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文化诗学 cultural poetics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-15 20:02:05


文化诗学 cultural poetics英语短句 例句大全

文化诗学,cultural poetics

1)cultural poetics文化诗学

1.A Study on New Historical and Cultural Poetics by Greenblatt;格林布拉特新历史主义与文化诗学研究

2.A Case Study of Teaching Literary Theory——Leaving Home and Going Far Away at the Age of 18 undercultural poetics文学理论教学中的个案分析——文化诗学理论下的《十八岁出门远行》

3.So taking Greenblatt and hiscultural poetics as a study case,this essay intends to provide an overview of the research findings in both Chinese and Western culture in the retrospection of new historicism s development,and revaluate its theoretical legacies in the C.本文以格林布拉特文化诗学为研究个案,在回顾新历史批评发展历程的同时,总体把握中西方学界对新历史主义的研究现状,重新把握新历史主义文化诗学在中国文化语境下的理论内涵。


1.Discussion on culture research of poetry;论诗歌的文化学研究——兼谈"文化诗学"等问题

2.The Poetics of Culture and the Criticism on Overseas Chinese Literature--Views about “Overseas Chinese Cultural Poetics”文化诗学与华文文学批评——关于“华人文化诗学”的构想

3.Dialectical Analysis between Towards a Poetics of Culture and Towards Text Sociology;“走向文化诗学”与“走向文本社会学”之辨

4.“Cultural Poetics” as a Different Framework of Literary Theory;“文化诗学”作为文学理论的新构想

5.A Cultural Poetic Perspective in Studies of the History of Modern Chinese Literature;中国当代文学史研究的文化诗学视角

6.On Cultural Poetics and Poetic Style;论文化诗学与诗性文体——对《明诗》、《铭箴》卷组的一个宏观诠释

mentary on Eagleton s Textual View under the Visual Threshold of Cultural Poetics;文化诗学视域下伊格尔顿文本观述评

8.On the Construction of Black Cultural Poetics黑人文化诗学建构研究——托妮·莫里森《宠儿》文化诗学的探索

9.From Historical Poetics to Cultural Poetics:The Cultural Turn of Postmodern History;从历史诗学到文化诗学:后现代历史理论的文化论转向

10.Double Integration of Aesthetic Poetics and Cultural Studies--Tong Qingbing and Contemporary Chinese Cultural Poetics Studies审美诗学与文化研究的双重整合——童庆炳与当代中国文化诗学研究

11.On Cultural Poetics Meanings of Wang Yuan-hua s "Synthetical Study Method;论王元化“综合研究法”的文化诗学意义

12."The Poem Says Will"--The First Cultural Trace To The Source Of Classical Poetrics;“诗言志”——古典诗学文化溯源之一

13.The Cultural Inheritance of the Poetry Theory between on Confucius Poetry and Zhuzi s A Collection Of Poetry;《孔子诗论》与朱子《诗集传》诗学理论的文化传承

14.Middle School Ancient Poetic Prose and the Splendid Traditional Culture Traditional Inherity;中学古诗文教学与优秀传统文化继承

15.Resistance of Poetics: Cultural Studies in the Visual Threshold of the Study of Literature;诗学的抵抗:文艺学视阈中的文化研究

16.The Poetics, Research and Critique of “Culture and Literature”;关涉“文化与文学”的诗学、研究与批评

17.The Cultural Connotation of the Hunting Poetry in Book of Songs and Its Impact on Later Literature;《诗经》田猎诗的文化内涵及其对后世文学的影响

18.English Poetic Text in the Digital Era and the Teaching of English Poetry at the College Level in China数字化时代的英诗文本与大学的英诗教学


Poetics of Culture文化诗学

1.Different Purports in CurrentPoetics of Culture and The Western New Historicism;谈当前“文化诗学”与西方新历史主义的不同旨趣

2.Culture View·Inter-subjectivity·Knowledge Criticism——Briefly Analyzing Contemporary AmericanPoetics of Culture;文化视野·学科间性·知识批判——当代美国文化诗学简论

3.Contemporary Chinese West Novels: In Approach ofPoetics of Culture;文化诗学视域内的当代西部小说

3)the poetics of culture文化诗学

1.The Practice Dimension and Theory Basis of the Poetics of Culture;文化诗学的实践维度与学理空间

2.This thesis discusses the problem of value tendency according to the base, existing forms and function ofthe poetics of culture.文化诗学作为文学理论研究的一个视角是可能且现实的,它旨在解脱诗学的现实困境,并赋予其新的价值功能。

3.The poetics of culture”contains deep significance in hu manity research,so the subjectivity status of human be-ings should be confirmed in establishing the contemporary system onthe poetics of culture.文化诗学命题蕴涵着深厚的人学价值;人作为文化诗学的建构者,其主体性地位必须得到肯定;在当代文化市场化、传媒化的语境下,建构主体还必须充分考虑我们这个“正在历史”的时代品格对文化诗学建构的导向意义。

4)cultural poetry文化诗学

1.For the purpose of rationally proposing the theory and method ofcultural poetry under the Chinese context,it is very essential for us to trace the original source of this purely westernized critic method and acquire the basic recognition and understanding.为在中国语境中合理地提出文化诗学的理论与方法,我们需要对这种来自西方的批评方法进行追根溯源的认识和理解。

2.In Wei Ke scultural poetry,humanities are put above the natural sciences,for humanities follow the imaginary logic which comprehensively and really manifests the human nature.维柯的文化诗学将人文科学置于自然科学之上,因为人文科学遵循想像的逻辑,这种逻辑是对人性全面而真实的体现,这就要求人文科学应该脱离技术理性的分析逻辑,而成为一种建立于综合方法之上的人性科学。

3.As one of the major representatives of the western literature, new historicism expands a view ofcultural poetry, and constantly forms a new poetry by critical practice.新历史主义把文本写作、阅读、传播看作是受历史决定并影响历史的文化活动形式,它努力还原文学文本最初的历史境遇,同时受制于特定历史时代的意识形态并保持鲜明的文体意识,它发展了“文化诗学”观并不断形成“新历史诗学”。

5)poetics culture诗学文化

6)pan-cultural poetics泛文化诗学


《诗学》(见亚里士多德)《诗学》(见亚里士多德)"Peri Poietikes"Shlxue,,.刁二超二\\(尸‘r公Po玄e亡葱存召‘见亚里士“
