100字范文 > 性状置换 character displacement英语短句 例句大全

性状置换 character displacement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-23 12:20:42


性状置换 character displacement英语短句 例句大全

性状置换,character displacement

1)character displacement性状置换

1.alba is a phenomenon of reproductivecharacter displacement.白花玉叶金花变种的出现属于性状置换现象。

2)refractive lens exchange屈光性晶状体置换


1.Refractive lens exchange surgery for high myopia:a long term follow-up屈光性晶状体置换手术治疗高度近视眼的长期疗效观察

2.Calculation of intraocular lens power after corneal refractive surgery角膜屈光手术后人工晶状体屈光力的计算

3.Analysis of Precision in Predicting Intra Ocular Lens Refractionin Silicon Oil Tamponade;硅油填充状态下测算人工晶状体屈光度数准确性分析

4.Clinical results in highly myopic eyes using the Haigis-L formulaHaigis-L公式计算超长眼轴患者所需人工晶状体屈光度精确性的研究

5.Intraocular lens power calculation in traumatic cataract with corneal scar合并角膜瘢痕的外伤性白内障人工晶状体屈光度的计算方法

6.Study on forecasted the accurate of intraocular lens diopter before operation预设人工晶体屈光度准确性的探讨

7.The change of axial length and refraction after intraocular lens implantation in pediatric patient儿童白内障人工晶状体植入后眼轴及屈光变化

8.aphakic angle-closure glaucoma无晶状体性闭角青光眼

9.Objective To observe refractive change and axial growth in children with bilateral congenital cataract after intraocular lens( IOL) implantation.目的探讨儿童双眼先天性白内障摘除人工晶状体植入术后眼轴长度和屈光状态的变化情况。

10.Prospective study on corneal refractive changes after vitrectomy玻璃体手术对角膜性屈光状态的影响

11.Accuracy of research of Chinese elderly cataract patients with normal axial length diopter intraocular lens formula for calculating国人正常眼轴老年白内障患者人工晶状体屈光度计算公式的准确性研究

12.Accuracy of IOL-Master for power calculation of intraocular lens refraction in silicone-filled eyes with cataractIOL-Master测算硅油眼并发白内障状态下人工晶体屈光度数的准确性观察

parison of Refraction State Between Folding Artificial Lens and Polymethylmethacrylate Artificial Lens白内障超声乳化摘除植入折叠式与PMMA人工晶状体的屈光状态比较

14.These data were used to calculate the error of predicted postoperative refraction with SRKII intraocular lens power formulas.我们采用了SRKⅡ工水晶体度数之计算公式来预估术后之屈光状态。

15.The Observation of Ciliary Groove Implantable Collamer Lens Implantation Efficacy of Early Cataract Treatment观察后房型Collamer屈光晶状体植入术治疗白内障的早期疗效

16.transistorized channel translating equipment晶体管化波道调换装置

17.Interleave filter properties of 1-D coated laser hologram photonic crystal镀膜激光全息光子晶体梳状滤波特性研究

18.Preparation of Electrolytic Coloration Appatatus and Spectral Property of Color Centers in Electrolytically Colored Crystals;晶体电注入装置研制和电注入着色晶体色心光谱特性


refractive lens exchange屈光性晶状体置换

3)character displacement性状替换

4)permutation property置换性质

1.Polycyclic semigroup was investigated,thepermutation property of the polycyclic semigroup was discussed,and it was proved by means of full-inductive method that polycyclic semigroup haspermutation property n,n≥3.研究多循环半群,讨论多循环半群的置换性质,用完全归纳法证明当n≥3时,多循环半群有置换性质^Pn。

2.Thepermutation property of the bicyclic semigroup has been discussed, and the results have shown that the bicyclic semigroup has P (n≥4).主要讨论了双循环半群的置换性质 ,证明了当 n≥ 4时 ,双循环半群有置换性质 P*

5)linear permutation线性置换

1.If f(x) is a nonlinear permutation, then f(x), ax, x+ 1 are complete system over Sp, where the degree of a (a∈Rp) is p- 1.首次提出了广义线性置换,并定出其划定的充要条件,同时还定出了几类新的一元多值逻辑函数的完备集。

6)gender displacement性别置换

1.From an angle ofgender displacement, this article attempts to reveal the sex hint of Xu Guangping s The Monster to the love of Lu Xun and her.本文试图从“性别置换”角度揭示许广平《魔祟》一剧在鲁、许之恋中的性暗示意味 ,以“暗示说”与学界现有的“记录说”、“缅怀说”商


