100字范文 > 多级物元模型 multistage physical element model英语短句 例句大全

多级物元模型 multistage physical element model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-23 03:13:32


多级物元模型 multistage physical element model英语短句 例句大全

多级物元模型,multistage physical element model

1)multistage physical element model多级物元模型

1.Based on the physical element theory in topology,the authors have presented amultistage physical element model for evaluating qualitatively and quantitatively the status of a steam turbine DEH control system.基于可拓学的物元理论,建立了汽轮机DEH调节系统状态评价的多级物元模型,对DEH调节系统状态进行定性和定量评价;针对评价指标权重难以确定以及人为主观因素影响较大的问题,引入熵值理论,利用指标值的熵权确定权重,尽量消除权重计算的人为干扰,使评价结果更符合实际;最后通过实例验证了该方法的可行性与实用性。

2)multilevel matter-element多级物元

1.Evaluation for civil airport operation safety and security based onmultilevel matter-element analysis基于多级物元分析的机场安全评价


1.The Model of Competitiveness Evaluation in Power Plant Based on Multilevel Matter-element Analysis;基于多级物元分析的火电厂竞争力评价模型

2.An Overall Evaluation of the Status of a Steam Turbine DEH(Digital Electro-hydraulic) Control System Based on Entropy Weights and a Multistage Physical Element Analysis基于熵权和多级物元分析的汽轮机DEH调节系统状态综合评价

3.A conservation priority evaluation system of the secondary natural units within a nature reserve based on community species diversity;自然保护区次级自然单元群落物种多样性优先保护评价体系构建

4.The Social Estate System and the PluralisticValues --Probe into the social estate systemduring the Tokugawa Shogunate reign;身份等级制与多元价值观——德川身份等级制初探

5.multiple carbide hard metal多元碳化物硬质合金

6.Research on the Technology of Cascaded Multilevel Power Conversion;单元级联型多电平功率变换技术研究

7.Optimization of the assessment of educational practice by multivariatestatistical analysis;多元统计分析对等级成绩评定的优化

8.Finite Element Analysis of Multi-Level Capillary Holes Flow Loss多级毛细小孔流动损失的有限元分析


10.Asian Subprogramme on Biotechnology and Biodiversity亚洲生物技术和生物多样性次级方案

11.Study on Species Diversity and Conservation of the Flora of Yunbaoshan Nature Reserve, Guangxi, China;元宝山植物物种多样性及其保护研究

12.Sort Classifier of Field Sample Preharvest Cottons Based on Machine Vision and Multiple Regress;基于机器视觉和多元回归的收获前棉花品级抽样分级模型研究

13.The Investigation and Study on "Multiple Intelligence" to Above Two Class Different Item of Groups Athletes;不同项群二级以上运动员多元智能的调查研究

14.An Diversified Statistics Analysis on the Economic Development of County-Level Municipalities in Fujian;福建省县级市经济发展水平多元统计分析

15.A Multiple Ordinal Logit Model Used to Grade Listed Companies Credit;上市公司资信评级的多元因变量Logit模型

16.Fault Diagnosis of CMI H-Bridge Based on Single Multiple-Voltage Analysis基于SMV的级联多电平逆变器单元H桥故障诊断

17.Geothermal Water Multi-cascade Comprehensive Utilization Mode Application地热水多元梯级综合利用模式及其应用

18.Analysis Study on Polybasic and Higher Fatty Acids in Domestic and Foreign Cigarettes国内外卷烟多元酸和高级脂肪酸的分析研究


multilevel matter-element多级物元

1.Evaluation for civil airport operation safety and security based onmultilevel matter-element analysis基于多级物元分析的机场安全评价

3)multilevel mater-element model多极物元模型

4)multi-goal matter-element model多目标物元模型

5)duality and multi-level security model二元多级安全模型

1.Research ofduality and multi-level security model based on intransitive noninterference theory基于非传递无干扰理论的二元多级安全模型研究

6)multilevel model多级模型

1.An evaluation system based onmultilevel model of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for natural resources in agriculture;基于Fuzzy综合评判多级模型的农业资源评估系统



动物组织多极神经元 李瑞端绘[图]
