100字范文 > 幅值分布 amplitude distribution英语短句 例句大全

幅值分布 amplitude distribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-19 18:43:55


幅值分布 amplitude distribution英语短句 例句大全

幅值分布,amplitude distribution

1)amplitude distribution幅值分布

1.To solve the fatigue life prediction problem of structures under bi-modal stress power spectral density in the frequency domain,this article presents a model of rainflowamplitude distribution of bi-modal stress power spectral density and provides a method to estimate its parameters.为了在频域内解决双峰应力谱密度下的结构疲劳寿命估算问题,提出了双峰应力谱的雨流幅值分布模型,并给出了参数估算方法。


1.Characteristics of amplitude distribution of EM returns from two dimension fractal surfaces二维分形粗糙面电磁散射回波的幅值分布特征

2.A Novel Correlation Tacking Algorithm Based on Edge Amplitude Distribution of Target一种基于边缘幅值分布的相关跟踪算法

3.Simulation of vibration amplitude distribution during ultrasonic brazing超声波钎焊过程中振幅分布的数值模拟

4.Analysis of Array Antenna Pattern Amplitude in Uniform and Taper Distribution阵列天线幅度均匀分布和锥削分布方向图分析

5.Optimization of Amplitude Distribution of Disercte Array Antenna离散阵列天线振幅分布最优化的探讨

6.Uncertainty in amplitude measurement of high voltage pulse脉冲高电压幅值测量的不确定度分析

7.Analysis of 3D internal forces distribution of wide segment lining for large-section shield tunnel大断面宽幅盾构管片三维内力分布分析

8.The time at which it first reaches some given fraction, e. g., 10 percent of its full amplitude.脉冲幅值首次到达满幅的某个给定百分比(如10%)的时刻。

9.The Research of η and η~1 Pseudoscalar Mesons" Decay Constnats and Distribution Amplitudesη和η~1赝标介子衰变常数和分布振幅的研究

10.Pion Distribution Amplitude within the QCD Light Cone Sum Rules光锥QCD求和规则在π介子分布振幅中的应用

11.Identification Model of Narrowband ELF Atmospheric Noise Amplitude Probability Distribution窄带超低频噪声幅度概率分布模式辨识

12.On Value Distribution of the Value Chain:Construction of Value Pool;价值链价值分布研究:价值库的构建

13.The Numerical Analysis of One-Dimensional Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Optical Limiter一维非线性光子晶体光限幅器的数值分析

14.The Analytical Calculation Approach of Asymmetrical Magnitudes of Three-Phase Voltages三相电压幅值的不对称量的分析计算方法

15.Calculation About the Amplitude Value of Fundamental Component of Current in the Distribution Line Based on Wavelet Analysis基于小波分析的配电线路基波幅值的计算

16.Tables for statistical distributions--F-distributionGB/T4086.4-1983统计分布数值表F分布

17.Tables for statistical distributions--t-distributionGB/t4086.3-1983统计分布数值表t分布

18.Tables for statistical distributions--Normal distributionGB/T4086.1-1983统计分布数值表正态分布


non-Gaussian amplitude distribution非高斯幅值分布

3)rainflow amplitude distribution雨流幅值分布

1.This article presents a model ofrainflow amplitude distribution of a limited band white noise process and an estimation method of parameters in an attempt to provide fatigue life prediction for a structure under limited band white noise loading in the frequency domain.为了在频域内解决限带白噪声载荷作用下结构的疲劳寿命估算问题,提出了限带白噪声过程的雨流幅值分布模型,并给出了参数估算方法。

4)edge amplitude distribution边缘幅值分布

1.A real-time correlation tracking algorithm, based onedge amplitude distribution, is presented to solve the aerial object tracking problem.针对空中目标的跟踪环境提出一种边缘幅值分布的相关跟踪算法,利用目标的边缘幅值分布作为目标的特征模板,通过求取当前帧中目标特征与目标特征模板相关系数的最优解来进行目标跟踪。

5)distribution probability of lightning current amplitude雷电流幅值概率分布

6)partial discharge height distributions(PDHD)局部放电脉冲幅值分布


