100字范文 > 作物生物量 dry biomass of crop英语短句 例句大全

作物生物量 dry biomass of crop英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-30 10:50:09


作物生物量 dry biomass of crop英语短句 例句大全

作物生物量,dry biomass of crop

1)dry biomass of crop作物生物量

1.It is found that the water content and applicable water content were all relative to thedry biomass of crop and the initial applicable water content after the field trial with varied treatments, and the models on relation of water content (or applicable water content) todry biomass of crop and the initial applicable water content were founded.不同播期谷子田间试验表明,土壤储水量及土壤有效储水量均与作物生物量及土壤初始有效含水量有关,并建立了土壤储水量及土壤有效储水量与作物生物量及土壤初始有效含水量关系的数学模型;此外在考虑能量因子的情况下,建立了土壤储水量及土壤有效储水量与作物生物量、土壤初始有效含水量及温度关系的数学模型。


1.Prediction of winter wheat yield based on crop biomass estimation at regional scale基于作物生物量估计的区域冬小麦单产预测

2.The amount of rain affects the growth of crops.雨量影响作物的生长。

3.Short-term influences of winter crops on microbial biomass carbon,microbial biomass nitrogen and C_(mic)-to-C_(org) in a paddy soil冬季作物对稻田土壤微生物量碳、氮和微生物熵的短期影响

4.Progress in Quantum Dots as fluorescent biological labels;量子点作为生物荧光标记物的研究进展

5.Effect of Biomass Charcoal on Soil Character and Crop Yield生物质炭对土壤性状和作物产量的影响

6.Studies on the Interaction of CdTe Quantum Dots with MicrobiomolecularCdTe量子点与生物大分子相互作用研究

7.microbial quality of effluents流出物的微生物质量

8.invertebrate bioenergetics无脊椎动物生物能量学

9.Characteristics of turnover and soil microbial biomass in meadow brown soil under different rotation and tillage systems不同耕作和轮作下潮棕壤微生物生物量及周转特征

10.Effects of different tillage modes on rain-fed farmland soil microbial biomass and crop indices in Inner Mongolia.不同耕作方式对内蒙古旱作农田土壤微生物量和作物指标的影响

11.The influence of cover crops and tillage system on fungal biomass in soil覆盖作物及耕作方法对土壤丝状真菌生物量的影响

12.Studies on ETc and Kc of Main Crops in Northern Shandong Province鲁北地区主要作物不同生育期需水量和作物系数的试验研究

13.Variation of Physiological Processes and Biomass of Aegiceras Cornicula Tum under Treatments of N and Cd;氮、镉作用下桐花树生理过程与生物量的变化

14.Biomass production must be distinguished from the growing of crops for food, feed, and fiber.生物量生产必须同以食品,饲料和纤维为目标的作物栽培加以区别。

15.Interaction of Light with Biological Tissue and Measurements of the Optical Properties of Turbid Media;光与生物组织的相互作用及生物组织光学特性参数测量

16.Effects of pH on Microbial Biomass and Nitrification in Acid Yellow SoilpH对酸性黄壤微生物生物量以及硝化作用的影响

17.Effects of Doses of Compound Biofertilizer on Soil Nutrients and Crop Growth生物复混肥施用量对土壤养分及作物生长的影响

18.Effects of winter crops on microbial biomass C and N during rice growth冬季作物对水稻生育期土壤微生物量碳、氮的影响


crop growth indicators作物生长量

3)photosynthetic potential productivity作物生物学产量

4)ecological water demand of vegetations作物生态需水量

5)growth and yields of crops作物生长与产量

6)biological effect生物作用

1.Through the test of two sand columns for comparing,the effect on removal of pollutants in landfill leachate bybiological effect in sand layer of vadose zone was studied.通过2个砂柱的对比实验,研究了包气带砂层中生物作用对垃圾渗滤液污染物去除的影响。

2.Different kinds of chromium disposition and distribution in soil and groundwater are summarized, including adsorption, redox andbiological effects.评述了铬在土壤及地下水中迁移转化的主要方式,着重讨论了吸附作用、氧化还原作用和生物作用对铬迁移转化的影响。

3.Using thebiological effect of the microorganism such as nitrifying bacteria carried in the effluent of biological pretreatment process and biological sludge recirculation,thebiological effect of the sedimentation tank can be enhanced.微污染源水经曝气生物滤池工艺后,出水中携带的硝化细菌和异养细菌等微生物在后续沉淀单元产生的生物作用使沉淀池净水效果得到强化;通过采取沉淀池部分污泥回流措施,使得生物净水效果得到进一步强化。


