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时政周刊 Political Weeklies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-23 22:45:22


时政周刊 Political Weeklies英语短句 例句大全

时政周刊,Political Weeklies

1)Political Weeklies时政周刊

2)the current political affairs weekly时政新闻类周刊



1.A survey on figures of speech in English advertisements inTime;《时代周刊》广告词修辞格初探

2.This paper intends to show the stable features ofTime magazine s religious report frame and the recent variations.通过考察报道内容,本文想弄清《时代周刊》宗教报道的框架有哪些稳定特征,近来它们发生了哪些变化以及变化最显著的方面有哪些。


1.You know I was really hoping to get that journalism internship at the Times.你知道,我真的非常想在《时代周刊》实习。

2.An Analysis of Time s China-Reporting from the Perspective of Critical Linguistics;从批评语言学看《时代周刊》的中国报道

3.Lesson Fifty-nine Numbers数字 The circulation of Time magazine has reached eight million.时代周刊的发行量已经达到了八百万份。

4.Cognitive Study of Metaphors in Business Column of TIME;基于《时代周刊》商业专栏中隐喻的认知研究

5.Recently, Time named three American women as its Persons of the Year for 2002.近来,《时代周刊》将三位美国妇女列为它2002年度的风云人物。

6.I have a subscription to Time .我订阅《时代》周刊。

7.(from Time, Jan. 24, 1983)(译自《时代》周刊,1983年1月24日号)

8.(from Time,Oct. 21, 1981)(译自《时代》周刊1981年10月21日号)

9.(from Time. No. 6, 1978)(译自《时代》周刊,1978年第6期)

10.I recommend to you Time and Newsweek. They are excellent.我向你推荐《时代》和《新闻周刊》,它们很棒。

11.(U.S. "Time" Magazine Cover Story)(美国《时代》周刊的专题报道)

12.Phoenix Jewelry Magazine, the choice of an era.选择《凤凰周刊·珠宝》,选择一个时代。

13.Reports on Disaster of TIME;美国《时代》周刊灾难新闻报道研究

14.A Study on China s Image in Time (1992-);论《时代》周刊的中国形象建构(1992—)

15.Special thanks to Digital Times Magazine and Editor-in-Chief for permission to republish this excerpt of the essay originally appearing in the41 of that magazine.本文摘自数位周刊第41期,感谢数位时代双周刊总编辑王志仁赐稿。

16.Our review of this week"s papers is presented by the editor of "The Times".我们的本周报纸要闻回顾由《时代》周刊编辑主持。

17.Our review of this week"s papers is presented by the editor of `The Times".我们的本周报纸要闻回顾由《时代》周刊编辑主持.

18.She added, however, that she might plump for Time instead.但是季莫申科又补充说,她可能会选择《时代》周刊。


the current political affairs weekly时政新闻类周刊



1.A survey on figures of speech in English advertisements inTime;《时代周刊》广告词修辞格初探

2.This paper intends to show the stable features ofTime magazine s religious report frame and the recent variations.通过考察报道内容,本文想弄清《时代周刊》宗教报道的框架有哪些稳定特征,近来它们发生了哪些变化以及变化最显著的方面有哪些。


1.Evolution of theTime under the Leadership of Its Six Editor-in-chiefs;从六任总编看《时代》周刊的演变

2.Reports on Disaster of TIME;美国《时代》周刊灾难新闻报道研究

3.A Study on China s Image inTime (1992-);论《时代》周刊的中国形象建构(1992—)

6)current political affair magazine时政期刊

1.It try to demonstrate Shenghuo zhoukan sevolvement in form and the relation between this and the establishment of generalmagazine andcurrent political affair magazine forms.本文以《生活》周刊为研究对象,论证《生活》周刊的期刊形态演变过程及其与民国时期大众期刊和时政期刊形态确立之间的关系,试图在中国期刊史的坐标系中找到《生活》周刊应有的地位。


时政1.犹时令。按岁时节令制定的有关农事的政令。 2.当时的政治措施。
