100字范文 > 遗传编程 Genetic programming英语短句 例句大全

遗传编程 Genetic programming英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-07 20:43:48


遗传编程 Genetic programming英语短句 例句大全

遗传编程,Genetic programming

1)Genetic programming遗传编程

1.Designing both the weights and architecture for a neural network with genetic programming;用遗传编程进化神经网络结构和权值

2.Hierarchical rules mining model based on genetic programming;基于遗传编程的分等级规则挖掘模型

3.Classification feature extraction of multiple gear faults using genetic programming;利用遗传编程提取齿轮多重故障分类特征


1.Research and Application of Flexible Neural Tree Based on Grammar Guided Genetic Programming;基于语法引导遗传编程的神经树的研究与应用

2.Identification of Nonmonotonic Nonlinear System Based on Genetic Programming;基于遗传编程的非单调非线性系统辨识

3.Modeling and Synthesizing the Coordinate Control System Based on Genetic Programming;基于遗传编程的协调控制系统建模和设计

4.Studies and Applications on Sustainable Simulated Annealing Algorithm Based on Genetic Programming (GP-HFCSA)基于遗传编程的可持续模拟退火算法及应用

5.Research on Insulation Fault Diagnosis Models for Power Transformers Based on Genetic Programming;基于遗传编程的电力变压器绝缘故障诊断模型研究

6.Modeling and Application of Sustainable Evolutionary Algorithm Based on GP;基于遗传编程的可持续性进化算法建模及应用实现

7.Modeling and Application of Sustainable Simulated Annealing Algorithm Based on GP;基于遗传编程的可持续性模拟退火算法建模及应用实现

8.Identification and Optimization of Nonlinear Object of Mechanical and Electronic System Based on Genetic Programming and Bond Graph;基于遗传编程和键合图的机电系统非线性对象辨识与优化

9.Improve Real-coded Genetic Algorithm Solving Numerical Solution of Differential Equation;改进的实数编码遗传算法解微分方程数值解

10.Research and Application of Using Genetic Algorithms for Solving Timetable Problem;使用遗传算法编排课程表的研究与应用

11.Function Optimization Based on Programming Mixed Ant Colony Algorithm with Genetic Algorithm基于蚁群遗传算法混合编程的函数优化

12.Genetic Inductive Logic Programming Based on Bit-string Encoding基于位串编码的遗传归纳逻辑程序设计

13.In this paper, the genetic algorithm( GA) has been used in reactor fuel management of core arrangement optimal calculation.应用遗传算法编制了核反应堆堆芯燃料管理优化计算程序。

14.Genetic Programming-Based Formulation for Distortional Buckling Stress of Cold-Formed Steel Members采用遗传算法编程的公式计算冷弯型钢构件的扭转屈曲应力

15.Epigenetic Reprogramming of Histone Modifications in Bovine IVF and Cloned Embryos Development;牛体外受精胚胎及克隆胚胎发育过程中组蛋白修饰表观遗传重编程的研究

16.Research and Application of Genetic Algorithm Based on Matrix Coding;基于矩阵编码的遗传算法研究与应用

17.Research on Combination of Crossover Operators of Real Coded Genetic Algorithms;实数编码遗传算法杂交算子组合研究

18.An adaptive genetic algorithm based on real-coding;一种基于实数编码的自适应遗传算法


multiobjective genetic programming多目标遗传编程

1.A novelmultiobjective genetic programming,which searching aim is to minimize the sum of squares of deviations,the complexity and the maximal dynamic deviation,was put forward to model the main steam temperature system of powe.提出了一种新的多目标遗传编程算法,将进化的目标设定为偏差的平方和、表达式的复杂程度和最大动态偏差的综合最小。

3)Grammar Guided Genetic Programming基于语法引导遗传编程

1.Research and Application of Flexible Neural Tree Based onGrammar Guided Genetic Programming;基于语法引导遗传编程的神经树的研究与应用


5)genetic coding遗传编码

1.Thegenetic coding, crossover operation and mutation operation are studied in detail.介绍了遗传算法的基本原理及实现步骤,结合气调温度模糊控制器的实例,讨论了其在模糊控制规则优化中的实现,即遗传编码、交叉运算和变异运算。

2.Thegenetic coding strategy,proposed by the paper,gives initial population a knowledge-based heuristic strategy,which makes initial population a better performance at the very start.论文提出的遗传编码策略,对初始种群给予基于知识型启发策略,使得初始种群一开始就表现为一种较优的状态。

6)genetic encoding遗传编码

1.A newgenetic encoding approach is described.对影响遗传机制的编码方法进行了探讨,给出了一种新的遗传编码方法,这种编码方法比其它编码方法更能使算法达到最优解,从而提供了利用遗传算法来获取模糊规则的一个较好途径。


Autocad VBA初级教程 (第二课 编程基础)第二课 编程基础本课主要任务是对上一课的例程进行详细分析下面是源码:Sub c100()Dim cc(0 To 2) As Double "声明坐标变量cc(0) = 1000 "定义圆心座标cc(1) = 1000cc(2) = 0For i = 1 To 1000 Step 10 "开始循环 Call ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(cc, i * 10) "画圆Next iEnd Sub先看第一行和最后一行:Sub C100()……End SubC100是宏的名称,也叫过程名称,当用户执行C100时程序将运行sub和end sub之间的所有指令。第二行:Dim cc(0 To 2) As Double "声明坐标变量后半段“"声明坐标变量”自动变为绿色字体,它是代码语句的注释,它不会影响程序运行,它的作用是告诉阅读者程序员的想法。对于简单的程序,一般不需要写注释,如果要编写非常复杂的程序,最好要多加注释,越详细越好,对于程序员来说,这是一个好习惯。电脑真正编译执行的是这条语句:Dim cc(0 To 2) As Double它的作用就是声明变量。Dim是一条语句,可以理解为计算机指令。它的语法:Dim变量名 As 数据类型本例中变量名为CC,而括号中的0 to 2声明这个CC是一个数组,这个数组有三个元素:CC(0)、CC(1)、CC(2),如果改为CC(1 to 3),则三个元素是CC(1)、CC(2)、CC(3),有了这个数组,就可以把坐标数值放到这个变量之中。Double是数据类型中的一种。ACAD中一般需要定义坐标时就用这个数据类型。在ACAD中数据类型的有很多,下面两个是比较常用的数据类型,初学者要有所理解。Long(长整型),其范围从 -2,147,483,648 到 2,147,483,647。Variant 它是那些没被显式声明为其他类型变量的数据类型,可以理解为一种通用的数据类型,这是最常用的。下面三条语句cc(0) = 1000 "定义圆心座标cc(1) = 1000cc(2) = 0它们的作用是给CC变量的每一个元素赋,值其顺序是X、Y、Z坐标。For i = 1 To 1000 Step 10 "开始循环……Next i "结束循环这两条语句的作用是循环运行指令,每循环一次,i值要增加10,当i加到 1000时,结束循环。i也是一个变量,虽然没有声明i变量,程序还是认可的,VB不是C语言,每用一个变量都要声明,不声明就会报错。简单是简单了,这样做也有坏处,如果不小心打错了一个字母,程序不会报错,如果程序很长,那就会出现一些意想不到的错误。step后面的数值就是每次循环时增加的数值,step后也可以用负值。
