100字范文 > 导向标识系统 signage system英语短句 例句大全

导向标识系统 signage system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-03 02:20:16


导向标识系统 signage system英语短句 例句大全

导向标识系统,signage system

1)signage system导向标识系统

1.As information carrier in space,signage system contains effectiveness of Communication,the installing of rationality and security.导向标识系统在我们日常生活中是最常见最直观的城市空间元素。


1.The Research and Analyse in Signage System of Medical Institution in China;我国医疗机构导向标识系统设计探议

2.Study on Marker System on Beijing Subway Stations北京地铁车站导向标识系统调查分析

3.Survey and Research on Spatial Sign System in Residential Districts住区空间导向标识系统的调查与研究

4.Research on the New Art Form of Guiding Sign System Design for the Subway地铁导向标识系统设计的艺术新形态研究

5.Design of Guiding Sign System for Park Scenic Spots公园景点导向标识系统设计的问题及对策

6.On Humanistic Design and Application for Medical Direction Mark in Hospital;医院医疗导向标识系统的人性化设计理念及其实施

7.Researching the Static-oriented Identification System of Urban Public Space Based on Addressing Information基于寻址信息的城市公共空间静态导向标识系统

8.Study on Human Nature Design of Medical Sign Guidance System;医疗标识导向系统的人性化设计研究

9.The Significant Form,the Research on Logo Guidance System有意味的形式——标识导向系统形态诌议

10.Study on Sign Guidance Recognition System Design for General Hospital;综合医院的标识导向识别系统设计研究

11.Discussion about the Design of Hospital Way-Finding System in Hospital Brand Shaping浅谈医院品牌形象塑造之标识导向系统设计

12.Study on the standardization of signage system of urban tourism:take Shanghai for example;都市旅游标识导向系统标准化建设研究——以上海市为例

13.Many systems only offer an object-oriented approach.很多系统仅提供一个目标导向途径。

14.The Cognition and Consideration of the Objectives-Oriented Approach to U.S. Accounting Standard Setting;美国目标导向会计准则制定体系的认识与思考

15.The Construction of the Oriented Mechanism Knowledge System for Double Wishbone Suspension Expert System;双横臂悬架专家系统导向机构知识体系的建立

16.The Cluster service Configuration wizard could not identify the system drive. The wizard cannot continue.群集服务配置向导无法识别系统驱动器。向导无法继续。

17.The Discussion of Standardization and Individuation of Urban Identities System;论城市视觉导识系统的标准化与个性化

18.Research of Automatic Vessel Target Recognition Technology in Imaging-typed Guidance System;成像型制导系统舰船目标自动识别技术的研究


Sign&Guide System标识导向系统

1.Analysis on the Interest of CitySign&Guide System;浅析城市标识导向系统的趣味性

3)system of guiding signs导向性标识系统

1.The paper attempts, through aspects such as technological improvement,theoretical development of designing and its effect on the design ofsigns, to analyze and study thesystem of guiding signs in Nanjing ssubway space, and ther.本文从技术进步、设计理论的发展等对标识设计的影响方面入手,试图通过对南京地铁空间的导向性标识系统的分析和研究,讨论在经济全球化、文化多元化渗透、社会信息化的背景下标识设计系统的发展,以期对我国的导向性标识设计的系统化发展有一定借鉴意义。

4)Sign Guidance Recognition System医院标识导向识别系统

1.Study onSign Guidance Recognition System Design for General Hospital;通过对医学模式发展进程和医院建设历史变化的分析,简单叙述了我国医院标识导向识别系统的演变。

5)Original guiding sign system原生态导向标识系统

6)hospital way-finding system design标识导向系统设计

1.This thesis deals with how to build a hospital brand by conducting research onhospital way-finding system design,which will provide sound reference to future designers.本文主要研究以标识导向系统为载体,塑造医院品牌形象,并就标识导向系统设计提出几点建设性策略,希望可以为未来设计者提供一些参考建议。


