100字范文 > 跨学科知识整合 interdisciplinary knowledge integration英语短句 例句大全

跨学科知识整合 interdisciplinary knowledge integration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-15 03:27:27


跨学科知识整合 interdisciplinary knowledge integration英语短句 例句大全

跨学科知识整合,interdisciplinary knowledge integration

1)interdisciplinary knowledge integration跨学科知识整合

2)interdisciplinary knowledge跨学科知识

1.Traditional teaching model in administrative law course is a "closed" model of the patterns of education,for it is limited by its own knowledge and did not notice the reference and absortion of theinterdisciplinary knowledge.传统行政法教学没有注意到跨学科知识在《行政法》课程中的借鉴与吸收,教学中仅局限于行政法自身学科知识,缺乏多学科知识对行政法知识的渗透,从而陷入了"封闭式"教育模式的窠臼。


1.The Reference and Absorption of the Interdisciplinary knowledge in Teaching "Administrative Law" Courses跨学科知识在《行政法》课程教学中的借鉴与吸收

2.Heterogeneity Knowledge Coupling Innovation Mechanism of Transdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research Team;论跨学科创新团队的异质性知识耦合

3.Scientific and Technologic Management of Transnational Corporation in Knowledge andEconomic Times;知识经济时代跨国公司的科学技术管理

4.19Science in Translation: Movements of Knowledge Through Cultures and Time;《翻译在科学知识跨文化跨时代传播中的作用》述评

5.Reconstruction of Literary Knowledge in the Trans-cultural Context--The Significance of the Discipline of the Aesthetics of Literature and Arts跨文化语境中文学知识的重构——兼论文艺美学的学科意义

6.On the Scientific Knowledge,the Technical Knowledge and the Engineering Knowledge;试论科学知识、技术知识与工程知识

7.Knowledge Forms of Literature and Art and Knowledge Practice of Anti-essentialism;文艺学知识形态与反学科的知识实践

8.Criticising Objectivity of Knowledge by Sociology of Scientific Knowledge;科学知识社会学对知识客观性的消解

9.A Critique of the Relativist View of Knowledge in Sociology of Scientific Knowledge;科学知识社会学相对主义知识观批判

10.The Culture Situation of Scientific Knowledge--Mulkay s Sociology of Scientific knowledge;科学知识的文化语境——马尔凯的科学知识社会学

11.The Comparing Research on the Scientific Knowledge, the Technical Knowledge and the Engineering Knowledge;科学知识、技术知识与工程知识的比较研究

12.Science is verified knowledge.科学是被证实的知识。

13.Science advances the-ries of knowledge.科学扩展了知识的范围。

14.general knowledge,sciences, studies, etc一般的知识、 科学、 研究等

15.He has a sound knowledge of science.他有良好的科学知识。

16.He hasn" t much knowledge of science.他没有多少科学知识。

17.a particular branch of scientific knowledge.科学知识的一个分支。

18.The scientific systematization of knowledge.知识体系论知识的科学系统化


interdisciplinary knowledge跨学科知识

1.Traditional teaching model in administrative law course is a "closed" model of the patterns of education,for it is limited by its own knowledge and did not notice the reference and absortion of theinterdisciplinary knowledge.传统行政法教学没有注意到跨学科知识在《行政法》课程中的借鉴与吸收,教学中仅局限于行政法自身学科知识,缺乏多学科知识对行政法知识的渗透,从而陷入了"封闭式"教育模式的窠臼。

3)knowledge integration知识整合

1.Internal social capital,knowledge integration and core competence;内部社会资本、知识整合与核心能力

2.The research on approaches implementingknowledge integration——Based on the case study of Haler Group;知识整合的实现途径研究——以海尔为例

3.The impact of absorptive capability,knowledge integration on the organizational innovation and organizational performance;吸收能力、知识整合对组织创新和组织绩效的影响研究

4)scientific knowledge科学知识

1.The production function ofscientific knowledge——the sociology of science and sociology of knowledge approach;科学知识的生产函数——基于科学社会学与知识社会学视角的研究

2.Grasping production mode ofscientific knowledge based on theory of practical construct;以“实践建构论”科学观 把握科学知识的生产——简评《科学知识生产方式及其演变》

bination ofscientific knowledge and ecological ethics as a form of cultural progress——An interpretation of the philosophical text of Albert Schweitzer;科学知识与生态伦理的耦合:文化进步的合理形态——阿尔贝特·史怀泽哲学的文本解读

5)knowledge science知识科学

1.The information technology,knowledge science and intelligent technology are the development trend in computer science at present and in future.信息、知识、智能是现在和未来计算机科学发展的主题;作者系统地介绍了信息处理、文字与自然语言的理解、数据仓库和数据挖掘;知识科学;人工智能与专家系统、人工神经网络的研究、遗传算法、逻辑学等领域研究中前沿的若干问题,并进行评价和提出了一些新的观点。

2.This paper discuss beginning of knowledge management,presents that knowledge chain management is new management mode of knowledge enterprise,information integration come into knowledge integration,knowledge system andknowledge science will is new direction of knowledge management research.本文讨论了知识管理的起源,提出了知识链管理是知识型企业的新的管理模式,信息集成进入知识集成阶段,知识系统工程和知识科学将是知识管理发展的新方向。

6)disciplinary knowledge学科知识

1.Disseminating Paradigm Research of Disciplinary Knowledge;学科知识传播的范式研究

2.The treatise expounds the significance of constructing thedisciplinary knowledge service platform and creates a conception of constructing thedisciplinary knowledge service platform withdisciplinary knowledge resource databases,disciplinary information gateways anddisciplinary knowledge reference desks.构建学科知识服务平台有突出的现实意义,应以学科知识资源库、学科信息门户和学科知识咨询台等组建学科知识服务平台。


