100字范文 > 越冬管理 Overwinter management英语短句 例句大全

越冬管理 Overwinter management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-16 07:03:29


越冬管理 Overwinter management英语短句 例句大全

越冬管理,Overwinter management

1)Overwinter management越冬管理

2)handling ways passing winter越冬处理

3)overwintering physiology越冬生理

4)Winter management冬季管理


1.Enhancing the Winter-days Management of University Sports Stadium and Gymnasium for Advancing the Development of Heilongjiang Winter Sports and Economy加强高校体育场馆冬季管理促进龙江冰雪体育与经济发展

2.My Thoughts on the Organization and Training Management for High-level Winter Sports Team in Universities;高校高水平冬季体育项目运动队组织与训练管理的思考

3.Design and Implementation of an Identity Authentication System of Winter Sports Adminstrative Center冬季运动项目管理中心身份认证系统的设计与实现

4.Effects of Rice Straw Incorporation and Land Management in Winter on Methane Emission During Rice-growing Season冬季秸秆还田和土地管理对水稻生长期CH_4排放的影响

5.Discussion on Ice Block During Transportation of Product Oil in Frigid Region北方冬季输送成品油管线冰堵的探讨

6.Research on Welding Technologies in Winter for West-East Gas Pipeline Project Ⅱ西气东输二线干线管道冬季焊接技术

7.Physical Structure of Madden-Julian Oscillation in the Tropical Indian Ocean During Winter冬季热带印度洋季节内振荡的物理结构

8.Can become ideal winter sanatorium.它可以成为一座理想的冬季休养地。

9.The Consistant Analysis of the Taste & Odor of Drinking Water in Baotou Drinking Water Treatment Plant in Winter;包头市给水处理厂冬季水质异味分析

10.Microphysical Characteristics of A Winter Fog Event in Nanjing南京冬季一次浓雾过程的微物理特征

11.Observational Studies on Microphysical Structures of Winter Advection Fogs in Nanjing南京冬季平流雾微物理结构观测研究

12.Performance of packing media beds for treating polluted river water in winter填料床处理污染河水的冬季运行特性

13.Development and Application of Computer Competitive Management System for the Snowboard in Half Pipe in the 6th Asian Winter Games;第6届亚洲冬季运动会单板U型场地滑雪计算机竞赛管理系统研制与应用

14.The new winter ventilation system consisted of a perforated plastic tube.新的冬季通风系统由带孔的塑料管组成。

15.Transmission Process Optimization on Jingxi-Xi an Gas Pipeline in Winter Peaking Operation;靖西天然气管道冬季高峰运行的工艺优化

16.Energy Test and Analysis of Double U-tubes Ground-source Heat Pump System in Variable Condition in Winter变工况双U管土壤源热泵冬季能耗测试分析

17.Soil Temperature Change around Double U-type Buried Tube Heat Exchanger in Winter双U形地埋管换热器冬季周围土壤温度变化

18.Measurement of operation of a GSHP system in winter地埋管地源热泵系统冬季运行测试研究


handling ways passing winter越冬处理

3)overwintering physiology越冬生理

4)Winter management冬季管理


1.In situ study on the photochemical vitality ofoverwintering phytoplankton;越冬浮游植物光合作用活性的原位研究

2.Study on the Approximate Absolute Density ofApodemus agrarius and Its Overwintering Activities;黑线姬鼠近似绝对密度及越冬情况研究

3.Effect ofoverwintering aggregation on energy metabolism in the firebug,Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera:Pyrrhocoridae);始红蝽越冬聚集行为对其能量代谢的影响


1.Since the only propagation place in Xingrentuozi on Shicheng Islands along seashores of Huanghai Sea in China were found in 1999,observation and studies on propagation,hibernation and migration of Platalea minor were conducted,and meanwhile investigation was carried out on some isles along seashores of Huanghai Sea in Liaoning each year.自1999年在辽宁省黄海沿岸的石城岛形人坨子上发现了中国的唯一繁殖地以来,作者对黑脸琵鹭的繁殖、越冬和迁徙进行了观察和研究,同时每年都对辽宁黄海沿岸的一些岛坨进行调查,在6月又在距第1处繁殖地东南3n mile(海里)的元宝坨子上发现了第2处黑脸琵鹭繁殖地。

2.In hibernation period,the death rate for those of excellent quality would be as high as 31%.中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)越冬是林蛙人工养殖中的重要环节。


