100字范文 > 工业开发区 industrial development zone英语短句 例句大全

工业开发区 industrial development zone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-23 02:21:23


工业开发区 industrial development zone英语短句 例句大全

工业开发区,industrial development zone

1)industrial development zone工业开发区

1.Research on the Land Intensive Use of Industrial Development Zone in Shanghai;上海工业开发区的土地集约利用研究

2.Procedure of total quantity control in planning environmental impact assessment ofindustrial development zone工业开发区规划环评水环境总量控制指标分析

3.According to the characteristics of theindustrial development zone of Liaoning Province,the paper establishes a scientific and feasible indicator system for land intensive use assessment ofindustrial development zone to assess the land use ofindustrial development zone and offer the theoretical basis of land management for decision-makers.根据辽宁省工业开发区的特点,制定了一套科学可行的并且符合辽宁省实际的开发区土地集约利用评价指标体系,对全省的省级和省级以上工业开发区进行评价,为决策者进行开发区土地管理提供理论依据。


1.Shanghai Comprehensive Industrial Development Zone上海综合工业开发区

2.Research on the Land Intensive Use of Industrial Development Zone in Shanghai;上海工业开发区的土地集约利用研究

3.The significance of achievement assessment for land using to carry out in the industry developing zone of Shanghai;上海开展工业开发区土地利用绩效评估的意义

4.Development zone: There are 3 industrial development zones of municipal level, each reaching“Seven-Provided and One leveled”.开发区:境内现有市级工业开发区3个,均已达到“七通一平”。

5.Environment Risk Impact Assessment for the Planning of Industrial Development Region--A Case Study of Development Zone in Fujian工业开发区规划环境风险影响评价——以福建省某开发区为例

6.The Research on Industry Convergence Issue during the Course of Constructing Chengdu Industrial Developing Zone;成都工业开发区建设中的产业聚集问题研究

7.Spatial Effects Research of Shanghai Industrial Development Zone Construction and Growth;上海工业开发区建设和发展的空间效应研究

8.Good understanding of the situation in various industrial development zones.对各地工业开发区的现状有深刻的了解与认识。

9.The Evaluation on Implementation of Exploitative Intensity Index of Industry Land in Shanghai Development Zones;上海市开发区工业用地开发强度指标实施评价

10.A Study on the Titanium Steel Joint Development of Caofeidian Industrial Zone and Nanpu Industrial Zone;曹妃甸工业区和南堡开发区钛钢联合发展研究

11.The Research on the Development of the Industrial Park and the Development of the Local Rural Human Resource工业园区发展与地区农村人力资源开发研究

12.They have developed the farmland into an industrial park.他们已经开发了农田成为工业园区。

13.Industrial Real Estate in Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (BDA);论北京经济技术开发区(BDA)的工业地产

14.On Construction Preparation and Development of Chemical Industry Park;浅谈我国化学工业园区的筹建和开发

15.Study on Industrialization in Western China under the Background of the West Region Development Program;西部大开发战略背景下的地区工业化

16.The Industrial Structure Adjustment in Developing the Northwest Areas;论西北诸省区开发中的工业结构调整

17.Study on Land Intensive Use of Fengxin Industrial Development Zone奉新工业开发园区土地集约利用研究

18.Sustainable Development of Forestry Industry and ComprehensiveExploitation in Mountain Area;林产工业企业持续发展与山区综合开发


industrial development area工业开发区

1.By analysis of the situation ofindustrial development area in China,the train of thought of environment and economic twoway control planning,the establishment of the target system and the model of the planning working procedure were discussed.本文从我国工业开发区的现状出发,论述了工业开发区环境经济双向控制规划的思路、规划目标体系和多目标规划模型的建立、规划的实施程序,为工业开发区的环境规划提供了一个可供参考的方

2.By analysing the situation ofindustrial development area in China, it is necessary to apply two way control planning of environment economy system.从我国工业开发区的现状出发,论述了工业开发区实施环境—经济双向控制的必要性,规划的思路,规划目标体系的建立,规划的编制程序,多目标规划模型的建立,对工业开发区的环境规划提供了一个新方法。


4)Community Development and Industry Park社区开发及工业区开发

5)Corm Industrial Development Zone玉米工业开发区

1.Research on the Environmental Planning and Pollution Prevention Countermeasure of ChangchunCorm Industrial Development Zone;长春玉米工业开发区环境规划与污染防治对策研究

6)Yangjiang industrirl development zone沿江工业开发区


