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潜水层 phreatic aquifer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-07 04:43:38


潜水层 phreatic aquifer英语短句 例句大全

潜水层,phreatic aquifer

1)phreatic aquifer潜水层

1.Numerical simulation of oilywastewater contamination ofsubsurface soil andphreatic aquifer;含油污水外排对土壤和潜水层污染的模拟分析


1.Experimental and Mathematical Simulation of Groundwater and Its Nutrients from Unconfined Aquifer into Lakes;潜水层地下水及其营养物质入湖实验与数学模拟研究

2.Application of iterative method forevaluation of permeability coefficient of phreatic aquifer;运用迭代法推求潜水含水层渗透系数

3.Effect of the sand layer position on the phreatic evaporation in the layered soil profile;层状土壤中砂层层位对潜水蒸发的影响

4.A current, as of air or water, below another current or beneath a surface.潜流处天于另一流层下的急流或水流

5.Hydrodynamic characteristics of multihorizontal pulsating circular cylinders in a two-layers fluid of infinite depth两层流体中多个振荡水平圆柱潜体水动力特性

6.Potential Research and Perforation Effect Evaluation of Gaotaizi Oil-water Layers in the Sazhong Development Area;萨中开发区高台子油水同层潜力研究及挖潜效果评价

7.The act or an instance of submerging, as of a submarine or a skin diver潜水潜水的动作或例子;如潜水艇或裸潜者潜水

8.CBM development potential of high rank coal with reference to Qinshui coal field,Shanxi高煤级煤的煤层气开发潜力——以沁水煤田为例

9.Study on Damage Mechanics of Groundwater and Control Methods in the Mining of Shallow Embedding Coal;浅埋煤层开采对潜水的损害与控制方法研究

10.Potential evaluation and application of intensely waterflooding layer inⅥproducing section,Shuanghe oilfield双河油田Ⅵ油组强水淹层潜力评价及应用

11.Potential development of the remaining oil in the top of thick oil layers by horizontal wells in Lamadian oil fields喇嘛甸油田厚油层顶部剩余油水平井挖潜方法

prehensive Evaluation of Residual Oil for Multi-Layered Faulted Block at High Watercut Stage多层系断块油藏高含水期剩余油潜力综合评价

13.An unconfined aquifer has a water table at its top and water in direct contact with the soil atmosphere.非承压含水层在它的上面有一个潜水面且水与土壤大气直接相连。

14.lock-out submersible可出舱潜水的潜水器

15.A sticky, bluish - gray subsurface layer of clay found in some waterlogged soils.潜育土一种蓝灰色表层下的胶粘的粘土层,见于某些渍水土壤中

16.Middle upper proterozoic buried hill groundwater geohydrologic character and significance for exploration in northern Jizhong depression basin冀中坳陷北部潜山地层水水文地质特征及对油气勘探的意义

17.Technique of tagging latent power of thick oil layer of positive rhythm with high-content water cut in self-contained pool in Shengli oilfield胜利油田整装油藏高含水正韵律厚油层水平井挖潜技术研究

18."The act or an instance of submerging, as of a submarine or a skin diver."潜水的动作或例子;如潜水艇或裸潜者潜水.


phreatic aquifer between strata层间潜水

3)unconfined aquifer潜水含水层

1.Vulnerability assessment forunconfined aquifer in Guanzhong basin;关中盆地潜水含水层脆弱性评价

2.Calculation of typicalunconfined aquifer seepage to a shallow lake with gentle slope bottom;典型潜水含水层通过缓坡湖底的渗流量计算

3.According to the framework of ModIME and experience in practice,problems existing in simulatingunconfined aquifer are pointed out herein to avoid simulation deviation caused by the software itself.根据ModIME的结构和实际使用经验 ,指出该软件在模拟潜水含水层时存在的问题 ,从而避免因软件本身产生不必要的模拟结果偏差。

4)phreatic aquifer潜水含水层

1.Base on the related formulas of JGJ 120?99 technical specification,with steady flow theory,tube wells are designed for dewatering in a foundation pit locate inphreatic aquifer close to river.对位于潜水含水层中的近河基坑工程,运用行标JGJ 120—99规程中的有关公式,根据稳定流理论,采用管井井点进行降水设计。

2.Based on analyzing the discharge of the partially penetrated wells inphreatic aquifer,introducing the conception of "the effective zone"of pumping,probing into the feasibility and comparative error by translating the calculation of the discharge of the partially penetrated wells into the calculation of the discharge of the equivalent completely penetrated wells.通过对潜水含水层中的非完整井基坑涌水量计算方法的分析 ,探讨引入抽水“有效带”的概念 ,将非完整井群涌水量计算转化为等效完整井群涌水量计算方法的可行性及由此产生的相对误差大小。

5)inter-strata phreatic aquifer层间潜水含水层

1.Stresses are put on the study and analysis of the distribution ofinter-strata phreatic aquifer and the groundwater regime in section该文分析了北京市三环路内的土层分布规律、水文地质背景、地下水的赋存状态及其动态规律 ,将北京市三环路内的区域分成三个区 (A区、B区和C区 ) ,重点对A区的层间潜水含水层分布及水位动态进行了分析研

6)phreatic stratum of loess黄土潜水层


轻潜水(见潜水装具)轻潜水(见潜水装具)light divingqingqiQnshu-轻潜水(li ght diving)见潜水装具
