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文化比较 cultural comparison英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-22 16:47:12


文化比较 cultural comparison英语短句 例句大全

文化比较,cultural comparison

1)cultural comparison文化比较

1.In practice,a translator should assume an attitude that admitscultural comparison to be an objective dynamic process,subject to the interaction of cultures,and thus wisely choose his/her translation strategies.对于翻译实践来说,译者要有这样的文化态度,即认识到由于文化的互动发展,文化比较应该是一个客观动态的过程,从而采取适时的翻译策略。

2.Their research reflects the features such as spirits of times, the link of science and culture,cultural comparison.他们的研究具有时代精神、科学与文化结合、文化比较以及科学与反思科学结合等特点。

3.Through the ages there have emerged many theories on cultureology, and since the 20th century progress has been made in the theory and approaches ofcultural comparison research.历年来出现了诸多的文化学理论 ,2 0世纪以后 ,文化比较研究的理论与方法有了长足的发展。


parison of Eastern and Western Cultures in the Context of Evolutionism --One of the Patterns of Cultural Comparison since Modern Time;进化论语境中的中西文化比较——近代以来的一种文化比较模式

2.Cross-cultural Comparison on Wen Xin Diao Long and Poetics;东方《文心》与西方《诗学》的跨文化比较

3.Cultural Comparisons in Translation of Simile and Metaphor;明喻和暗喻翻译的文化比较(英文)

parative Culture,Comparative Philosophy and Comparative Philosophy of Science;比较文化、比较哲学和比较科学哲学

5.And fourth, they are relatively young and well educated.四、他们比较年轻,也比较有文化。

6.International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations国际比较文化研究学会

7.A Comparison between Chinese Wushu Culture and Japanese Wushu Culture;中国武术文化与日本武道文化之比较

8.The Information Culture Compares with Cultural Concept in Network the Analysis;信息文化与网络文化的概念比较分析

9.A Comparison of China s PE Culture to the Western s;中国体育文化与西方体育文化的比较

10.The comparison of" Dream of the Red Chamber" and wine culture of" the Water Margin"--The comparison of noble s wine culture and brave man s wine culture;《红楼梦》与《水浒传》酒文化的比较——“贵族”酒文化与“好汉”酒文化的比较

parison between English and Chinese language and culture in terms of metaphors in"colorful "words;从颜色词的比喻义比较英汉语言文化

12.The comparative study of music of different cultures.比较音乐学对不同文化音乐的比较研究

13.Review of Comparative Etymology and Comparative Etymological Studies of Culture in China;比较词源学和比较文化词源学研究述略

14.Cartoon and Folk Literature in View of Comparative Culture;比较文化视野下的动画片与民间文学

15.The Cultural Comparison of the English and Chinese Animal Idioms;英汉动物习语的文化内涵比较(英文)

16.Cultural Differences and the Comparison of the Acceptability of Advertisement Texts between China and the West;文化差异:中西广告文案接受的比较

17.The Chinese School of Comparative Literature in the Background of Multi-culture;多元文化背景下的比较文学“中国学派”

18.On Culture,Civilization and their Relations;关于文化、文明及其比较研究等问题


culture comparison文化比较

3)comparative culture比较文化

1.e, to transfer from traditional text-centered method tocomparative culture method.在此背景下,比较文学作为一门独立的学科,须突破传统的“文本中心”研究方法,向比较文化发展。

4)cross-cultural comparison跨文化比较

1.This article,based on a large number of convincing examples and through across-cultural comparison,explores some of the inequality between French and Chinese metaphorical phrases in order to account for the cultural connotation of metaphor.本文拟从法汉两种语言中隐喻喻体与所能产生的联想意义的对应关系着手,对隐喻进行跨文化比较,探讨隐喻所包含的文化涵义。

2.Fieldwork andcross-cultural comparison is the basic method and means.把法律视为文化现象是法人类学的基本出发点,案例方法、田野工作和跨文化比较则是法人类学研究的基本方法和手段。

3.A "cross-cultural comparison" is a comparison between cultures with different qualitative fan-tots.“跨文化比较”是异质文化比较,这个概念的具体运用使比较的目的得以实现。

5)the poetic culture comparison诗文化比较

6)the relative jurisculture比较法文化

1.At the view ofthe relative jurisculture, there are two representative patterns of the origination of power - - one is the pattern of clan represented by Iroquois, another is the pattern of chiefdoms represented by Wu - Di of ancient China.从比较法文化的立场上看,权力起源的不同模式揭示了不同类型的权力形态和法律传统。


