100字范文 > 纺专器材 special textile parts英语短句 例句大全

纺专器材 special textile parts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-30 19:58:56


纺专器材 special textile parts英语短句 例句大全

纺专器材,special textile parts

1)special textile parts纺专器材


1.Use analysis of new textile apparatus on spinning frame新型纺专器材在细纱机上的使用分析

2.Realization of the Importance of the Accessories and the Special Parts in Improving the General Grade of the Spinning Equipments;器材、专件在提高纺纱设备整体水平中占有重要地位

3.We specialize in textiles/ medical instruments/ household appliances.我们专营纺织品/疗器械/用电器。

4.The Historical Responsibility of China Tex-accessories Industry in the March from Tex-giant to Tex-superpower;纺织大国走向纺织强国进程中纺织器材行业的历史责任

5.China Textile Machinery & Accessories Associatio中国纺织机械器材工业协会

6.rope ladder of textile materials (excl. gymnastic apparatus)绳梯,纺织材料制(不包括体操器械)

7.Discussion On Carrying Out ISO 9000 Standards in Textile Equipment Enterprises;纺织器材企业推行ISO9000标准的探讨

8.Optimization of the Key Accessories in Rotor Spinning Frame R40R40型转杯纺纱机关键器材的优选配置

9.Textile materials in personal protection equipment for the police and military personnel纺织材料在军警个体防护器材领域的应用(英文)

10.The Third -Time Market for Nationwide Trade of Textile Machinery & Accessories Held in Zhengzhou第三届全国纺织机械器材贸易市场在郑州举办

11.Application of Steam Pressure Reduction Valve in Sulfuration System of Textile Rubber Accessories蒸汽减压阀在纺织橡胶器材硫化系统中的应用

12.Chinese Technical Present Situation and Development Suggestion of Textile Rubber Accessories我国纺织橡胶器材的技术现状和发展建议

13.The Progeny and the Substantial Results of the Tech-innovation of China Tex-accessories Industry in the Past 30 years30年我国纺织器材科技创新成果和实效

14.Set-up of Evaluation Model of Standardization Strategy of Shaanxi Tex-accessories Industry陕西纺织器材行业标准化战略评价模型的建立

15.Talent-Training Model of Polymeric Materials and Engineering Specialty Education: A Consideration for the Textile University纺织类高校高分子材料工程专业人才培养模式的思考

16.coiler ,for unspun textile fibres无纺纺织纤维圈条器

17.Characteristics of Supercapacitor Electrodes of PI (BPDA-PDA)-based Carbon Nanofiber Web Prepared by Electrospinning;电纺聚酰亚胺碳纳米纤维超级电容器电极材料的性能研究

18.Research on Vision Tracking System of 3D Textile Composite Preform Stitching Robot;三维纺织复合材料预制件缝合机器人视觉跟踪系统的研究


spinning accessories纺纱器材

1.Conclusion is made that cotton maturation,process speed,spinning accessories and parts,esp accessories and parts in drafting section are important to yarn quality.针对目前纺织技术不断发展及检测技术的日新月异,客户对纱线质量的要求越来越高的现状,详细分析了影响纱线强力、棉结、毛羽、纱疵、条干因素、异纤等的危害和解决方法,指出原棉成熟度、工艺速度、纺纱器材和专件,尤其是牵伸和卷捻器材对成纱质量影响很大,应针对不同用途纱线的不同重点要求,优化工艺,优选器材,加强管理,减少质量问题。

2.As to the main factors with yarn hairiness,research and test are done regarding to the physical property,spinning accessories and water-regain in roving yarn.针对纱线毛羽的成因及影响纱线毛羽的主要因素进行了研究与分析测试,对纤维的物理性能、纺纱器材以及纱线试纺中的粗纱回潮率进行深入研究,得出一定的线性关系与公式,指出选择纤维原料、采用低硬度胶圈、采用金属槽筒络纱,粗纱的回潮率应控制在6。

3.Conclusion is made that cotton maturation,process speed,spinning accessories and parts,esp accessories and parts in drafting section are important to yarn quality.针对目前纺织技术的不断发展及检测技术的日新月异,客户对纱线的质量要求越来越高的现状,详细分析了影响纱线强力、棉结、毛羽、纱疵、条干的因素、异纤等的危害和解决方法,指出原棉成熟度、工艺速度、纺纱器材和专件,尤其是牵伸和卷捻器材对成纱质量影响很大,应针对不同用途纱线的不同重点要求,优化工艺,优选器材,加强管理,减少质量问题。


1.As to the increasing importance of the dependability oftex-accessories and special parts in the integration of the tex-machinery,introdution is done to the term,content,and the main specification of the dependability sampling that of the air-jet loom.针对纺织器材、专件的可靠性在提升纺机设备整体可靠性中作用越来越重要这一前提,通过对可靠性定义、工作内容和主要技术指标的描述,分析了喷气织机用钢筘的可靠性。

2.Analysis is done to the difference of the maintex-accessories and parts of both the domestic and overseas.介绍了纺织工业的发展形势、国内纺机行业的技术进步和技术创新,分析了国内外主要纺织器材和专件的差距;指出纺织器材、专件是影响纺织装备整体水平,影响纱、布质量,影响新工艺、新技术推广应用的重要因素;要加强创新能力,以国外知名品牌为目标,迎头赶上,不断提高其产品质量和工艺性能,为提高我国纺织装备的整体水平做出新贡献。

3.As to the subject of development oftex-accessories and summoning up tex-machinery industry,analysis is done to the situation China textile industry is facing up to,what China textile industry is summoning up for,as well as the opportunities for China textile accessories industry.针对纺织器材行业的发展和纺织机械工业的振兴这一课题,分析了纺织工业面临的形势、振兴目标及纺织器材行业的发展机遇;阐明我国纺织器材行业在企业规模、产品水平、技术先进性等方面与先进国家还存在差距;指出纺织器材产品虽小,却大有作为,我国的纺织器材企业要在管理、质量和创新上狠下功夫,提高员工素质,提高产品的可靠性,节能、降耗、减排,降低成本,这样才能提升纺织器材企业的综合实力,进而振兴纺织机械工业。

4)textile accessories纺织器材

1.Analysis is done to the maintextile accessories plus special parts both at home and abroad as to the the difference in between.介绍了中国纺织工业发展态势,分析了国内外主要纺织器材、专件的差距,指出自主创新是竞争力的核心,要实现纺织工业“十一五”发展目标,加快结构调整,转变增长方式,增强纺织产品竞争力,就应着力提高纺纱装备的整体水平,着力提高关键器材、专件的质量。

2.It is used to detect the defects intextile accessories with features of hi-pricision,distance detection,easy access.介绍了应用计算机和面阵CCD传感器研制的电脑测微仪的结构及原理,经实际应用,指出该测微仪检测纺织器材具有精度高、无接触、操作方便的特点,是千分尺、读数显微镜更新换代的仪器。

3.Facing Being admitted into WTO with opportunities and challenges,a development strategy is forwarded for Chinatextile accessories.面对中国将加入WTO所带来的机遇和挑战 ,提出了纺织器材企业的发展策略问题 ,对核心竞争力、技术创新体系及竞争和协作之间的辩证关系进行了讨

5)yarn spinning accessories纺纱器材



