100字范文 > 零磁环境 zero-magnetic environment英语短句 例句大全

零磁环境 zero-magnetic environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-16 05:46:09


零磁环境 zero-magnetic environment英语短句 例句大全

零磁环境,zero-magnetic environment

1)zero-magnetic environment零磁环境

1.Since 1970s,biological effects of hypomagnetic environment andzero-magnetic environment have continuously studied.本文对亚磁或零磁环境的生物学效应的相关研究与进展作一简要概述。

2)Reset environment零化环境

3)Retail Environment零售环境


1.Research on Customer"s State of Motion in the Simulated Apparel Store;顾客在服装模拟零售环境中的运动状态研究

2.Short Life Products Dynamic Retailing Under The Internet Enviorment;互联网环境下短周期产品的动态零售

3.Behavior and Performance Analysis of Retailers in Predeterminted Environment零售企业经营环境、行为及绩效分析

4.Research on Coordination of Closed-loop Supply Chain with Retailer Competition;零售商竞争环境下闭环供应链的协调问题研究

5.The Current Situation and Strategy of the Guangzhou Modern Reatailing Growth and Devolopment Environment;广州现代零售业发育成长环境的现状与对策

6.Study on the Pricing Strategy of Multi-channel Retailer in Internet Environment;互联网环境下双渠道零售商的定价策略研究

7.The Circumstances and Strategy faced to the Retailers of China in the WTO;加入世贸组织后我国零售业面临的环境和对策

8.Research on Retailer Dominant Problem of a Supply Chain under Fuzzy Environments;模糊环境下零售商占主导地位的供应链问题

9.Analysis on Manufacturer and Retailer System Decision under Fuzzy Demand Environment;模糊需求环境下的制造商零售商系统决策分析

10.Research on supply chain coordination mechan ism under multi-retailer competition;多零售商竞争环境下的供应链协作机制研究

11.An Analysis Of the Marketing Environment Of China s Retailing and Countermeasuring Strategy;我国零售业营销环境变化趋势分析与对策

12.Coordination Strategy of Closed-loop Supply Chain with Retailer Competition Based on Third-party Collecting零售商竞争环境下第三方负责回收的闭环供应链系统协调策略

13.The Stock Control of Large Home Appliance Retailers Caused by the Current Environment of Supply Chain供应链环境下国内大型家电零售企业库存控制研究

14.The Research on Performance Evaluation System of the Chain Retailing Enterprise under the Environment of SCM;供应链管理环境下连锁零售企业运营绩效评价体系研究

15.Research on Robust Stochastic Optimization of Multi-Retailers Competition under Demand Uncertainty;需求不确定环境下多个零售商竞争的鲁棒随机优化模型

16.Supply chain wholesale price contract with two competing retailers under asymmetric information and disruption;应急环境和非对称信息下两个竞争零售商的供应链批发价契约

17.Research on Function Mechanism of Store Environment upon Patronage Behavior of Consumers;零售店铺环境对消费者惠顾行为的作用机理研究

18.Study on supply chain coordination of upstream innovation investment when retailers compete;零售商竞争环境下上游企业创新投入的供应链协调


Reset environment零化环境

3)Retail Environment零售环境

4)environmental magnetism环境磁学

1.Brief reviews onenvironmental magnetism in marine sediment;海洋沉积物的环境磁学研究简述

2.The application and research progress ofenvironmental magnetism in monitoring urban environment pollution;环境磁学在城市环境污染监测中的应用和进展

3.Application of Environmental Magnetism on Criminal Detection in highway traffic accident from Yangzhou to Guazhou, China;扬(州)-瓜(州)公路交通肇事刑事侦破中环境磁学的应用

5)Electromagnetic Environment电磁环境

1.Constructing the Simulation Platform ofElectromagnetic Environment Stress for Reliability Testing of Machining Center;加工中心可靠性测试电磁环境应力仿真平台的构建

2.Study on electromagnetic environment under AC transmission lines of different towers;不同塔型交流输电线路的电磁环境分析

3.Discussion on necessity of substation electromagnetic environment protection district;设置变电站电磁环境影响防护控制区的必要性探讨

6)environment magnetism环境磁学

1.Theenvironment magnetism investigation in the northeastern margin of the Qilian Mts shows that there is no obvious difference in ferri-magnetic minerals between Chinese Loess Plateau and semi-arid region of northwestern China.对祁连山东段黄土-古土壤环境磁学的研究表明,在这一地区黄土-古土壤沉积中主要的磁性矿物是磁铁矿型矿物,而磁化率的增强与黄土-古土壤序列并不匹配,且存在着由剖面底部向上逐渐升高的趋势。


