100字范文 > 城镇住宅 urban residential building英语短句 例句大全

城镇住宅 urban residential building英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-18 00:50:41


城镇住宅 urban residential building英语短句 例句大全

城镇住宅,urban residential building

1)urban residential building城镇住宅

1.The results show that level of the average cooling energy consumption ofurban residential buildings in China is still lower at present,but the difference of the data among different climate zones is great and the cooling energy consumption is increasing rapidly.根据调查和计算,利用模拟归纳法对我国城镇住宅夏季空调能耗状况进行了定量分析。

2.The first one is that indoor temperature is always 18℃ inurban residential buildings.以吉林省为例,在假设历年采暖建筑物标准室温为18℃和不同建筑物热工特性相同的前提下,认为在一定建筑设计标准下,直接影响严寒和寒冷地区城镇住宅采暖耗能的因子主要有采暖强度、城镇人口数、人均住宅建筑面积。


1.Study on the Greening Architectural Design of Urban Residential Buildings in Middle and South of Hebei Province;冀中南城镇住宅建筑设计绿色化研究

2.An Empirical Study on Housing Market Segmentation with Generation Standard in Urban China;中国城镇住宅市场世代细分实证研究

3.Possibility of the Self-governance of the Common Resources about Urban Dwelling Houses in China;中国城镇住宅共有资源自治的可能性

4.Prediction of Housing Demands of Tianjin Urban Residents During the Years From 2002 to ;2001—天津市城镇住宅需求量预测

5.Analysis on cooling energy consumption of residential buildings in China"s urban areas我国城镇住宅夏季空调能耗状况分析

6.Discussion on energy strategy for housing in towns with an exergy home in a suburb of the United States as an example以美国郊区一自维持生态住宅为例探讨小城镇住宅的能源策略

7.The Study on Housing Land Sprawl in Small Town--A Case Study of Juanshui, Tongcheng, Hubei;小城镇住宅用地扩张案例研究——以湖北省通城县隽水镇为例

8.Study on the Energy Saving Design on House Windows in Xi An Specialty: Science and Technology of Building;西安地区城镇住宅建筑外窗的节能设计研究

9.The Study of Energy-effective Design Strategy in Urban Town Residence of Cold Area;寒冷地区小城镇住宅节能设计策略研究

10.The Study on the Present Situations and Countermeasures of the Cities and Town s Residential Market Demand in China;我国城镇住宅市场需求现状及对策研究


12.Domestic Housing System Construction With the Guidance of Harmonious Ideas;以和谐思想为指导合理构建我国城镇住宅体系

13.Research on connotation index and supply-demand system of dwelling market in towns;内涵指数和城镇住宅市场供求机制的研究

14.Study of Functional Space in Single Family House in the Small Towns;小城镇独户式住宅功能空间设计研究

15.Research on Green Residence Design in Small Towns for Demonstration;小城镇绿色住宅研究及示范工程设计

16.Studies on Constructing Well-Oof Housing in Small Urban Areas in China;我国小城镇的小康住宅建设问题研究

17.An Exploration into the Design of Apartments Facing Streetsfor the Purpose of Business and Habitation;小城镇临街商业型住宅建筑设计探讨

18.Studies on Design and Construction Technology of Ecological Residence in Small Town小城镇生态住宅设计及构造技术研究


urban residential buildings城镇住宅

1.This paper calculates and analyzes the life cycle costs of air conditioners inurban residential buildings in main cities of China, trying to explain why the residents do not like to buy efficient air conditioners.结果表明:由于目前我国城镇住宅空调器平均能耗水平较低,而节能空调器的价格比普通空调器高50%以上,因此对于绝大多数住户,采用节能空调器可节省运行能耗,但并不省钱,这是造成我国节能空调器市场占有率低的重要原因,为此应制定相应的鼓励政策促进我国节能空调器的推广应用。

3)house of small town小城镇住宅

1.Study on the energy saving technology measure of the wall outside thehouse of small town of hot summer and cold winter area;夏热冬冷地区小城镇住宅外墙体节能技术措施研究

2.Hot summer and cold winter areahouse of small town passive form sun room design;在夏热冬冷地区小城镇住宅中利用太阳能是一种节能而环保的技术。

4)urban housing market城镇住宅市场

5)Green residence in small towns小城镇绿色住宅

6)urban apartment building城镇集合住宅


