100字范文 > 微型有机化学实验 micro-organic chemistry experiment英语短句 例句大全

微型有机化学实验 micro-organic chemistry experiment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-07 05:05:23


微型有机化学实验 micro-organic chemistry experiment英语短句 例句大全

微型有机化学实验,micro-organic chemistry experiment

1)micro-organic chemistry experiment微型有机化学实验

1.Sincemicro-organic chemistry experiment has appeared,it has been used many kinds of schools.自上世纪80年代以来,微型有机化学实验开始在各类学校的有机化学教学中出现,目前已经发展了20多个年头,本文主要根据高校实际并结合作者在高校教学的实践讨论了高校微型有机化学实验的特点,并对微型有机化学实验的未来提出了设想和展望。


1.Research and Practices of Microscale Organic Chemical Experiment and Green Chemistry高师微型有机化学实验与绿色化学研究与实践

2.On the greening and miniaturization of the teaching experiment of organic chemistry创建有机化学实验的绿色化和微型化

3.Micro-chemical Experiment and Creativity Education in the Application of Organic Chemistry Experiments微型化学实验与创造教育在有机化学实验中的应用

4.Mieroscale chemical experiment design of the poison gas;有毒气体的微型实验设计——无机化学实验课的改革

5.Assessing students experimental achievements step by step to enhance their abilities in organic chemical experiment;微格量化实验成绩,提高有机化学实验教学质量

6.Inorganic Chemistry s Mini-experiment Teaching and New Curriculum for Chemistry in Middle School;高师无机化学微型实验教学与中学化学新课程

7.Implementing Micro-experiment, and Constructing Effective Teaching Strategies of Middle School Chemistry;开展微型化学实验,构建中学化学有效教学策略

8.The Integration of Miniature Experiments into Chemical Experiments of Middle School;微型实验与中学化学实验的整合研究

9.On the Cultivation of an Awareness of the Problem in Micro-experiments of Inorganic Chemistry浅谈无机化学微型实验中问题意识的培养

10.A Study of Small-scale and Semi-microscale Organic Chemistry Experiment Teaching小量、半微量化改进有机化学实验的研究

11.Teaching Reform and Practice of Microscale Inorganic Chemistry Experiment under the Idea of Creative Education创新教育理念下的高师无机化学实验微型化教学改革与实践

12.Popularizing the Microscale Chemical Experiment and Deeping the Reform of Chemistry Teaching in Middle School;推广微型化学实验 深化中学教学改革

13.Discussion on half-micro organic synthesis experiment based on the green chemistry concept绿色化学理念下半微量有机实验的设置

14.Micro-chemical experiment and the application of CAI in a class of Chemistry;微型化学实验及计算机辅助教学在化学课堂中的应用

15.Examing the speed constant of the chemical reaction with the experiment of the mini chemical method;微型化学实验测定化学反应速度常数

16.Permeate the Education of Green Chemistry and Popularize the Microscale Chemical Experiment;渗透绿色化学教育 推广微型化学实验

17.Setting up the Green Chemistry Concept, Spreading Microscale Chemical Laboratory树立绿色化学理念,推广微型化学实验

18.A Simple Discussion on the Fuction and Launching of the Micro-Chemical Experiment in Middle School;浅论中学微型化学实验的功能及开展


half-micro organic synthesis experiment半微量有机化学实验

3)microexperiment of inorganic chemistry微型无机化学实验

4)inorganic chemistry"s mini-experiment无机化学微型实验

5)microscale organic experiment微型有机实验

6)micro chemical experiment微型化学实验

1.Analysis and evaluation of experimental results which gained by both ordinary andmicro chemical experiment were conducted.微型化学实验是近年来在国内外迅速发展的一种化学实验新方法,是在绿色化学和微型化学的理论指引下的实验创新变革。

2.The development of curriculum resources in micro chemi-cal experiment considersmicro chemical experiment as the main body,which enables it to enter into new chemistry courses and to promote the development of chemical course.微型化学实验是在绿色化学理念下新兴的一种化学实验的新技术和新方法,受到国内外的大力推崇。


