100字范文 > 成虫饲养密度 adult population density英语短句 例句大全

成虫饲养密度 adult population density英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-19 18:13:06


成虫饲养密度 adult population density英语短句 例句大全

成虫饲养密度,adult population density

1)adult population density成虫饲养密度

1.In order to optimize the technique of mass rearing oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel),the principal ingredients of larval artificial diet,adult population density of rearing cage, adult sex ratio, cryopreservation of the pupa were studied in this paper based on the previous studies.本论文在原有研究基础上,对橘小实蝇人工大量饲养技术进行了优化,包括:幼虫人工饲料、成虫饲养密度、成虫性比和蛹的低温保存。

2)feeding density饲养密度

1.Effects of differentfeeding density on development of German cockroach reproduction capacity;不同饲养密度对德国小蠊生殖力影响

2.It is the bestfeeding density that 30 larvaes were feeding in one box(16 cm×12 cm×6 cm).饲养密度以每盒(16cm×12cm×6cm)30头为宜。


1.Effects of Environmental Enrichment and Stocking Density on Sheep Welfare环境富集和饲养密度对绵羊福利的影响

2.Effects of adult density and the ratio of host egg to female parasitoid on the offspring of Fopius arisanus成蜂饲养密度和繁蜂益害比对阿里山潜蝇茧蜂子代的影响

3.Effect of Stocking Density and Environmental Enrichment Materials on the Production Performance and Meat Quality in Broiler环境富集材料对不同饲养密度条件下肉鸡生产性能的影响

4.Effects of Environmental Enrichment and Stocking Density, Water Temperature and Fan Ventilation on Sheep Welfare in Summer on Sheep Welfare环境富集和饲养密度以及夏季饮水温度和圈舍通风对绵羊福利的影响

5.Effect of Stocking Density and Environmental Enrichment Materials on the Welfare Level, Production Performance and Meat Quality in Broiler饲养密度和环境富集材料对肉鸡福利状况、生产性能和肉品质的影响

6.Effect of densities of feeder layer for isolation and culturing of Kunming white mouse embryonic stem cells饲养层细胞的接种密度对分离培养胚胎干细胞的影响

7.Effects of Various Substrates, Stocking Densities and Diets on Cage Nursing of Instar Scylla paramamosain不同底基隐蔽物、放养密度和饲料对网箱培育拟穴青蟹幼蟹的影响

8.Effect of breeding containers and density on the development and survival of Clostera anachoreta饲养容器及密度对杨扇舟蛾生长发育和存活的影响

9.Studies on Standard Techniques of Rearing Male Silkworm Hybrid 2 The Influence of Different Rearing Density and the Amount of Leaves for Feeding on the Output of Cocoon During Young Larva Stage雄蚕杂交种的饲养标准技术研究 2.稚蚕期不同饲育密度与用桑量对产茧量的影响

10.Effects of Planting Density on the Growth of Spring Maize and Its Forage Yield种植密度对饲用春玉米生长与饲草产量的影响

11.The mating ratio and the number of oviposition of the adults under human feeding condition are correlative with both the size of the net room and the density of the butterflies.在人工饲养条件下,成虫的交配率和产卵量与网室的大小和蝴蝶的密度有关.

12.monitor the incubation temperatures at your poultry farm.在家禽饲养场监视孵化温度

13.Thermoregulation in mixed species colonies of honeybees(Apis cerana and Apis mellifera)东、西方蜜蜂混合饲养蜂群的温度调节

14.Effects of Sowing Density and Applying Nitrogenous Fertilizer Quantity on the Silage Yield and Quality Development of Foodstuff Maize;密度和施氮量对粮饲兼用型玉米产量及饲用品质的影响

15.Effect of Density on Yield and Nutritivequality of Different Type Forage Maize;密度对不同类型饲用玉米产量和品质的影响

16.Effects of Density on Sucrose Synthesize and Accumulation of Forage Maize密度对饲用玉米蔗糖合成和积累的影响

17.Effects of density on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of silage maize密度对饲用玉米光合特性和产量的影响

18.Effects of Density on Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution of Silage Maize密度对饲用玉米干物质积累和分配的影响


feeding density饲养密度

1.Effects of differentfeeding density on development of German cockroach reproduction capacity;不同饲养密度对德国小蠊生殖力影响

2.It is the bestfeeding density that 30 larvaes were feeding in one box(16 cm×12 cm×6 cm).饲养密度以每盒(16cm×12cm×6cm)30头为宜。

3)stocking density饲养密度

1.Effects of music,stocking density on growth performance and carcass quality of crossbreed broiler;音乐及饲养密度对肉杂鸡生产及屠宰性能影响初探

2.The influence of floor material,stocking density on growth performance and carcass quality for 3~6 week—old AA broilers with different sex groups was evaluated.该文采用三因素三水平正交试验设计,就笼底材料、饲养密度、不同性别组群下3~6周龄AA肉仔鸡的生产性能及其胴体品质进行研究。

3.The results showed that the incidence of breast blisters was the highest in the group of male broilers with wire netting floor,highstocking density(17.该研究采用了三因素三水平的正交试验设计,就笼底材料、饲养密度、性别组群等三因素对3~6周龄笼养AA肉仔鸡发生胸囊肿及对其胸肌成分的影响进行了研究。

4)raising density饲养密度

1.The effect of temperature,humidity,raising density and noise on laboratory animal welfare were studied,including to comfortable degree,growing up,breeding and health.主要阐述了温度、湿度、饲养密度及噪音四种因素对实验动物福利各方面的影响,包括实验动物的舒适度、生长发育、繁殖、健康等。

5)rearing density饲养密度

1.The relationship between survival andrearing density was analyzed using Weibull frequency distribution.在30℃下,研究了饲养密度对洋虫Palembus dermestoides(Fairmaire)幼虫生长发育的影响,并用Weibull频数分布函数探讨了饲养密度对洋虫幼虫存活率的变动影响。

6)high density in captivity高密度饲养

1.This paper studied the burrowing characteristic of Chinese alligators withhigh density in captivity.本文研究了高密度饲养条件下,扬子鳄对洞穴的选择特点。


