100字范文 > 内部招聘 Internal Recruitment英语短句 例句大全

内部招聘 Internal Recruitment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-13 22:18:57


内部招聘 Internal Recruitment英语短句 例句大全

内部招聘,Internal Recruitment

1)Internal Recruitment内部招聘

1.The Research ofInternal Recruitment of Core Staff Based on Competence Model;基于胜任力模型的核心员工内部招聘管理研究


1.I think the internal recruitment is good for motivation.我认为内部招聘对激发员工的积极性有好处。

2.The Research of Internal Recruitment of Core Staff Based on Competence Model;基于胜任力模型的核心员工内部招聘管理研究

3.A Strategic Study on Choice of Internal Promotion and External Recruitment内部晋升与外部招聘抉择的策略研究

4.Nov. 20 is the first day granted by the Ministry of Education for employers to enter college cam-pus for recruiting graduates.11月20日是教育部规定的招聘单位进校园招聘的头一天。

5.Student cadres were once very popular at job markets.学生干部曾一度是招聘会上的宠儿。

6.The Implicit Facial Attractiveness Stereotype Research in Personnel Interview Circumstances招聘面试中的内隐相貌刻板印象研究

7.Implementing internal & external recruitment, new employee orientation and employee relations, drafting out the related policy and procedure and providing policy consultation service.进行内外部招聘,新员工定岗,员工关系处理,起草相应政策及程序,提供相关政策咨询服务。

8.Further information, Conditions of Appointment and Method of Application should be obtained from the Appointments Department, Association of Commonwealth Universities欲知详情、应聘条件和申请办法可从英联邦大学联合会招聘部索取。

9.Different post-doc positions opens according to our needs.我们将根据这些部门的需要招聘博士后人才。

10.Interface with HR on hiring activity, to ensure hiring schedule to align with loading forecasting.与人事部合作人员招聘,确保生产正常进行.

11.Design and Implementation of the Mangement Information System in Recruitment Agency of the Troops;部队招聘中介管理信息系统的设计与实现

parison of Concepts of Talents of Non-public Enterprises in Eastern and Western Areas of China in Job Information;从招聘信息比较东西部非公有制企业人才观

13.On the Application of Outside Environment from Sike Company s Recruitment Work;从思科公司看企业招聘工作对外部环境的适应

14.Researching Scheme for Department Manager Recruitment Process Improving in CAYA Corporation开元公司部门经理招聘流程改进方案研究

15.The job was advertised in the Situations Vacant column in the newspaper.这个空缺的职位登在报纸上的招聘广告栏内。

16.Hundreds of ordnance factories are recruiting people now.国内百家兵工企业正在面向社会招聘人才。

17.These years we go headhunting for key teachers throughout the country, and we have abundant qualified teachers.我校在全国范围内招聘骨干教师,师资力量雄厚。

18.Already, nine out of every 10 of our Mainland staff are hired locally.我们在内地的员工已经有90%是在本地招聘的。


External Recruitment外部招聘

3)in-service recruitment内部招聘;从在职人员中招聘

4)recruitment agency of the troops部队招聘中介

1.The Mangement Information System inrecruitment agency of the troops is a relatively classic one which is designed and developed in view of moden recruitment of the talented man by the troops.部队招聘中介管理信息系统是比较典型的信息管理系统,是着眼部队进行现代化的人才招聘而开发设计的,系统为部队招聘人才和人才选择到部队发展提供了交流的平台。


1.The innovative methods and effect ofemployment for civil nurses in our hospital;我院招聘文职人员创新思路的做法与成效

2.The role of nursing department in theemployment of civil nurses;护理部在招聘文职护士中的作用

3.Application of Structural Interview in Colleges Employment;结构化面试在高校教师招聘中的应用


1.The practice and understanding ofrecruitment of civil servants in military hospital;军队医院文职人员招聘的实践与体会

2.Research on the Problem in the Recruitment of Employee;员工招聘中的若干博弈问题研究

3.The Application of the Competency Model in Recruitment;浅析胜任力模型在企业招聘中的应用


