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急性中风 Acute stroke英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-30 11:02:09


急性中风 Acute stroke英语短句 例句大全

急性中风,Acute stroke

1)Acute stroke急性中风

1.Angongniuhuang Pill treatment of acute stroke Clinical Observation of 64 cases安宫牛黄丸治疗急性中风32例疗效观察

2.For the present the research on acute stroke has been limited in such therapy principles such as Powder for Promoting Blood resolving blood stasis、resolving phlegm restoring menstruak flow,and so on.目前对急性中风病的研究多局限于开窍、活血化瘀、化痰通络等治则,对调气法研究较少,且欠系统深入,特别是有关方药的实验研究尚属空白。


1.Treatment in a Combined Acute and Rehabilitation Stroke Unit : Which Aspects Are Most Important?(急性中风和中风康复治疗:哪一个更重要?)

2.The Clinical Study of Liqi Tongluo Draught on Acute Apoplexy;理气通络饮治疗急性中风的临床研究

3.The Key Point and the Advancement on the First-level and Secondary Prevention of Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Combination of TCM with Western Medicine中西医结合急性中风一二级预防的进展与热点

4.Chinese Medicine in Hemorrhagic Stroke Treatment during recent Years急性期出血性中风的中医药治疗现况

5.Preliminary study on pathogenesis changes of acute ischemic stroke缺血性中风病急性期的病机演变初探

6.The Study of TCM Integrated Scheme in Treating Acute Period of Stroke;中风病急性期中医综合治疗方案研究

7.Treatment of Apoplexy in Acute Stage by Collateral - Dredging Therapy: A Clinical Observation of 73 Cases通络法治疗中风急性期73例疗效观察

8.The Study of the Effect on National Institute of Health Stroke Scale under Using of the TCM Combined Therapy Regimen in Acute Stage in Acute Ischemic Stroke中医综合治疗方案对急性缺血性中风急性期NIHSS评分影响的研究

9.Retrospective Analyzing on Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine of Promoting Blood Circulation and Removing Blood Stasis;活血化瘀法治疗急性出血性中风回顾性研究

10.Conclusions:Heatclearing and obstructionremoving method of TCM has apparent curative effect on treatment for AHS.结论 :“清通法”治疗急性出血性中风具有显著疗效

11.Study of the Combination of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in Treating Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients with Aphasia;针药结合治疗急性缺血性中风失语症研究

12.Experimental Study of Naozhongxiao in Treating Cerebral Edema at the Acute Ischemic Apoplexy Stage;脑肿消对缺血性中风急性期脑水肿的实验研究

13.Study on Regular Effect of Ru-point Needling Due to Ischemic Stroke at the Early Stage;针刺“入”穴对缺血性中风病在急性期的调整作用

14.The Influence of Oppilation on ET-1、NO、Symptoms of the Traditional of Chinese Medical and NIHSS in Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction (ACI);便秘对急性缺血性中风的ET-1、NO及病情的影响

15.Study of Realationships between the Different Syndromes and Changes of Serum IL-1、ET Concentration of Acute Apoplexly;中风急性期辨证分型与IL-1、ET相关性研究

16.Factors Associated with Pre- and In-Hospital Delays for Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients;急性缺血性中风患者诊治延迟原因分析

17.Protective Effects of Rongshuan Grains in Treating Ischemic Apoplexy (Acute Stage);溶栓颗粒对缺血性中风病急性期的脑保护作用

18.Relationship between inflammatory cytokines and traditional Chinese medical syndrome differentiation and typing in patients with acute stroke中风急性期辨证分型与炎性细胞因子的关系


acute strike中风急性期

1.Objective :Within the researching for the relationship between the effects and the differentiation types by applying the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)integrity care to the cases ofacute strike,to observe the recovery effectiveness in various differentiated types under the differentiated care guided by the TCM integrity viewpoint.目的 :研究对中风急性期患者实施中医整体护理后效果与证型因素的关系 ,探讨在中医整体观念指导下对中风急性期病人实施辨证施护后各种证型的康复效果。

3)acute ischemic stroke急性缺血性中风

1.Clinical trial of comprehensive therapeutic protocal in multicenter onacute ischemic stroke treated with traditional Chinese medicine;急性缺血性中风综合治疗方案多中心临床试验研究

2.Therapeutic effect of Shexiang Baoxin Pill combined with treatment based on syndrome differentiation foracute ischemic stroke;麝香保心丸合中医辨证治疗急性缺血性中风的临床疗效分析

3.Protective effects of naloxone on neurofunction in patients withacute ischemic stroke;纳洛酮对急性缺血性中风神经功能的保护作用

4)acute ischemic apoplexy急性缺血性中风

1.OBJECTIVE To observe the therapeutic effect of Tongsaimai Tablet onacute ischemic apoplexy and its mechanism.目的观察通塞脉片对急性缺血性中风的治疗作用及其作用机理。

5)acute stage of stroke中风病急性期

6)Acute Ischemic Cerebrovascular events缺血中风急性期


产后类中风产后类中风 产后类中风 病名。出《傅青主女科·产后编》。多由气血暴虚,百骸少血濡养,出现忽然口噤牙紧,手足筋脉拘搐等证,类似中风的症候,不能按真中风治,以免重虚产妇。治宜养血和络,先服生化汤,继服滋荣活络汤。《张氏医通》卷十一指出:“产后类中风症,血虚,非真中也。或挟风,或挟痰,或挟气,证虽不一,治法莫要于行血,芎归汤加荆芥穗,淋黑豆酒煎服。亦治角弓反张,手足瘈疭。脉来虚浮者,血晕、四肢强直,芎归汤加童便,或用荆芥穗微焙为末,豆淋酒调下二钱,或童便服之,口噤则扶齿灌之,齿噤则灌入鼻中即苏。手足瘫痪,败血入径络也,用五积散。又有形盛气虚,产后痿废不起者,但服补气药中兼行气为主,朝用香砂六君子,暮用越鞠丸,久服自效。”
