100字范文 > 监督检查 supervision and inspection英语短句 例句大全

监督检查 supervision and inspection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-31 18:13:08


监督检查 supervision and inspection英语短句 例句大全

监督检查,supervision and inspection

1)supervision and inspection监督检查

1.Towards the existing problems of Chinese enterprise internal control,the paper projects the countermeasures from the respects of environment control,information exchange,rights allocation,risk assessment andsupervision and inspection.针对我国企业内部控制制度存在的问题,文章提出了从企业的环境控制、信息沟通、权利分配、风险评估、监督检查等方面应对的措施。

2.Throughsupervision and inspection,the deficiencies of internal control in conventional practice are found and solutions are proposed.本文根据3月22日财政部发布的《企业内部控制规范—基本规范》和17项具体规范(征求意见稿)的相关内容,运用现代企业内部控制理论,并借鉴国内外研究成果,对内蒙古地区大中型企业的内部控制总体现状进行调查了解,从对内部控制制度监督检查情况着手,发现内部控制在这方面的缺陷,并针对内蒙地区,提出一些加强内部控制的、具体的、可操作的办法。



2.an official call for inspection or supervision.官方正式的监督检查。

3.On the Regulation of Supervising by the Supervisory Panels in State-owned Enter prises;论我国国有企业监事会监督检查工作

4.To supervise and check the reparation to ensure it is done correctly.监督检查返修工作,确保操作无误。

5.Refuse the supervision and inspection of the public health authority.(九)绝卫生行政部门监督检查的。

6.reinforcing checking and supervision execute of institution .加强对制度执行情况的监督检查等。

7.Study on Quantitative Assessment of Selecting Ship for PSC;港口国监督检查“选船”标准的量化研究

8.Should strengthen a direct check for avoiding a structure design in great quantities wasting funds;加强监督检查 避免结构设计浪费资金

9.The Accounting Information Quality (AIQ) and SupervisingInspection in Now Accounting Law;新《会计法》下会计信息质量与监督检查

10.The supervision and inspection departments listed in the preceding paragraph shall provide conclusions after the supervision and inspection on the accounting documents of the relevant units have been conducted according to law.前款所列监督检查部门对有关单位的会计资料依法实施监督检查后,应当出具检查结论。

11.Invesigation of the Supervision & Check works on Grain Distribution in Yunnan Province;云南省粮食流通监督检查工作的调查与思考

12.Supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention and their staff shall not collect fees for supervision and inspection of animal epidemic prevention.动物防疫监督机构及人员进行动物防疫监督检查,不得收取费用。

13.Supervising agencies for animal epidemic prevention shall have the right to supervise and inspect the transportation of animals and animal products according to law.动物防疫监督机构有权对动物、物产品运输依法进行监督检查。

parative study on the health supervision and inspection capabilities of Chinese health inspection institutes after three-year construction三年建设前后中国卫生监督机构卫生监督检查能力的比较研究

parative study on the health supervision and inspection capabilities of health inspection institutes in different areas after three-year construction三年建设前后不同地区卫生监督机构监督检查能力的比较分析

parative study on the health supervision and inspection capabilities of health inspection institutes at different levels after three-year construction三年建设前后不同级别卫生监督机构监督检查能力的比较分析

17.Article16 The supervising authority over the county"s administration may carry out the supervision to activities of unfair competition.第十六条县级以上监督检查部门对不正当竞争行为,可以进行监督检查。

18.The supervisors and inspectors of the departments in charge of the coal industry and other relevant departments shall show their papers before they carry out supervision and inspection.煤炭管理部门和有关部门的监督检查人员进行监督检查时,应当出示证件。



1.Discussion onsupervision and regular evaluation of the shipping companies falling outside the NSM System关于对非体系航运公司的监督检查与定期评估

2.This paper analyzes the present status of the metrological management,metrology standards and metrology persons in regional national defence military enterprise and provides a new management pattern and future conception,also a new idea of metrological management and metrologicalsupervision is given.从计量标准及计量人员管理模式等方面,分析了区域国防军工计量管理工作的现状,提出了"十一五"国防军工计量管理工作的新模式和构想,并就今后加强计量管理及计量监督检查工作、提高国防军工计量保障能力提出了一些新思路。

3.It emphasizes on paying more attention to thesupervision of hoses qulity,usage and management in accordance with the law and technologic specifications.就水上油类作业过程中 ,由于小型油轮橡胶输油软管的质量等问题造成水域污染的严峻形势 ,从法律、技术规范入手 ,强调重视对输油软管的质量、使用、管理三个方面进行监督检查 ,无疑是对安全和防污染管理的深化 ,对现场监管具有一定的指导作用。


1.This article discussed the topic of specific inspection aboutγirradiator facility in radiation safety and protection, provided suggestions for the further inspection and management.阐述和探讨了γ射线辐照装置辐射安全与防护监督检查中应注意的问题,为今后进一步深入监督管理提供参考意见。

2.Three years of analysis about system fault of gas and boiler pressure vessel indicates that the inspection of working supervision and industry management has been taking a very important role in the safety product in the films.3年煤气系统及锅炉压力容器系统故障分析表明,劳动监察、行业管理的监督检查。

4)supervise and inspect监督检查

1.The thesis introduces that Ximing coal-mine of Western Hills Joint-stock company Shanxi coking coal group adopts quatitative examiningsupervise and inspect strictly and take strict precautions against the serious accident in the safety management It also does quality standardization well and pursues the safe quality structure salary.介绍了山西焦煤集团西山股份公司西铭矿在安全管理中采用量化考核、严格监督检查、严防重大事故、搞好质量标准化、推行安全质量结构工资,实现安全生产稳定好转的作法和体会。

5)supervision inspection监督检查

1.In order to improve thesupervision inspection,the different connotation,character and methods of processing data in highway engineering quality inspection must be understood and mastered.公路工程的质量监督检查和质量鉴定检查是质量监督工作的主要形式,是履行质量监督职能的重要手段和关键环节。

6)inspection and supervision检查监督

1.An introduction to the achievement and the existing problems in the enforcement of the teachers code in Guangdong province,proposales for strengthening theinspection and supervision on the enforcement of the teachers code.各级人大必须确立正确的观念,下大决心,采取切实有力措施,加强对《教师法》实施的检查监督,保障教师合法权益。


