100字范文 > 对中控制 centre position control英语短句 例句大全

对中控制 centre position control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-30 03:46:20


对中控制 centre position control英语短句 例句大全

对中控制,centre position control

1)centre position control对中控制

1.Development and application ofcentre position control system and edge position control system for strip mills;光电液伺服式带材纠偏与对中控制


1.Design of automatic central position control system for stripped-material based on TMS320LF2407;基于TMS320LF2407带材自动对中控制系统设计

2.Gray Predictive Control Method and Its Application in Superheated Steam Temperature System灰色预测控制在主汽温对象控制中的应用

3.8. Control of Anti-Competitive Practices in Contractual Licences8. 对协议许可中限制竞争行为的控制

4.The Achievement of Using Sound Object to Control Sound in Flash Software在Flash中用Sound对象实现对声音的控制

5.The Research on a Self-Adapting Neural Network Control Method of Dynamic Positioning to Line for Underwater Vehicle;自适应神经网络控制在潜器对线控位中的研究

6.The Research on Control Strategy of Valve Controlled Asymmetric Cylinder Electro-hydraulic Servo System;阀控非对称缸电液伺服系统中控制策略研究

C Machining of the Workpiece Coordinate System Knife Set of Control Methods数控加工中对刀设定工件坐标系的控制方法

8.A Survey of Small and Medium Enterprises"(SME) Internal Controls中小企业内部控制探析——对一项中小企业内部控制调查的分析

9.Check Quality Control in Preference Dialog在“首选项”对话框中检查品质控制

10.Objects added to source control successfully.对象成功地添加到源代码控制中。

11.Market Ownership Relationship betw een Buyers and Sellers in Network Economy网络经济中买卖双方对控制力的争夺

12.Quasi-Metric Spaces and Their Applications in Control;非对称度量空间及其在控制中的应用

13.Object Manipulation in the Immersible Virtual Environment;沉浸式虚拟环境中对物体控制的研究

14.China and Japan Economics and Trade Cooperation Regulative Mechanism and Countermeasure Research;中日经贸合作的调控机制与对策研究

15.Research on Concerning and Reporting of Internal Control in Auditing;审计中对内部控制的关注与报告研究

16.How in Authorware realizes to the flash animation nimble control;Authorware中如何实现对flash动画的灵活控制

17.The Reconsideration of Accounting Conduction Control in Corporate Governance;对公司治理中会计行为控制的再思考

18.Analyzing Effective Technological Countermeasures of Controlling SO_2 Emission;控制煤中SO_2排放的技术对策分析


control rod drive line alignment控制线对中

3)centring controller对中控制器

4)center position control(CPC)自动对中控制(CPC)


1.A Current Electro-Hydraulic Servo Strip EPC andCPC System;一种通用的电液伺服带钢纠偏和对中控制系统

6)automatic centering control自动对中控制


