100字范文 > MIS Management Information System英语短句 例句大全

MIS Management Information System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-20 00:41:04


MIS Management Information System英语短句 例句大全

MIS,Management Information System

1)Management Information SystemMIS

1.Mathematics Models of Some Decision Support inManagement Information System at Industry Marshalling Yard;工业编组站MIS决策支持若干问题的数学模型

2.The Comparision and the Analysis on Teaching Contents ofManagement Information System in China and Abroad;国内外MIS课程内容比较分析

3.Based on an instance of theManagement Information System software for pelrochemical industry,the method of right management by Delphi was mentioned in the paper.结合一个石油化工管理系统实例提出了一种基于Delphi的通用大型MIS权限设置的策略,并给出了按模块和用户角色的设置用户权限的具体方法。



2.Carrying out Enterprise MIS in Intranet;在Intranet上实现企业MIS


4.Improvement Traditional MIS with Intranet;用Intranet模式改造传统的MIS

5.Research on Information System for Ship and Shore Based on MIS and GIS;基于MIS和GIS的船岸信息系统研究

6.Study and Design on Rolling Date MIS in Tandem Cold Rolling;冷连轧机轧制数据MIS的研究与开发

7.Research and Realization of Weapon Equipment MIS Based on .NET;基于.NET的武器装备MIS研究与实现

8.Development and Design of Attemper Manage System of BaoTou Power Supply;包头供电局调度MIS的设计与开发

9.Study on Application of MIS in the Construction Management;MIS在施工信息化管理中的应用研究

10.The Data Flow Analytics of Production Management Information System for Power Supply;供电生产MIS的数据流程分析方法

11.Research on the Overall Planning of Container Transport MIS in Xiamen Port;厦门港集装箱运输MIS总体规划研究

12.The Design and Implementation of the Production MIS Prototype System for Electric Power Enterprise;电力企业生产MIS原型系统设计与实现

13.Study of Workflow Engine and Its Application in Metrology MIS;工作流引擎研究及在计量MIS中的应用

14.Research of MIS Structure and Realization of Modules Based on the JDF;基于JDF的MIS架构体系研究与模块实现

15.Research and Development of JDF MIS Module and Supporting Technology;JDFMIS模块及其支撑技术的研究与开发

16.Research and Implementtation of Security Frame for MIS;大型MIS系统安全框架研究与实践

17.The System Design and Implement Study of the Management Information System(ERP) of the First Tractor Company Ltd.;一拖MIS(ERP)系统的总体设计与实施研究

18.metal insulator semiconductor fetmis场效应晶体管


management information system(MIS)MIS

1.In order to realize integration of management information system(MIS) and management systematization for large and medium-sized enterprises,a multi-dimensional management framework was researched by using modern management science,system integration theory and control principle comprehensively.为实现大中型企业MIS的集成化和管理的系统化,综合运用现代管理科学、系统集成理论和控制原理,研究多维管理体系结构及其运行机理。

3)marine isotopic stage 3aMIS-3a

4)MIS (Mis) promoterMIS(Mis)启动子

5)MIS structureMIS结构

1.Studied were the humidity sensitive characteristics ofMIS structure capacitor.在室温情况下,研究了MIS结构电容器的湿敏特性。

2.A piece of splash guard which made from TiO2 with small amount of Indium (In) was used and a thin film of TiO2 on silicon wafers was plated with argon-ion beam squttering technique, then theMIS structure was formed by vaporizing aluminum in standard process.用含铟(In)杂质的TiO2材料作溅射靶,采用氩离子束镀膜机在硅片上镀膜,用常规蒸铝技术和光刻技术制成MIS结构。

3.The paper proposes the principle and the structure of silicon underlay luminosity humidity sensitive components made by semiconductor ceramic material Sr 1-x La xTiO 3,characteristic parameter and curves of luminosity humidity sensitive components ofMIS structure.介绍硅衬底的半导体陶瓷材料钛酸镧锶 (Sr1-x Lax Ti O3 )光湿敏元件的工作原理及结构 ,MIS结构元件的光湿敏特性参数和曲线。


1.Actuality Analysis and Developing Layout ofMIS of Lijiaxia Hydropower Station;李家峡水电站MIS系统现状分析及发展规划

2.Research on power plant real-timeMIS with B/S architecture;B/S架构的电厂实时MIS系统的分析与研究

3.Data Sharing of Energy-loss Real-time Monitoring System andMIS for 300MW Unit;300MW机组能损实时监测系统与MIS系统的数据共享


