100字范文 > 绿色人居环境 green environment of human habitation英语短句 例句大全

绿色人居环境 green environment of human habitation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-10 01:52:14


绿色人居环境 green environment of human habitation英语短句 例句大全

绿色人居环境,green environment of human habitation

1)green environment of human habitation绿色人居环境

1.From angle ofgreen environment of human habitation,it gives a holistic consideration about the problems on theoretical plane and proposes architectural intervention in terms of institutional design,spatial tactics and tectonic method,which are based on the requirements of "social architecture".针对由城市公用设施环境影响引发的社会矛盾的基本类型与特点,运用政治哲学和文化哲学方法分析其制度成因,从绿色人居环境的理论高度对其加以整体思考,并以城市变电站建设为例,从制度设计、空间策略和建构方法三方面入手,提出基于"社会建筑"诉求的建筑学干预方法。

2)eco-green living environment生态绿色人居环境

3)green human habitation绿色人居


1.Green residential city construction international comparison and its inspiration to China绿色人居城市建设国际比较及对中国的启示

2.Exploration and Practice of "Green Yichun" to Improve the Living Environment绿色伊春:改善人居环境的探索与实践

3.Increase the Quantity of Virescence in Residential Quarters,Create Green Residential Quarters--Talk about the Landscape Designs of Residential Quarters;增加小区环境绿量,创造人居绿色空间——谈住宅小区环境景观设计

4.Study on Green Ceramic Material s Application Rules of Human Settlement;绿色环保陶瓷在未来人居环境中的应用设计研究

5.WHERE IS THE GREEN OF OLYMPICS绿色奥运,绿在何处?——翠堤春晓社区居民关于绿色的救助活动

6.The Elementary Research on the Mechanism and Approach in Point of Green Settlement s Interface;绿色住居界面机理与适宜性途径研究

7.Exploration of green fishermen s dwellings in the region of southern Liaoning;辽南地区绿色渔民住居营造策略探讨

8.Living at the Sun: A Reference for Welfare Housing;阳光住居——绿色社会福利住房之鉴

9.Talk to live space environment green decorate art design居住空间环境绿色装饰艺术设计初探

10.Chikan District resists on innovation for the old urban district and new zone development at the same step, makes effort to create green seaside township, beautiful residence environment to be suitable for persons.赤坎坚持旧城改造与新区开发相结合,全力打造绿色滨海城区,居住环境优美,舒适宜人。

11.BUILDING ENERGY CONSERVATION POTENTIAL FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF OCCUPANTS:Thermal Adaptation Study under China Urban Housing Environments以人为本的绿色建筑设计——浅谈中国城市住宅中居民热适应性于建筑节能的潜力

12.Colour-blind people can"t tell red from green.患有色盲的人分不清红色和绿色。

13.People who are colour-blind usually get red and green mixed up.色盲的人通常区分不了红色和绿色。

14.dusty jade green浅灰绿[色],豆绿[色]

15.Importance of the Garden Landscape in the Residential Environment庭园景观在构筑绿色居住环境中的作用

16.Study on the Evaluation System of the Loess Plateau Region s Green Resident Quarters;黄土高原地区居住区绿色设计评价指标研究

17.Study on Technology of Water-saving and Wastewater Reuse about Green Residential Community;绿色居住小区节水与水资源利用技术研究

18.The Software Development of the Index System of Green Settlement in Yangtze River Delta;长江三角洲地域绿色住居评价体系软件设计


eco-green living environment生态绿色人居环境

3)green human habitation绿色人居

4)Green environment of interpersonal relationship绿色人际环境

5)human settlement greenbelt system人居环境绿地系统

1.Mode shape and structure research ofhuman settlement greenbelt system;人居环境绿地系统的结构与形态模式研究

6)Human Settlement Green System人居环境绿地系统体系

1.ConstructHuman Settlement Green System Base on the Holisttc Concept基于整体系统观念的人居环境绿地系统体系构建


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
