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抽查检验 Sampling and testing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-04 23:05:16


抽查检验 Sampling and testing英语短句 例句大全

抽查检验,Sampling and testing

1)Sampling and testing抽查检验

1.Sampling and testing (ST) of medical products is an important means of drug quality inspection nationwide.药品抽查检验工作是《药品管理法》赋予药品监督管理部门的法律职责,是国家对药品质量实施监管的重要手段。


1.The State Administration for Commodity Inspection may publicize the result of the random inspection or circulate a notice about it to the relevant departments.国家商检部门可以公布抽查检验结果或者向有关部门通报抽查检验情况。

2.Nopermission shall be granted for the export of export commodities found to be substandard in a random inspection.出口商品经抽查检验不合格的,不准出口。

3.Article65 According to the needs of supervision and inspection, pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative departments may conduct sampling examinations on the quality of pharmaceuticals.第六十五条药品监督管理部门根据监督检查的需要,可以对药品质量进行抽查检验。

4.Drug regulatory agencies may conduct selective testing of drug quality in light of the need of supervision and inspection.药品监督管理部门根据监督检查的需要,可以对药品质量进行抽查检验。

5.Make pre-production, during production, and final random inspection.检验大货样品,和最后的抽样检查。

6.relevant inspection, sampling and testing methods;有关检查、抽样和检验方法;

7.Average Sample Number for Sampling Inspection by Attributes in Acceptance Check关于计数验收抽样检查中的平均检验件数问题

8.The Design and Application of Measure Sampling Inspection in Perforator"s Sampling Inspection Plan计量抽样检查在射孔器材抽样检验方案的设计与应用

9.The objective examination showed anterior drawer test(ADT) positive in 23 preoperatively, 1 postoperatively;客观检查:前抽屉试验阳性,术前23侧,术后1侧;

10.A National Special Inspection and Sample Testing Analysis of Natural Latex Rubber Condoms;天然胶乳橡胶避孕套专项检查及抽验情况分析

11.Abnormity and Causal Analysis of Ventilation Shaft Inspection Hole Pumping Test in Fenglong Colliery丰龙风井检查孔抽水试验异常及原因分析

12.sampling inspection plan抽样检验方案 抽样检验方案

13.Credibility and Effectiveness Examination on Sampling Investigation on Gaduates in the Experimental Unit of Open Edcation of Hunan Radio and Television University;湖南电大试点项目毕业生追踪调查抽样调查信度和效度检验

14.D: I"d like to run a few tests. Can you give me a urine sample? And we"ll take some blood, Later.丁:我想给您做些检查,您能不能验一下尿,完了我们再给您抽血化验.

15.I"d like to run a few test. Can you give me a urine sample? And we"ll take some blood.我想给你做些检查,你能不能验一下尿,完了我们再给你抽血化验。

16.statistical sampling in voucher examination凭证查检统计抽样法

17.Where it is necessary to make axenic or pyrogen experiment, animalcule limit inspection on a crude drug, or it is necessary to vaccumize and fill in nitrogen gas for a crude drug,需进行无菌、热原试验、微生物限度检查或需抽真空、充氮气的原料药,

18.To discharge this function, the department"s surveyors carry out selective inspections for those ships.为履行这方面的职责,该处验船主任负责抽样检查这些船舶。


sampling inspection抽样检查,抽样检验

3)quality testing and spot checking质检抽查

1.To keep thequality testing and spot checking fairly,justly and openly were proposed on the current situation,and the authoritativeness should be established,the public trust should be strengthened and the full play of the supervision function and important function in quality testing spot checking should be given at the same time.针对煤炭质检抽查工作的现状,建议一定要做到公平、公正、公开,同时要树立权威性,增强公信力,充分发挥质检抽查的监督职能及其重要作用,从而有力地保障相关企业间的正常生产秩序。

4)sampling inspection抽样检查

1.However, percent sampling has been mainly used forsampling inspection of geological data till now.但到目前为止,地质数据的抽样检查基本上采用百分比抽样方案及简单随机和分层抽样方法。

5)sampling inspection抽检查

6)sample survey抽样检查

1.The characteristic ofsample survey plan and its OC curve is analyzed by mathematical statistics.运用数理统计方法,对抽查方案特性及其OC曲线进行了分析,指出了抽样检查时因样本的代表性和抽样误差产生的两种错误判断。


