100字范文 > 商品质量监测 quality supervision of product英语短句 例句大全

商品质量监测 quality supervision of product英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-18 01:23:34


商品质量监测 quality supervision of product英语短句 例句大全

商品质量监测,quality supervision of product

1)quality supervision of product商品质量监测

2)quality monitoring品质监测

1.Preliminary application of ASTER images in winter wheatquality monitoring;ASTER卫星遥感影像在冬小麦品质监测方面的初步应用

2.WebGIS-based system for cropquality monitoring and planting optimization;基于网络GIS的作物品质监测与调优栽培系统


1.Monitoring Tobacco Growth and Quality Based on Spectra;基于光谱的烟草生长与品质监测研究

2.Monitoring of Plant Type and Grain Protein Quality Based on Hyperspectra in Wheat;基于高光谱的小麦株型与籽粒蛋白品质监测

3.Research and Design of Indoor Air Quality Portable Intelligent Monitor室内便携式智能空气品质监测仪的研究与设计

4.Montring Nitrogen Status and Grain Quality with Canopy Reflectance Spectra in Rice;基于冠层反射光谱的水稻氮素营养与籽粒品质监测

5.Monitoring Nitrogen Status and Grain Quality with Canopy Reflectance Spectra in Wheat;基于冠层反射光谱的小麦氮素营养与籽粒品质监测

6.The Study on Estimate Models for Cotton Yield Component and Quality by Hyperspectral Remote Sensing;基于冠层反射光谱的棉花产量构成与品质监测研究

7.Research on microorganism examination and managemen in water quality microogganism laboratory水质监测微生物实验室样品的检测与管理

8.Every day the laboratory collects samples to monitor the water quality in Ago Bay.每天,实验室都要在AGO BAY收集样品,监测水质。

9.National Inspection and Test Center of External Equipment for Computers国家计算机外部设备产品质量监督检测中心

10.Research and Development on High-speed Press Product Quality Image Monitor System;高速印刷产品质量图像监测系统的研究与开发

11.Inspection and Evaluation on Huat an Agricuiture Environment Condition and Agriculture Products Quality;淮安市农业环境和农产品质量监测与评价

12.How to Monitor and Test the Goods Quality in the Process of Logistics;物流过程中商品质量监控与快速检测方法研究

13.Thought on Information Network Construction for Monitoring Farm Produce Quality and Safety;农产品质量安全监测信息网络建设的思考

14.Monitoring and Analysis on Product Quality of Netting Material in China in 2002~;2000~全国渔具材料产品质量监测和分析

15.Improve the quality management of disposable medical devices for nosocomial infection prevention一次性使用无菌医疗用品的质量监测与管理

16.Monitoring on the Health Quality of Curing Meat Products in the Catering Business of Jiangxi Province江西省餐饮业腌腊肉制品的卫生质量监测

17.Hygienic quality of cold cooked meat products in hotels in Taizhou During ~台州市~各酒店冷食肉制品卫生质量监测

18.(3) National Physique Monitoring(3)国民体质监测


quality monitoring品质监测

1.Preliminary application of ASTER images in winter wheatquality monitoring;ASTER卫星遥感影像在冬小麦品质监测方面的初步应用

2.WebGIS-based system for cropquality monitoring and planting optimization;基于网络GIS的作物品质监测与调优栽培系统

3)Commodity quality商品质量

1.On the Problems of Chinese Commodity Quality on the International Trade and Countermeasures;我国在国际贸易中的商品质量问题及对策研究

2.Based on the study of concept of commodity quality,the paper puts forward a comprehensive evaluation index system of commodity quality.通过对商品质量涵义的分析,构建了商品质量综合评价指标体系,利用层次分析法和模糊综合评价的方法,建立了商品质量综合评价模型,并进行了案例实证分析,使企业能够客观、正确地认识和评价自己商品的质量,为其进一步提高自己商品的市场竞争力提供科学有效的理论依据。

3.This paper gives a brief account of the development of merchandising in China from respects of its research object, research content, commodity quality and technical innovation as well as the relevant background.本文对中国商品学学科在商品学研究对象、研究内容、商品质量和技术创新方面的研究发展概况及相关背景作了介绍,对商品寿命、商品包装、织物风格、商品学应用和人才培养的具体进展,也给予了一定的关注,力图对近来中国商品学的研究发展作一个回顾。

4)goods quality商品质量

1.Based on the logistics process,the paper analyzes the main factors that impactgoods quality,proposes to develop the suitable monitoring measures and quick-testing methods and to set up an entire set ofgoods quality monitoring management system in the process of logistics.从整个物流过程入手,分析其中可能对商品质量产生影响的主要因素,并针对上述因素提出大力发展适合的监控措施与快速检测方法,逐步建立起完整、成熟的物流过程中商品质量监控管理制度。

5)quality monitoring质量监测

1.A laser weldingquality monitoring method is proposed, based on support vector machine.提出了一种基于支持向量机的激光焊接质量监测方法。

2.According to the data of environmental airquality monitoring of Chuxiong during the fifteenth year plan,the paper systematically analyzes and studies the condition and the variation trend of the air quality of Chuxiong,and provides the suggestions to improve the air quality of Chuxiong.根据楚雄市“十五”期间空气环境质量监测结果,对楚雄市空气环境质量状况、变化趋势进行分析、研究,并提出改善空气环境质量的对策、建议。

3.According to concrete conditions of autobody spot welding of FAW, a set ofquality monitoring system for autobody spot welding has been developed by adoption of technology of ANN.根据第一汽车集团公司车身厂车身点焊的具体特点 ,采用人工神经元网络技术 ,研制了一套新型车身点焊质量监测系统。

6)quality monitor质量监测

1.Antimalarialquality monitor in Yunnan province;云南省抗疟疾药物质量监测分析


白茶品质特征(quality characteristics of white tea)白茶品质特征(quality characteristics of white tea)在色、香、味、形方面显示白茶品质特点的性状。白茶白色芽毫多,汤浅黄,毫香显,毫味重。按芽叶嫩度和鲜叶的茶树品种分为白毫银针、白牡丹和贡眉三种。白毫银针纯为毫芽,不带梗蒂,肥壮长大,形状如针,色泽银白,香气清鲜,毫香浓。汤浅杏黄色。白牡丹、贡眉(寿眉)外形毫芽多而肥壮,叶张肥嫩,叶态平伏舒展,叶缘垂卷,叶面有隆起波纹,叶尖微翘、芽叶相连而稍并拢。叶面色泽灰绿、墨绿或翠绿,叶背银白色、叶脉微红。香气毫香浓显,滋味鲜爽醇厚清甜,汤色橙黄明亮。叶底匀亮,灰绿到黄绿,梗及叶脉微红。白牡丹毫芽特别肥壮长大,两叶抱芽,遍披白色茸毛,毫香特显,滋味醇厚,品质胜贡胥。
