100字范文 > 权力控制 Power control英语短句 例句大全

权力控制 Power control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-12 23:25:30


权力控制 Power control英语短句 例句大全

权力控制,Power control

1)Power control权力控制

1.Democracy should rest on developed science and take moral science as nourishment, power control as guarantee.民主决策应当建立在高度发达的科学之上,以社会道德文化为养料,以相应的权力控制为保障,以和谐社会为理想。

2.Based on Maslow s theory of needs and the power control theory developed in modern academic circle, the paper conducts a detailed analysis of the character portrayal in Fitzgerald s three representative works.参照马斯洛的心理学理论和现代西方权力控制理论 ,从个体人格发展和意识形态两个层面对菲茨杰拉德三部代表作品展开分析———它们分别展现了人格结构中不同侧面的失落 ,从而整体显示了个体心理需求在社会权力控制之下的全面受挫。

3.From the angle of the supervising power control, this dissertation studies the independently organized, self-systematic, humble but important supervising institution in ancient China, the source of its power, operation mode of power, and the prevention and.本文从中国古代监察权力控制这一特定层面入手,对组织独立、自成体系、位卑权重的中国古代监察机构其权力的来源、权力的运作模式以及对自身超越权限的职务犯罪的防范与惩治机制进行了研究,并通过考察监察官员职务伦理基础对于防范自身职务犯罪所具有的影响力,分析作为皇帝的“耳目之司”、“风宪官”的监察官员,是如何保证清廉,高效完成维护皇权、纠举和打击国家官吏违法犯罪的职责。


1.Accountability,Audit and Power Control--Motivation Analyses on Power Control by Audit;受托责任·审计·权力控制——审计对权力进行控制的动因分析

2.Having overall power or control有全部权力或控制力的

3.hand power over把权力转让给…,对…有控制权/支配权

4.exercise patience, tolerance, power, control, etc运用耐性、 忍耐力、 权力、 控制力等

5.To possess or exercise authority or control.掌管,管辖拥有权力或实施控制权

6.wield authority, control, power, etc运用权力、 控制手段、 权势等.

7.being under the power or sovereignty of another or others.处于别人权力或权威控制之下。

8.The Control of Education: Issues and Tensions in Centralization and Decentralization;教育控制:集权与分权问题及其张力

9."The real power, the power we have to fight for night and day, is not power over things, but over men."“真正的权力,我们日日夜夜为之奋战的权力,不是控制事物的权力,而是控制人的权力。”

10.The Key to Avoid Tossing Control of Power is to Perfect the Executive Power Implementation;完善行政权力运行机制是防止权力失控的关键

11.Study on the Ultimate Control,Balance Power of Shareholder and Company Value;最终控制、权力制衡和公司价值研究

12.The power to control information is a major lever in the control of society.控制信息的权力是控制社会的一个主要杠杆。

13.Criminal Judicial Control:the Power and the Activity--Take the department of prosecutorial affairs control as an example;刑事司法控制:权力与行动——以检察司法控制为例

14.The central government controlled local army、finance and personnel, and the local governor had very limited power.清廷控制着地方的军权、财权和人事权,地方督抚拥有的权力很有限。

15.controlled or ruled by superior authority or power.被上级的权威或者权力所控制或者支配。

16.The basic concept of administrative contract privilege-Reservation of the public administrative power;论行政合同特权基本制控理念——权力保留

17.You cannot give a man power over other men.你不能给一个人控制他人的权力。



authority control权力控制

1.But from a deeper level,it is not difficult to discover the Hunan security bureau the production has its historical inevitability,it responded the modern Chinaauthority control development direction and the tendency.而从更深的层次看就不难发现湖南保卫局的产生更有其历史必然性,它反应了近代中国权力控制发展的方向和趋势。

3)to control public authorities控制公权力

1.Public authorities are the logical starting point for the study of public law,andto control public authorities is the main content of public law.公权力是公法学研究的逻辑起点,控制公权力是公法学的重要内容。

4)controller of power权力控制器

5)the theory of rights controlling权力控制论

1.The theoretical foundation stone of ruling of law is the theory of running the country democratically,the theory of rights controlling, the theory of superiority of ruling of law.法治的理论基石为民主治国论、权力控制论、法治优越论。

6)shareholders"cotrolling power股权控制力


反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。
