100字范文 > 地形因素 topographic factor英语短句 例句大全

地形因素 topographic factor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-29 12:31:48


地形因素 topographic factor英语短句 例句大全

地形因素,topographic factor

1)topographic factor地形因素

1.This article,consideringtopographic factors,establishes the mathematical model of evaluating indirect-aim artillery fire efficiency,elaborates its computer module basic function and the realization method,which is useful for evaluating the firi.文中在考虑地形因素影响的基础上,建立了评定间瞄火炮射击效能的数学模型,阐述了其计算机模型的基本功能和实现方法,对间瞄火炮射击效能的评定具有一定的指导作用。

2)orographic factor地形因素;山岳形态因素

3)ground deformation factor地面变形影响因素

4)shape factor形状因素

1.Effect ofshape factor on heat pot transformation of casting;铸件形状因素对热节迁移的影响

2.Based on the reduced scale ring rolling and finite element simulation,materials axial transferring pattern was studied and a formability evaluation method was proposed including theshape factor.研究了大型复杂环件形状因素和轧制速率对成形性能的影响规律。

3.Based on the fact that particles are non spherical,the author focuses on the studying of the effect ofshape factor of particles on the viscosity of slurry according to Simha s equation.基于泥沙颗粒非球态的事实,从Simha公式出发,着重探讨了粒子的形状因素对浆体粘度的影响;建立了包含有形状因素在内的粘度公式及群体沉速公式;利用较多的实测资料对所获公式进行的验证表明,公式与实际资料吻合良好,具有实用价值。


1.Effect of Form Factors on Thermal Deformation of Mechanical Parts in Microtechnique形状因素对精密技术中零件热变形的影响

2.Effects of Slider"s Surface Shape on Particle Flow Lubrication Characteristics滑块曲面形状因素对颗粒流润滑特性的影响

3.Based on the reduced scale ring rolling and finite element simulation, materials axial transferring pattern was studied and a formability evaluation method was proposed including the shape factor.研究了大型复杂环件形状因素和轧制速率对成形性能的影响规律。

4.Shape retention is a factor in almost all articles made from polymeric materials.形状保持性是所有聚合物材料制品共有的因素。

5.OBJECTIVE To studied prevalence of Toxoplasma Gondi infection in pregnant women and influenced factors.目的调查孕妇的弓形虫感染状况及其影响因素。

6.Restrictive Factors of Usage of de (地) after the Adverbial Reduplicated Adjectives形容词重叠式状语后面“地”字使用的制约因素

7.Detection and Significance of Factors Contributing to the Development of Coronary Collaterals in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome;冠状动脉侧支形成的相关因素及临床意义

8.Creation Spiritual State is the Important Element of Formality Aesthetic Feeling of the Painting;论绘画状态是画面形式美感的重要表现因素

9.A Study on the Present Situation and Forming Factors of Women"s Beach Volleyball Team in Shanxi Province山西省女子沙滩排球队现状及其形成因素探析


11.The SMW Labor Law Building Enclosure Distortion Character Influencing Factor AnalyzesSMW工法围护结构变形性状影响因素分析

12.Synthesis and Influencing Factors of Sphere-like and Branch-like ZnO Nanophase Materials球状和树枝状纳米氧化锌的制备及形貌影响因素分析

13.Analysis of Factors Which Affect Female Students Shape in Beijing Senior Middle Schools;北京市高中女生形体现状调查及影响形体美因素的研究

14.The factors affecting the screen making are analysed.在加网过程中,网点形状、网线数、加网角度、网灰度是主要的影响因素。

15.Conclusion: Ciliary sulcus fixation of IOL is one of the predisposingfactors causing the membrane formation on the IOL.结论:支撑襻睫状沟内固定是前膜形成的易患因素之一。

16.Study on the Deformation Properties and Key Factors of Layered Rock Mass;锦屏电站层状岩体高边坡变形特性及其关键因素研究

17.The Studies on Main Factors to Affect Isolated Microspore Culture in Cabbage;甘蓝游离小孢子培养中影响胚状体形成的主要因素探讨

18.A Study of Physician-nurse Relationship-the Analysis of History, Current Situation, Problems and Form Factors;医护关系研究—历史、现状、存在问题及形成因素分析


orographic factor地形因素;山岳形态因素

3)ground deformation factor地面变形影响因素

4)shape factor形状因素

1.Effect ofshape factor on heat pot transformation of casting;铸件形状因素对热节迁移的影响

2.Based on the reduced scale ring rolling and finite element simulation,materials axial transferring pattern was studied and a formability evaluation method was proposed including theshape factor.研究了大型复杂环件形状因素和轧制速率对成形性能的影响规律。

3.Based on the fact that particles are non spherical,the author focuses on the studying of the effect ofshape factor of particles on the viscosity of slurry according to Simha s equation.基于泥沙颗粒非球态的事实,从Simha公式出发,着重探讨了粒子的形状因素对浆体粘度的影响;建立了包含有形状因素在内的粘度公式及群体沉速公式;利用较多的实测资料对所获公式进行的验证表明,公式与实际资料吻合良好,具有实用价值。

5)formative factors形成因素

6)invisible factors隐形因素

1.When referring to the problems of urban traffic, visible factors including the construction of road transportation equipment, establishment of traffic law and the degree of executing law are concerned, whereasinvisible factors such as construction of culture are neglected.谈到城市交通问题,一般都只提及显形因素——道路交通设施建设、交通法规的制定以及执法力度等,而忽略隐形因素——文化建设。


地形跟随和地形回避雷达飞行器上探测地形变化和回避地物的雷达。它是自动地形跟随系统的组成部分。地形跟随雷达把探测到的飞行前方的起伏地形信息(距离、方位、高度)提供给自动飞行控制系统或驾驶员,以便操纵飞机与地面保持一定的垂直距离飞行。地形回避雷达不断探测出飞行前方高于规定高度的障碍物,驾驶员根据雷达的指示作横向的机动飞行。现代军用飞机为了低空安全飞行,机上只装地形跟随雷达就能满足要求,而地形回避雷达则是一种辅助手段。有的机载雷达兼有地形跟随和地形回避功能。地形跟随和地形回避雷达的工作原理与普通的脉冲雷达(见脉冲多普勒雷达)大致相同,区别只是功能不同,组成有些差异。测量精度和分辨率比一般雷达高。这类雷达多采用单脉冲技术,有的采用脉冲多普勒体制或相控阵技术。用地形跟随雷达飞行时,天线波束以一定的俯角照射飞机前方的地面或在一定的俯角内扫描,随时将测出的距离与规定的参考距离作比较,产生一个要求的俯仰变化率信号。同时由无线电高度表测出飞机对地面的相对高度,并与规定的安全相对高度相比较,产生另一个要求的俯仰变化率信号。从这两个俯仰变化率中选取一个对飞行较安全的变化率,再与陀螺测定的飞机实际俯仰变化率作比较,其差值信号就是飞机爬高飞行或下降飞行的修正值 (图1)。地形回避雷达比地形跟随雷达简单。驾驶员可以选择与飞机有一定高度间隔的安全飞行平面,雷达天线保持一固定的俯仰角,左右扫描,测出高于安全飞行平面地物的高度,驾驶员操纵飞机作横向机动,绕过地形障碍。雷达提供的地物回避指令信号也可输给自动驾驶仪,使飞机自动避开障碍物 (图2)。为了确保低空飞行的安全,这两种雷达都备有自检报警系统并采用余度技术,一部雷达出现故障时,立即自动转换另一部接替。
