100字范文 > 两湖地区 Hubei and Hunan英语短句 例句大全

两湖地区 Hubei and Hunan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-18 02:40:00


两湖地区 Hubei and Hunan英语短句 例句大全

两湖地区,Hubei and Hunan

1)Hubei and Hunan两湖地区

1.The Characteristics and Causes of Prosperity of Private Engraved Books inHubei and Hunan during the Qing Dynasty;试论清代两湖地区私家刻书的特点及其兴盛原因


1.Elementary Exploration of Epidemic in Hubei & Hunan Area from 1840 to 1937;1840—1937年间两湖地区瘟疫初探

2.A Study on Anti-Christian Cases in Hunan and Hubei Region during the Period of "the South-East Mutual Protection"“东南互保”时期两湖地区教案研究

3.The Folk Strong Force and Region Order in Song Dynasty;宋代两湖地区民间强势力量与地域秩序

4.An Analysis on the Characteristics and the Reasons for the Prosperity of Hunan and Hubei Academy of Classical Learning During the Qing Dynasty;试论清代两湖地区书院的刻书业及其兴盛原因

5.Inquiry into the Beadhouse and Its Works Providing for the Aged During Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清养济事业若干问题探析——以两湖地区为中心

6.Diffusing Painted Pottery of Miaodigou Culture to Central-Southern China庙底沟文化彩陶向南方两湖地区的传播

7.On the Publishing Activities by Western Missionaries of Modern Timesin Hubei and Hunan Provinces试论近代西方传教士在两湖地区的出版活动

8.The Characteristics and Causes of Prosperity of Private Engraved Books in Hubei and Hunan during the Qing Dynasty;试论清代两湖地区私家刻书的特点及其兴盛原因

9.The Conflict between Native and Refugees of Hunan & Hubei during the Ming Dynasty;主客之间:明代两湖地区土著与流寓的矛盾与冲突

10.On the Group Characteristics and Cultural Contributions of Private Printing in Hunan and Hubei Provinces in Qing Dynasty试论清代两湖地区的私家刻书群体特征及其文化贡献

11.Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and Hubei two areas higher vocational education comparison brief analysis;江浙与湖北两地区高等职业教育比较浅析

12.Hubei and Hunan Immigrants of the Intersectional Region of Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Anhui after Tai Ping Tian Guo War;太平天国战后苏浙皖交界地区的两湖移民

13.The Social Life of the Inhabitants in Towns of Liangzhe Area during the South Song Dynasty--Taking the areas of Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou as an example;南宋两浙地区城镇居民的社会生活——以杭嘉湖地区为例

14.Countermeasures in Mutual Tourism Areas in Tourist Development --Taking"Two Mountains and One Lake"Area of Anhui Province for Example;旅游开发中的区域联动战略——以安徽省“两山一湖”地区为例

15.Research on the Undertaking Industry Transfer from Coastal Areas to Hunan Province under the Background of "Two-oriented Society" Construction“两型社会”建设背景下湖南承接沿海地区产业转移研究

16.Design and Practice of Hunan New Village Housing Reform Program --Case Study on Huangxing and Bojia湖南地区新农村住宅改造设计研究与实践——以湖南黄兴、柏加两镇为例

17.Study on Incorporating to the "Two-mountain and One-lake" Tourism Area of Guichi District;安徽贵池区融入“两山一湖”旅游区研究

18.Museum of Jingzhou Prefecture, Hubei湖北省荆州地区博物馆


two-mountains and one-lake area两山一湖地区

3)Hubei and Hunan areas两湖地区书院

4)peopole in Hubei and Hunan provinces两湖地区士民

5)Taihu region太湖地区

1.Non-point pollutant concentrations for different land uses in Lihe River watershed of Taihu Region;太湖地区蠡河流域不同用地类型面源污染特征

2.Health-quality problems of paddy soil in theTaihu region.;太湖地区水稻土的健康质量问题及调控对策

3.Sporopollen Record in Chuodun Site in Suzhou, Jiangsu and Palaeoenvironment in Taihu Region;江苏苏州绰墩遗址孢粉记录与太湖地区的古环境

6)Sanhu region三湖地区

1.Based on the geological interpretation of more than ten thousand seismic profiles of 1000 meters inSanhu region of Qaidam Basin,this paper shows that two strike-slip faults developed in the basin,among which one in the south of the basin and another in the middle of the basin,while the latter one has played an important role in the formation of the structure of the region.通过对柴达木盆地三湖地区万余剖面千米地震剖面进行地质解释,指出三湖地区发育柴南和柴中两条走滑断层,柴中断层对三湖地区构造形成起主要控制作用。

2.Previous research has concluded that biogenic gas of theSanhu region is generated from Quaternary humic source rock.在以前的研究中柴达木盆地三湖地区生物气一直被认为是完全由第四系腐殖型有机质所生成的。

3.From analysis of resources distribution types and controlling factors of Quaternary biogas inSanhu region in Qaidam Basin,three occurrence ways of biogas are pointed out:the low-rate structural traps,the lithologic traps,and the widely distributed water-soluble form.通过柴达木盆地三湖地区第四系生物气的资源分布类型和控制因素分析,指出生物气具有3种赋存方式:一是聚集在低幅度构造圈闭;二是聚集在岩性圈闭中;三是以水溶性天然气形式广泛分布。


两湖书院光绪十六年(1890 年)四月,张之洞于武昌营坊口都司湖畔创建两湖书院。经费主要出自湘、鄂两省茶商捐赀,故名“两湖书院”,专取两湖士子入学肄业,每省员额两百名,另为报答茶商资助,专录商籍学生四十人。1891年,张之洞札令湖北、湖南两省学使通饬各属,选调才识出群、志行不苟的秀才各100名人学,因茶商捐助办学,另收录茶商子弟40名。课程分经学、史学、理学、文学四门,还可兼习有关科目,另设算学、经济两门为兼习课。每月朔日为官课,望日为分教师课,称“朔课”、“望课”。各课延聘名师分教,著名的地理学家和书法家杨守敬、数学家和翻译家华蘅芳、音韵学家沈勇植以及易顺鼎、杨锐、汪康年、姚晋圻、周树模、陈三立、屠寄、邹代钩等名流都曾任教该院。两湖书院不设山长,而设提调一人主管,监院二人副之。后改提调为院长,以梁鼎芬充任,继任者有蒯光典、王同愈、黄绍箕等。每月官、师二课,都严于考核,学生成绩提高很快。1893年乡试时,该院肄业生中试者达23人之多。1896年仿学堂办法进行改革,月课改为日课,分经、史、舆地、算学四门,后又增设格致、兵法、体操等课。诸生按日上堂听课作笔记,分教按日查斋,严格管理。每学期大考一次,张之洞亲临主持。后改选调制为招考录取制,保证了生源质量。学制5年,合格者择优咨送请奖录用,不合格者令其归家。有一部分优秀学生还由官费送出国深造。自立军领导人唐才常、辛亥革命领袖黄兴等都曾是两湖书院学生。1903年,两湖书院改为文高等学堂,亦称两湖大学堂。不久又称为两湖总师范学堂。
