100字范文 > 《青春之歌》 Song of Youth英语短句 例句大全

《青春之歌》 Song of Youth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-09 22:41:20


《青春之歌》 Song of Youth英语短句 例句大全

《青春之歌》,Song of Youth

1)Song of Youth《青春之歌》

1.Rebuilding Historical Narration: from Complexity to “Purity” TakingSong of Youth and Red Cliff as examples;重建历史叙事:从复杂到“纯粹”——以《青春之歌》《红岩》为例

2.Dual Understanding of Love in Red Bean andSong of Youth;《红豆》与《青春之歌》对爱情的双重理解

3.Form Pass-away toSong of Youth——Briefly Analyzing theWays for the Chinese Intellectuals从《伤逝》到《青春之歌》——浅议中国知识分子的出路


1.Study on Narrative Techniques about Growth and Youth Imagination of "the Song of Youth";论《青春之歌》的成长叙事策略与红色青春想像

2.Song of Youth: A Love Story in the Red Halo;《青春之歌》:红色光环之中的言情小说

3.Revolution·Intellectual·Female--Reread "the Song of Youth";革命·知识分子·女性——重读《青春之歌》

4.A Brief Discussion on Criticisms of Song of Youth after its Birth;浅议《青春之歌》问世后的潮起潮落

5."Revolution":Song of Youth as Female Writing;“革命”:作为女性写作的《青春之歌》

6.Dual Understanding of Love in Red Bean and Song of Youth;《红豆》与《青春之歌》对爱情的双重理解

7.Song of Youth: The Discourse of Love and Political Discourse《青春之歌》:爱情话语和政治话语

8.Body Writing:A Cross-media Study of "Song of Youth"身体书写——《青春之歌》的跨媒介研究

9.The Song of Youth Reinterpreted;肉体的政治意识形态化——《青春之歌》再解读

10.《Song of from the Youth》 Woos the Language to Look at the Characterideology;从《青春之歌》的求爱语言看人物意识形态化

11.Change the Description of lntellectuals--The Variation of The Song of Youth s Edition;对知识分子的改叙——《青春之歌》的版本变迁

12.On Lin Daojing s Growth and Its Significance;论林道静的成长及其意义——《青春之歌》人物浅析

13.Form Pass-away to Song of Youth--Briefly Analyzing theWays for the Chinese Intellectuals从《伤逝》到《青春之歌》——浅议中国知识分子的出路

14.The Subversive Road of Lin Daojing--the analysis of The Song of Youth from the feminist s angle;林道静的颠覆之路——从女权主义视角对《青春之歌》的解读

15.A Hero and a Beauty Beat a Handsome Scholar and a Pretty Girl--a research on the love of the book "the Song of Youth" from the love words;英雄美人“打败”才子佳人——透过情爱话语看《青春之歌》里的爱情

16.Between the Appearance and Absence: the Song of Youth s Revolution Narration and Love Narration;出场与缺席间的困惑——论《青春之歌》中的爱情叙事与革命叙事

17.Rebuilding Historical Narration: from Complexity to “Purity” Taking Song of Youth and Red Cliff as examples;重建历史叙事:从复杂到“纯粹”——以《青春之歌》《红岩》为例

18.From individual memory to collective memory--A dicussion of re-constructed narration of "Revolutionary Literature" reflected in "Song of youth";从个人记忆到集体记忆——从《青春之歌》看“革命文学”叙事的重构


The Song of Youth《青春之歌》

1.Students Strikes Described inThe Song of Youth;学潮视野下的《青春之歌》

2.The Song of Youth by Yang Mo is a "red" classic in the 1950s and Private Life by Chen Ran is a specimen of individualized writing in the 1990s.杨沫的《青春之歌》是20世纪中国50年代的一部“红色”经典,陈染的《私人生活》是90年代的一部“个人化写作”的范本。

3.This dissertation focuses onThe Song of Youth as a case study on the“Red Canon”.本文以红色经典作品《青春之歌》为研究对象,把这部作品放入整个当代中国文学史及社会文化的发展变迁中加以审视,试图更加深入地把握红色经典的文本张力及其在主流、精英、市场、大众等多种因素影响下的生产过程,进而挖掘红色经典现象的深层社会文化动因及其文化内涵。

3)The Song of the Youth《青春之歌》

1.Take the revision ofThe Song of the Youth for instance.以《青春之歌》的修改来看,其初版本与再版本在内容上有诸多不协调之处,再版本中的林道静已偏离了作家的写作初衷与原有的形象发展轨道,这一修改反映了作品写作年代的国家意识形态话语对作家个人话语的制约与修正。

2.Basing on the methods of description, contrast and induction in translation and combing the contemporary translation theory and experiences at home and abroad, we decide the range of research in the thesis: studying the translated versions of the Song of the Youth which was translated from Chinese into Korean in Yanbian, China in 1950s, DPRK in 1960s and the Republic of Korea in 1980s.本论文立足描写方法、对比分析和归纳的研究方法,结合当代国内外比较文学翻译研究理论与实践经验确定研究范围,对20世纪50~80年代中国延边、朝鲜、韩国先后译介的中国当代长篇小说《青春之歌》朝(韩)文译本进行了跨地域、跨时期的个案研究。

4)"The song of Youth"《青春之歌》

1.Re-understanding the Revolutionary Narration in "The Song of Youth";再解读:《青春之歌》的革命叙事

5)The Song of Youth青春之歌

1.On the Influence and Significance of the Song of Youth浅析《青春之歌》的意义和影响力

6)High School Musical《歌舞青春》

1.filmHigh School Musical inference successful a story of quality education’s.美国电影《歌舞青春》成功演绎了"素质教育"的故事,它告诉人们要重视学生多智能素质的培养,才能成为社会需要的"宽口径"通才,该片广受社会各界人士称誉。


