100字范文 > 抗热疲劳性能 thermal fatigue resistance英语短句 例句大全

抗热疲劳性能 thermal fatigue resistance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-15 18:51:47


抗热疲劳性能 thermal fatigue resistance英语短句 例句大全

抗热疲劳性能,thermal fatigue resistance

1)thermal fatigue resistance抗热疲劳性能

1.The mic rostructure,hardness,wear resistance andthermal fatigue resistance of submerged -arc welded surfacing lay er in weld state and heat treatment state have been comparatively investigated.比较研究了堆焊层在焊态和回火态的组织、硬度、耐磨性及抗热疲劳性能。

2.Thethermal fatigue resistance of ion nitrided H13 and nitrocarburized H13 was studied.分别制备了调质、离子氮化和碳氮共渗处理的H13钢试样,借助X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜和能谱仪对其渗层进行了分析,检测了不同处理后H13钢的抗热疲劳性能。


1.Study on Thermal Fatigue Resistance of Biomimetic Coupling Brake Disc Materials Treated by Cast-in Process;镶铸仿生耦合铸铁制动盘材料抗热疲劳性能研究

2.Research on Thermal Fatigue Resistance of Cast Iron Treated by Laser Biomimetic Coupling Technique激光仿生耦合处理铸铁材料的抗热疲劳性能研究

3.Effect of Strengthening Unit-body by Bio-mimetic Coupling on Thermal Fatigue Properties of Cast Iron仿生耦合增强单元体对灰铸铁抗热疲劳性能的影响

4.The Influence of Al_2O_3 on the Thermal Fatigue Resistance of Ni-Based Coating Prepared by High Velocity Air Fuel SprayingAl_2O_3对高速火焰喷涂镍基涂层抗热疲劳性能的影响

5.The Effect of Heat Treatment Technics on the Thermal Fatigue Property of 3Cr2W8V Steel;热处理工艺对3Cr2W8V钢热疲劳性能的影响

6.Influences of the Anti-Welding Heating Processing Method on Corrosion Resistance and Fatigue Resistance of 16MnR Steel逆焊接加热处理对16MnR钢抗腐蚀及疲劳性能的影响

7.Anti-fatigue Properties of Asphalt Pavement in the Condition of High Temperature and Humidity;高温潮湿条件下沥青面层抗疲劳性能

8.Study on Fatigue Behaviour of CFRP Prestressed RPC BeamsCFRP预应力筋RPC梁的抗疲劳性能研究

9.Fatigue Damage Resistance Characteristics of 7475-T7351 Aluminum Alloy7475-T7351铝合金抗疲劳性能研究

10.Studies on the anti-fatigue effect of alkaline ion in mouse碱性离子液对小鼠抗疲劳功能的研究

11.Thermomechanical Fatigue Properties of Lead-Free Solder Joints;无铅合金钎焊接头热疲劳性能的研究

12.Study of Thermal Fatigue on Al-Cu-Mn-Ti-Ce Alloy;Al-Cu-Mn-Ti-Ce合金热疲劳性能的研究

13.Research on Thermal Fatigue Property of Coating on Steel Surface钢表面镀覆层热疲劳性能研究的进展

14.Thermomechanical fatigue performance and life prediction in superalloy IC10IC10合金热机械疲劳性能与寿命预测

15.Study on the Preparation Crafts of Biomimetic Gray Cast Iron and the Influence to Its Thermal Fatigue Property灰铸铁仿生制备工艺及抗热疲劳性的研究


17.Study on Thermal Fatigue Property of Hot Working Die Treated by Laser Biomimetic Coupling Technique;激光仿生耦合处理热作模具的热疲劳性能研究

18.Thermal Fatigue Research on Hot Work Steel with Biomimetic Coupling Surfaces Processed by Laser;激光仿生耦合热作模具钢热疲劳性能研究


thermal fatigue resistance抗热疲劳性

1.The microhardness,wear resistance andthermal fatigue resistance were examined.利用扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)对涂层进行了组织和相结构分析,测试了涂层的显微硬度、耐磨性能及抗热疲劳性能,并用钨极惰性气体保护焊对涂层作了焊接性试验。

2.Results show that thethermal fatigue resistance of alloy cast steel is better than that of cast steel and ferritic S.本文研究了铁素体球铁、ZG20和ZG20CrMo的抗热疲劳性能。

3.The effect of graphite morphology and alloying elements onthermal fatigue resistance of cast iron was studied.对石墨形态、合金元素等对铸铁抗热疲劳性能的影响进行了研究。

3)fatigue resistance抗疲劳性能

1.By the investigation of the photochromism and thefatigue resistance of coatings,it was shown that the coating films could change from colorless to blue under the irradiation of ultraviolet light,and this change was reversible.研究了涂料的光致变色性能和抗疲劳性能,结果表明,涂膜在紫外灯照射下由无色变为蓝色,这种变化是可逆的。

4)anti-fatigue performance抗疲劳性能

1.The test results indicate that theanti-fatigue performance of recycl.结果表明,石灰粉煤灰稳定的再生混合料抗疲劳性能最好,其次是水泥粉煤灰,7%水泥稳定的再生混合料抗疲劳性能较差;再生混合料的疲劳特性与普通半刚性材料存在较大差异,在较低应力比下,其具有更为优越的疲劳性能,并且其疲劳寿命对应力比变化的敏感程度要低于普通半刚性材料。

2.This paper focus on the research ofanti-fatigue performances of the asphalt concrete,which is in the same material and gradation,reinforced with fiberglass grids in different methods by repeating loads bending tests,and the fatigue process is analysed and why the fiberglass grids can prolong the fatigue life of the asphalt concrete and delay or restrain the development of the cracks is revealed.通过重复荷载作用下玻纤格栅加强沥青路面的抗弯疲劳性能研究试验,对相同级配沥青混合料下采用不同格栅种类和不同施加工艺的格栅加强沥青路面的抗疲劳性能进行了对比分析,揭示了玻纤格栅加强沥青路面提高抗疲劳性能以及延缓或抑制裂缝发展的机理。

5)thermal fatigue behavior热疲劳性能

1.Application of argon atmosphere ion nitriding in improving thethermal fatigue behavior of steel H13;氩气氛离子渗氮提高H13钢热疲劳性能

2.Study onthermal fatigue behavior of boriding layer of H13 steel;H13钢渗硼层热疲劳性能的研究

3.The results indicate that homogeneity of steel will affect thethermal fatigue behavior deeply,especially the eutectic carbides and the secondary carbides distributing along the grain boundary will deteriorate itsthermal fatigue behavior.运用Uddeholm自约束试验法比较 4Cr5MoSiVl钢的热疲劳性能 ,结果表明 ,材料的组织均匀性对热疲劳性能有明显影响 ,共晶碳化物及碳化物链状沿晶分布会恶化其热疲劳性

6)Thermal fatigue property热疲劳性能

1.Effect of RE cerium on thermal fatigue property of Al-4.5%Cu alloy;稀土Ce对Al-Cu4.5%合金热疲劳性能的影响

2.The thermal fatigue property of H13 steel both with and without an addition of 0.07wt%的H13钢和普通H13钢的热疲劳性能。

3.The effect of rare earths on eutectic carbide morphology of low chromium cast semi steel and low chromium cast semi steel after heat treatment, and thermal fatigue property of low chromium cast semi steel were studied.研究了稀土元素对低铬半钢铸态及经热处理后组织中的共晶碳化物形状的影响 ,在此基础上着重研究了该材料的热疲劳性能。


