100字范文 > 水工设计 hydraulic structure design英语短句 例句大全

水工设计 hydraulic structure design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-12 00:58:21


水工设计 hydraulic structure design英语短句 例句大全

水工设计,hydraulic structure design

1)hydraulic structure design水工设计

1.Starting from an investigation into the real process ofhydraulic structure design , this paper puts forth, with its characteristics being analysed, some forms of knowledge representation for engineering design expert systems.从分析水工设计的实际过程及其特点入手,提出便于实现工程设计专家 系统的知识表示,并给出了相应的推理方法。

2)hydraulic design水工设计

1.Based on the practice in Xinjiang,the paper systematically presents the experience ofhydraulic design of small and medium sized diversion type power stations in respects of diversion,flood .文章结合新疆实际 ,全面系统地介绍了中、小型引水式水电站在引水、泄洪、排冰、排沙和防冰冻破坏方面的水工设计经

3)hydraulic engineering design水利工程设计

1.Hydraulic engineering design runs in process flows, and all projects and works are made up of process flows.水利工程设计运行于流程之中,设计院所有的项目管理及业务活动都是由各种流程组成的。

4)drainage engineering design给排水工程设计

1.The paper analyzed the potential of comprehensive energy saving、water saving、material saving indrainage engineering design.浅析给排水工程设计中综合节能、综合节水、节约材料的潜力所在,针对各个环节提出了相应的节能、节水、节约材料和提高系统效率的具体办法和措施。


1.Water Supply and Drainage Design for the Service Area of Highway高速公路服务区消防给排水工程设计简述

2.Water supply and drainage design of Zhoushan Coal Transfer Terminal in Zhejiang province浙江舟山煤炭中转码头给排水工程设计

3.Code for structural design of water supply and sewerage engineering给水排水工程结构设计规范

4.On Undergraduate Thesis for Specialty of Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering;给水排水工程专业毕业设计问题思考

5.Design and Analysis of Water Supply And Drainage Works in Residence Community of Longzhongbiyuan;“隆中碧苑”小区给水排水工程设计分析

6.Radiation water supply and drainage system design of the Shanghai Guangyuan project上海光源工程辐射防护的给排水设计

7.Specification for the deformation joint design of concrete structures in water work engineering给水排水工程混凝土构筑物变形缝设计规程

8.Application Study of the BIM Technique in Water Supply and Drainage System DesignBIM技术在给水排水工程设计中的应用研究

9.Design of Water Supply and Sewerage System in Luojing Terminal(Phase 2) of Shanghai Port上海港罗泾港区二期工程给水排水设计

10.Risk Evaluations for Water Supply & Drainage Design of Construction with the Methods of AHP and Fuzzy Mathematics;工程给排水设计风险的模糊层次综合评价

11.Experience and Reflection of Ecological Design of PlumpingWork of Residential Buildings;建筑住宅给排水工程生态化设计的经验与思考

12.Design summarization about water supply and drainage for Nansha Container Terminal Phase Ⅱ Project of Guangzhou Port广州港南沙港区二期工程给排水设计总结

13.Transformation of the old city of Quanzhou to the drainage design projects浅议泉州市区旧城改造工程的给排水设计

14.Disquisition of Hydraulics Calculation and Optimizing Design for Water Supply & Sewerage of High-building;高层建筑给水排水工程水力计算及优化设计的研究及探讨

15.The Design and Discuss of Water Supply, Drainage and Fire Control Engineering for the Electrical Education Center of CITC;常州工业技术学院电教中心给水排水与消防工程设计与探讨

16.Specification for design of water supply and drainage in public bathroom公共浴室给水排水设计规程

17.Standard for seismic assessment of outdoor water supply and sewerage engineering facilities室外给水排水工程设施抗震鉴定标准

18.Code for the piping design of water supply and drainage in petrochemical industry石油化工给水排水管道设计规范


hydraulic design水工设计

1.Based on the practice in Xinjiang,the paper systematically presents the experience ofhydraulic design of small and medium sized diversion type power stations in respects of diversion,flood .文章结合新疆实际 ,全面系统地介绍了中、小型引水式水电站在引水、泄洪、排冰、排沙和防冰冻破坏方面的水工设计经

3)hydraulic engineering design水利工程设计

1.Hydraulic engineering design runs in process flows, and all projects and works are made up of process flows.水利工程设计运行于流程之中,设计院所有的项目管理及业务活动都是由各种流程组成的。

4)drainage engineering design给排水工程设计

1.The paper analyzed the potential of comprehensive energy saving、water saving、material saving indrainage engineering design.浅析给排水工程设计中综合节能、综合节水、节约材料的潜力所在,针对各个环节提出了相应的节能、节水、节约材料和提高系统效率的具体办法和措施。

5)Design of drainage works排水工程设计

6)thermal-hydraulic design热工水力学设计

1.An analytical model ofthermal-hydraulic design and structural optimization was developed for a double-tube bundle heat exchanger of an integrated nuclear reactor.建立了套管管束式换热器的计算模型,以便进行该种换热器热工水力学设计计算和结构优化。


1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)叠 135Omm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)
