100字范文 > 大渡河上游 the Upper Reaches of Dadu River watershed英语短句 例句大全

大渡河上游 the Upper Reaches of Dadu River watershed英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-01 13:20:24


大渡河上游 the Upper Reaches of Dadu River watershed英语短句 例句大全

大渡河上游,the Upper Reaches of Dadu River watershed

1)the Upper Reaches of Dadu River watershed大渡河上游

1.Livelihood succession and land use/cover changeinthe Upper Reaches of Dadu River watershed;大渡河上游生计方式的时空格局与土地利用/覆被变化


1.Study on Ecological Water Requirement of Dry Valleys in the Upper Reaches of the Dadu River大渡河上游干旱河谷区生态需水研究

2.Simulation of land use dynamics in the upper reaches of the Dadu river大渡河上游地区土地利用动态模拟分析

3.Rehabilitation and Degradation for Subalpine Coniferous Forest on the Upper Reaches of Dadu River of Eastern Tibetan Plateau大渡河上游林区森林资源退化及其恢复与重建

4.The Scale Effect of Land Cover Dynamics in the Upper Reaches of the Dadu River大渡河上游地区土地覆被动态变化的尺度效应

5.Land Use/Land Cover Change and Driving Forces in the Region of Upper Reaches of the Dadu River大渡河上游地区土地利用/土地覆被变化与驱动力分析

6.Livelihood succession and land use/cover changein the Upper Reaches of Dadu River watershed大渡河上游生计方式的时空格局与土地利用/覆被变化

7.Species composition and synusia structure of ground bryophyte communities under different aged spruce plantations and primary forest in the upper reaches of the Dadu River, Sichuan大渡河上游不同林龄云杉人工林与原始林下地表苔藓层片结构与物种组成

8.The Red Army then made a forced crossing of the Dadu River.这时红军强渡了大渡河。

9.Successful experiences in blasting demolition of an underwater cofferdam of Dayuandu power station is introduced briefly, which are useful for the designing other similar blasting demolition project.介绍了大源渡航电枢纽工程河中混凝土纵向围堰上游连接段水下拆除爆破的成功经验。

10.There"s a crossing down the river.河的下游处有一个渡口。

11.The Advantages of Tourism Resources and Innovative Design of Tourism Products in Dadu River Jinkou Grand Canyon大渡河金口大峡谷旅游资源优势与旅游产品创新设计

12.An Approach to Developmental History of the Luding-Shimian Sector of the Dadu River Valley大渡河中游泸定—石棉段阶地特征及河谷发育史探讨

13.The Jinkou Grand Canyon is situated in the lower reaches of Dadu River with 8 chief branch gorges.金口大峡谷位于大渡河下游,主要支谷有8条,皆以嶂谷地貌为特色。

14.The Investigation of Natural Radioactivity in Water Environment in the Lower Reaches of the Dadu River大渡河下游地区地下水放射性环境水平现状调查

15.swim underwater, upstream, across, ashore潜泳、 逆水而游、 游泳横渡、 游上岸.

16.Study on Salinity Intrusion of Nandujiang Estuary(Lower Reaches of Longtang Dam);南渡江河口(龙塘坝下游)盐水入侵研究

17.Analysis on Vicissitude of River Bed at Section of YiLi River Super Major Bridge at Sandaohezhi Sub;三道河子伊犁河特大桥桥渡河段河床演变分析

18.The large bird flapped up the stream.那只大鸟鼓翼向河上游飞去。


upper reaches of the Dadu river大渡河上游地区

1.Simulation of land use dynamics in theupper reaches of the Dadu river;大渡河上游地区土地利用动态模拟分析

3)Middle and Lower Reaches of the Dadu River大渡河中下游

4)the upstream of Dagu river大沽河上游

5)Dadu River大渡河

1.Joint structure in the dam area of the Jinchuan Hydropower Station on theDadu River and its influence of project stability;大渡河金川水电站坝区节理构造及工程稳定性影响

2.River Closure of Pubugou Hydropower Station onDadu River;大渡河瀑布沟水电工程截流施工

3.Analysis of the role and strategic position of hydropower development in the main stream ofDadu River;大渡河干流水电开发的战略地位及作用分析

6)Upper Yellow River黄河上游

1.Effects ofUpper Yellow River Pollution on Antioxidant Enzymes Activities and Malondialdehyde Content of Bufo raddei;黄河上游环境污染对花背蟾蜍抗氧化酶活性及丙二醛含量的影响

2.Reconstruction of recent 522-year runoff series onUpper Yellow River and analysis on its variation trend;黄河上游近5径流量序列重建及其变化趋势分析

3.Climate variation in upper Yellow River in 1990s and its influences on inflow of Longyangxia Reservoir;近期黄河上游气候变化对龙羊峡入库水量的影响


大渡河十七勇士大渡河十七勇士Seventeen Warriors Crossing Dadu HeDaduhe Shiqi Yongshi大渡河十七勇士(seventeen warriorsCrossing Dadu He)中国工农红军长征中率先强渡大涯河的17名突击队员。他们是中国工农红军第1军团第1师第1团第2连连长熊尚林,第2排排长罗会明,第3班班长刘长发,副班长张表克,战士张桂成、萧汉尧、王华亭、廖洪山、赖秋发、曾先吉,第4班班长郭世苍,副班长张成球,战士萧桂兰、朱祥云、谢良明、丁流民、陈万清。1935年5月,长征中的中央红军渡过金沙江后,由四川会理附近地区继续北进。蒋介石指挥10余万国民党军南攻北堵,企图利用彝汉民族矛盾和大渡河天险屏障,围歼中央红军于四川省大渡河以南地区。为挫败国民党军的阴谋,中华苏维埃共和国中央革命军事委员会决定中央红军迅速北进,强渡天险大渡河。以刘伯承为司令员、聂荣臻为政委的红军先遣队,顺利通过彝民区,直逼国民党军防守大渡河的薄弱地带。24日晚,第1军团先遣队第1师第1团急行军80公里,先期抵达大渡河右岸的安顺场,隐蔽于附近山头。当晚,该团第1营出其不意攻占安顺场渡口。时值洪水暴涨,大渡河水深流急,渡口水面宽约300米,对岸有四川军阀部队防守。该团决定由第2连组织突击队,实施强渡。25日上午,第2连连长熊尚林率领渡河突击队,在当地船工帅士高、王有能、简成荣、郑本源的配合端器 中国工农红军强渡大渡河纪念碑解放军画报社供稿下,乘一只木船,冒着对岸守军的密集火力,顶着急流险浪驶向对岸。木船被激流冲向下游数百米处靠岸,17名红军官兵登岸后奋勇战斗,抢占沿河工事,控制渡口。继又同第2船登岸的红军官兵一起,击溃安靖坝守军一个营,为后续部队渡河打开了前进的道路。为纪念红军大渡河战斗,当地人民政府于1983年5月,在安顺场大渡河畔建立了“中国工农红军强渡大渡河纪念碑”,邓小平题写碑名。(吴旭光)
