100字范文 > 士大夫情结 scholar bureaucrats complex英语短句 例句大全

士大夫情结 scholar bureaucrats complex英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-22 03:02:37


士大夫情结 scholar bureaucrats complex英语短句 例句大全

士大夫情结,scholar bureaucrat"s complex

1)scholar bureaucrat"s complex士大夫情结

2)literati"s feelings士大夫情怀


1.The Literati s Upright Feelings in Feudal China -About the Sex Males and Females in Erpai;正直的士大夫情怀——从“二拍”中的“性”男女谈

2.The Feelings of Scholar-bureaucrat and the Literary Pursue of Life Consciousness--The Self-selection of Li Qingzhao s Role in Literature;士大夫情怀与生命意识的文人化追求——李清照文化角色的自我选择

3.Concern About Qu Yuan s Life and Fate and Solicitude for Scholar-Officials Life in Song Dynasty;屈原身世命运的关注与宋代士大夫的人生关怀

4.With mixed feelings he said good-bye to Dy. Archibald.他怀着矛盾的心情告别了阿奇博尔德大夫。

5.The Study of the Shi Dafu s Emotion Speciality and Aesthetic Orientation of the Book of Songs;《诗经》的士大夫情感特质与审美趋向研究

6.Great Reformism of the Depiction of the Poetic Realness--On the Ugliness expressed in J.Swift s Poetry;写实诗学中伟大的改良情怀——乔纳森·斯威夫特诗歌中的“审丑”解读

7.Is this, the martial arts effort headquarter is the person of great virtue person with ideals and integrity of the race martial arts of the concern, concern and concern to provide one terrace of exchanges and study.为此,武术功夫大本营为关注、心和关怀民族武术的仁人志士提供一个交流和探讨的平台。

8.On the Human Emotion in the Tales of the World;论《世说新语》与魏晋士人的在世情怀

9.The Sentiment toward Unconventional Scholars in Er Yue He s Novels;千古文人名士梦——论二月河小说的名士情怀

10.Even with women friends she was embarrassed by any mention of her condition, while visits to Dr. Meade were agonizing experiences.因为她连对女朋友也不好意思说自己怀孕的事,每次去找米德大夫都觉得很难为情。

11.In the street below knights on horseback and adoring crowds celebrate the city"s dominance.下面大街上骑在马上的骑士们和怀着崇敬之情的群众在歌颂本市的权势。

12.On Leisure Life of Intellectuals During Late Northern Song Dynasty from Perspective of Prevailing Custom Among Intellectuals;从士风看北宋后期士大夫的闲暇生活

13.It"s made me rather doubtful of Dr. Wayne"s diagnosis.这就使我有点怀疑卫恩大夫的诊断了。

14.On the Ethnic Sentiment and Tragic in Tchaikovsky"s Music论柴科夫斯基音乐中的民族情怀与悲剧性

15.Soldiers who were fighting together often have a strong feeling of brotherhood一起作战的士兵相互间常怀有深厚的兄弟情谊

16.Soldiers who are fighting together often have a strong feeling of brotherhood.一起作战的士兵相互间常怀有深厚的兄弟情谊。

17.National Consciousness and the Feeling of Standing Aloof from Worldly Affairs in Immortal Drama;马致远“仙道”剧中的民族意识与隐士情怀

18.On Confucius s Political Feelings And His Influences on Chinese Traditional Scholars;论孔子的政治情怀和他对中国传统士人的影响


literati"s feelings士大夫情怀


1.With the reinforcement of an ancient China s special ethics morality,thescholar-officials in the Han Dynasty are increasingly conscious of their loyalty to their emperors.随着"三纲五常"伦理意识的不断加强,汉代士大夫的忠君意识也有一个逐步加强的过程。

2.Buddhism s revival of Pingcheng time was much related to thescholar-officials in the Northern Wei Dynasty.北魏平城时期佛教的复兴与北魏士大夫居士关系极为密切,在宗教信仰上他们与帝王找到了一个新的结合点,形成以皇室为中心,以士大夫为群体的居士团体;他们是平城时期佛教复兴的赞助人,幕后人。

3.As the foundation of the autocratic political power, thescholar-officials were very anxious about this matter.东汉自和帝始,外戚宦官交替专权,政治腐败,社会危机严重,代表社会、象征国家的皇权被两派势力异化,士大夫集团的权力和利益被严重剥夺,统治岌岌可危。

4)scholar officials士大夫

1.Since the Song Dynasty pursued the policy of "rule the nation withscholar officials",thescholar officials played a role as the ruling basis in the Song Dynasty.赵宋立国奉行"与士大夫治天下"的政策,士大夫是宋朝统治的基础,其风气状况如何,关系到社会的安定,机构的效能,政治的清明以及宋王朝的兴衰成败。

2.Faced with the coming of the crisis,the Chinesescholar officials were worried about the future of the country and started to search for the way of salvation.而危机爆发前 ,中国的精英群体———士大夫已忧虑国运而开始探索自救的出路。


1.Taoism and the Life-Philosophy of Scholar-bureaucrats;道教与士大夫的人生哲学

2.Probe into the Scholar-Bureaucrat s Mundane Life in Song Dynasty;宋代士大夫生活世俗化探析

3.Qianneng(钱能),who was the guardian eunuch of Yunnan Province during the Xian Zong Emperor(宪宗)of the Ming Dynasty,was despised by thescholar-bureaucrats because of his peremptoriness and greed.明代成化年间,以专横贪恣著称的云南镇守太监钱能,为士大夫所鄙,屡遭大学士商辂、云南巡抚王恕等人的弹劾。


1.Influence of Payment System in Song Dynasty onScholar-officials;宋代祠禄制度对士大夫的影响

2.As the important social class and pillar of the society,scholar-officials have always been con- cerned by the Chinese scholars.士大夫作为中国古代封建社会的中坚阶层一直是学术界较为关注的课题。

3.The scholar-officials in the Song Dynasty lived in the period when the social was transforming.处于社会转型时期的宋代士大夫们,由于其生存的历史环境与宋前社会的不同,其文化心理自然亦呈现出鲜明的时代特点。


