100字范文 > 辅助课堂教学 assist class-teaching英语短句 例句大全

辅助课堂教学 assist class-teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-24 03:38:16


辅助课堂教学 assist class-teaching英语短句 例句大全

辅助课堂教学,assist class-teaching

1)assist class-teaching辅助课堂教学


1.The process of making CAI classroom courseware;谈计算机辅助课堂教学课件的设计制作过程

2.On the influences of the teacher upon the effect of CAI;教师因素对计算机辅助课堂教学效果的影响

3.A Brief Discussion about the Application of Multi-Media Device in Chemistry Teaching;多媒体辅助中学化学课堂教学的探讨

4.Research into CAI in the Teaching of Chemistry in Normal Universities;计算机辅助高师化学课堂教学的探讨

5.The Auxiliary Function of Blog in College English Classroom Teaching博客对大学英语课堂教学的辅助作用

6.Classroom Teaching Result Reach of Sound Phenomenon with the Help of Multi-media;多媒体辅助《声现象》课堂教学效果研究

7.A System of Assistant Teaching and Management for Multimedia Classroom;面向多媒体课堂的辅助教学管理系统

8.On CAI in the Classroom Teaching of College English;浅谈大学英语课堂教学中的计算机辅助教学

9.On the Strategy of Assistance in Big Class in College;用好辅助策略 提高教学质量——试论高校大班课堂教学的辅助策略

10.The Problems With Applying CAI in Biology Teaching and Our Strategies;CAI课件辅助生物课堂教学的问题与对策

11.The Application of Multi-media in Teaching English;多媒体辅助教学在英语课堂教学中的应用

12.The Analysis of Present Situation of CAI and its Applitation in Classroom;浅析计算机辅助教学在课堂教学中的应用

13.Proper Application of Multi-media Computer-assisted System to English Teaching;多媒体辅助教学在英语课堂教学中的合理应用

14.The Involvement of Multi-media Computer-Assisted System in English Classroom Teaching多媒体辅助教学在英语课堂教学中的运用

15.The Study of Multimedia Assisted Mmathematics Instruction in Primary School;多媒体辅助小学数学课堂教学的实验研究

16.On Teachers Role in CAI Class;论教师在课堂计算机辅助教学中的作用

17.The mistaken idea of multimedia assisted instruction and countermeasure in classroom instruction of school for deaf-mutes;聋校数学课堂多媒体辅助教学的误区与对策

18.On the Application of Multi-media in College English Teaching;试谈多媒体辅助教学在大学英语课堂中的应用



1.Based on the present teaching practice, this paper will divide the Computer-Assisted-Instruction into the two kinds—the Computer-Assisted-Individual-Learning andComputer-Assisted-Collective-Instruction.从现有的教学实践出发,把计算机辅助教学分为计算机辅助个别学习和计算机辅助课堂教学两种形式,并就各自的特点、适用条件和使用时的注意事项分别进行了阐述。


1.Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Effect of the Computer-aided Instruction(CAI);影响课堂计算机辅助教学效果的因素分析

4)aided-study class助学课堂

1.In the process of theaided-study class,teachers should grasp the angle,the extent of difficulty,the span,the gradie.助学课堂突出以"问"为主轴启动学生思维,以"思"为主攻促进学生发展,鼓励教师巧设关键问题、坡度问题,逐步激发学生学习的主动性和创造性,使学生由被动接受型转为主动发展型。

5)classroom tuition课堂助学

1.The "development ofclassroom tuition" in Senior Chinese teaching is advanced based on the current status of language education.高中语文“发展性课堂助学”是根据目前语文教育的现状提出的。

6)classroom teaching课堂教学

1.Construction of multimedia teaching software and its application inclassroom teaching;多媒体教学软件建设和在课堂教学应用实践中的思考

2.Problem and countermeasures of information-basedclassroom teaching;信息化课堂教学存在的问题及对策

3.Some experiences on theclassroom teaching of Medicinal Chemistry;药物化学课堂教学研究初探


