的语言实践中使用频率一直很高。

3)Chinese generation汉语生成

1.The paper introduces a man machine natural interaction system based on Chinese understanding andChinese generation.建立了基于汉语理解和汉语生成的人机自然交互系统。

4)Chinese language generation汉语生成

1.New technology ofChinese language generation based on XML;基于XML的汉语生成新技术

2.This paper expounds the application about semantic parsing ofChinese language generation.文章详细叙述了语义分析在汉语生成中的应用,重点构造了语义结构文法,并以此为基础提出了基于XML的汉语生成方法,该方法以XML树传递内部信息,使用XSL构造汉语句子生成格和实现XML树之间的转换。

3.This paper discusses several ways in which XML can be used in work onChinese language generation,including XML -based pipeline architectures,templates -based generation with XSL templates,and tree -to -tree transformations.提出了基于XML的汉语生成方法,该方法以XML树传递内部信息,使用XSL构造汉语句子生成格和实现XML树之间的转换。

5)English and Chinese Idioms英汉成语

1.Cross-cultural Communication in English Teaching throughEnglish and Chinese Idioms;从英汉成语谈英语教学中的跨文化交际

2.On the translation of English and Chinese idioms and the context of culture文化语境视角下英汉成语的喻义转换

6)French and Chinese idioms法汉成语


