100字范文 > 总体观 general view英语短句 例句大全

总体观 general view英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-21 00:01:22


总体观 general view英语短句 例句大全

总体观,general view

1)general view总体观

1.The theory of the Central Committee in constructing socialist harmonious society fromgeneral view angle has important realistic significance and theoretical significance in coordinate relation ship between human being and nature, person and society, center and location.马克思主义总体观和中国传统哲学的“总体”思想是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要理论来源及方法论依据。


1.A Preliminary Study of Rosa Luxemburg s General View on Marxism;罗莎·卢森堡的马克思主义总体观探微

2.The Overall View on Essays of China s Two Shores andFour Places in the Twentieth Century;20世纪中国两岸四地文论的总体观照

3.Theory of General View of Marxism and Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society;论马克思主义总体观与构建社会主义和谐社会

4.The Overall View on Essays of China s Two Shores and Four Places in the Twentieth Century;20世纪中国两岸四地文论的总体观照(下)

5.The general aspect or outward appearance, as of a given growth of flora.外观,外形总体方面或外观,如一个植物区系的

6.The overall mood is one of cautious optimism.从总体上看,可以持谨慎乐观的态度。

7.China has achieved notable results in environmental protection. The overall environmental situation, however, is not optimistic.环保成效显著,但总体形势不容乐观

8.The Overall Situation and Construction of the Contemporary National Value Concept;当代民族价值观的总体态势及其构建

9.The Research on Drafting of Urban Landscape Lighting Master (Special) Planning;城市景观照明总体(专项)规划编制研究

10.A Discussion on the Macro-Regulating Function of Overall Land-Use Planning;论土地利用总体规划的宏观调控作用

11.The overall environmental situation in China, however, is not optimistic.但从总体上看,全国环境形势依然不容乐观。

12.Selectivity and Creation--The Idea of Urban Planning for the Master Planning in Mountainous Region;选择与塑造——山地城市总体规划中的城市设计观

13.Xi an Peripheral Areas Sightseeing Agriculture Overall Layout Researc;西安市周边地区观光农业总体布局研究

14.Overall Evaluation on Macro Control Policies for Real Estate Business since ;以来房地产业宏观调控政策的总体评价

15.A General Planning Design of Wenzhou Sightseeing Agriculture Hi-Tech Park;论温州观光农业科技园规划设计总体构思

16.Macro-background and basic characteristics ofcity master plan in the new century;新世纪城市总体规划的宏观背景及基本特征

17.The Analysis to the Total Characteristics of the Chinese Troditional Cultur and Value Sense;中国传统文化及其价值观的总体特征解析

18.Master Plan of Anba Road Landscape of Bajie town in Anning City安宁市八街镇安八公路道路景观总体规划


comprehensive historical idea总体史观

3)general material viewpoint总体物质观

4)general objectivity总体客观性

1.Such concepts as thegeneral objectivity and sample objectivity oftests were advanced explicitly.进而从统计学角度,对客观性进行严格定义,明确提出测验的总体客观性和样本客观性等重要概念,并针对测验的具体情况,分别讨论了客观性的检验和评价方法。

5)Chinese overall thought中华总体观

6)a general practice perspective总体实践观


