100字范文 > 都市文明 urban civilization英语短句 例句大全

都市文明 urban civilization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-26 02:55:03


都市文明 urban civilization英语短句 例句大全

都市文明,urban civilization

1)urban civilization都市文明

1.The priciples of communication, sport science, logic, urbanology and sociology were applied to study the relation between sport communication andurban civilization.运用传播学、体育学、逻辑学、城市学与社会学的原理,对体育传播与都市文明的关系进行初步探究,展现和揭示了二者之间相互影响、相互依存的关系。

2.Cao Yu displayed the decadence of literati in "Peking natives",and criticized traditional morality civilization and the deformedurban civilization,considered the direction of human being from the point of vitality,infused new vitality in to the life forms by resorting to the primitive ife form,seeking a new way for the reconstruction of national spirit.曹禺在《北京人》中着力展示了士大夫文化的没落 ,对传统的道德文明和畸形都市文明予以决绝的批判 ,从生命力的角度思考人类社会的走向 ,并试图借助原始人的生命形态为北京人注入新的活力 ,为民族精神的再造寻找一条出路。


1.The Change of Public Toilets and City Civilization-with modern Shanghai as an example;公厕变迁与都市文明——以近代上海为例

2."The Peasant Boy Confronting Urban Civilization"--Pierre Bourdieu′s Biography and His Sociological Theory;“都市文明中的农家子弟”——皮埃尔·布迪厄的生平及社会学理论

3.Flowers in Shanghai accounts a story of prostitute and brothel visitors in brothels of Shanghai, and reflects metropolitan culture of Shanghai.《海上花列传》通过上海青楼中一群妓女和狎客的故事,折射出上海的都市文明。

4.Slums are a reproach to a civilized city.贫民区是文明都市的耻辱。

mercial Civilization and Literature in Song Dynasty of China;宋代都市商业文明及其文学传播性表达

6.On the cultural development in the reconstruction of Kunming City around the Dianchi Lake;环滇池构建国际都市昆明全方位提升城市文化品位

7.Cultural Change in the Urban Hui Community--Taking the Hui Community of Shuncheng Street in Kunming as Examples;都市回族社区的文化变迁——以昆明市顺城街回族社区为例

8.On the Irban Novel by Shen Congwen;现代文明的贵族性与自我封闭的情感模式——论沈从文的都市小说

9.Promoting the civilization of the city, communities and citizens ?加强文明城市、文明社区和文明市民的建设。

10.Film-stars,Visual Politics and Consumer Culture:The Chinese Film-stars in the Context of Contemporary Urban Culture;电影明星、视觉政治与消费文化——当代都市文化语境中的中国电影明星

11.They simply don"t like the environment of civilization; this is, the city, with all its ugliness and tension.他们就是不喜欢文明世界的环境,也就是说不喜欢大都市,充满了丑恶与紧张的大都市。

12.All civilization is horrified at the bombing of big cities and the killing of women and children.所有的文明国家对于轰炸大城市及杀害妇孺都很害怕。

13.The Religious Life of Urban Ethnic Communities and Cultural Identification--An Investigation on the Hui Ethnic Community of Shuncheng Street of Kunming;都市民族社区的宗教生活与文化认同——昆明顺城街回族社区调查

14.Propoganda of the Nationnal and Time Spirit,Construction of Advanced Culture--the Survey and Consideration on the Moral Conditions of the Civilians in Chengdu City Chengdu Social Science InstitutePropaganda Department of Chengdu Com;弘扬民族和时代精神 创建先进文明——成都市市民道德状况调查与思考

15.China is a land of decorum with a5000 year history. Beijing is a capital of civility, a city of millions of citizens putting propriety into daily practice.中国是礼仪之邦,有着五千年悠久历史的文化;北京是文明之都,有着上千万知书达理的市民。

16.Town life is the nurse of civilization.城市生活是文明的摇篮。

17.With the acceleration of urbanization, the alienation of the metropolitan becomes increasingly distinctive and conspicuous.随着都市化的加速,都市人的异化也日益鲜明、出。

18.On Urban Culture and Urban Pop-novels--The Urban Cultural State Reflected in the Writings ofthe Authoress at the Turn of the Century;论都市文化与都市流行小说——世纪之交女作家笔下的都市文化形态


metropolitan civilization都市文明

1.His novel 《The Cossacks》, by bringing forth the love tragedy between Civilization s Son, Olenin and Nature s Daughter, Mariyanka, reveals the conflict between the civilzation and the the nature, stresses the characteristics of the nature, as human s ideal spiritual home, accusesmetropolitan civilization of contorting and destroying the human nature.“回归自然”是托尔斯泰创作的一个重要主题 ,其中篇小说《哥萨克》通过对文明之子奥列宁与自然之女玛莉安卡之间爱情悲剧的塑造 ,揭示了文明与自然的冲突 ,突显了自然作为人类理想精神家园的特质 ,批判了现代都市文明对人性的扭曲与破坏。

3)"The Decadent Civilization" of Modern Cities现代都市"颓废文明"

4)Urban Culture都市文化

1.Greenwich Village and New York"sUrban Culture格林威治村与纽约都市文化的变迁

2.On the urban newspaper and reconstruction of harmonious urban culture都市报与和谐都市文化的建设

5)metropolitan culture都市文化

1.The Present main trend ofmetropolitan culture is popular culture, and this is an unavoidable result of the culture development of China.目前的都市文化主流是大众文化,这是我国文化演进进程中的一种必然。

2.The correlation between themetropolitan culture and the human individuals casts a decisive influence upon the appropriate distribution and the exploitation and utilization of the information of social sciences.由于人文环境的巨大转变及互联网文化无可匹敌的影响,21世纪的都市文化需求尤其是阅读需求,发生了革命性的变化。

3.Since 1990s,modern art are closely connected with consumption and artists discourses are developing towards variety while still based on the con- sciousness ofmetropolitan culture.90年代以来,现代艺术普遍与消费合谋,艺术话语向多元性发展,但其依然基于都市文化的自觉。

6)City culture都市文化


