100字范文 > 边贸 border trade英语短句 例句大全

边贸 border trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-12 10:25:03


边贸 border trade英语短句 例句大全

边贸,border trade

1)border trade边贸

1.This paper analyzes the development status,problems and solutions of Sino-Vietnameseborder trade in Hekou port,Yunnan,and holds that Sino-Vietnameseborder trade has made achievements,but problems as China trade policies,infrastructure constriction and pressures from the development of Lao Cai port in Vietnam must be paid enough attention.论文对云南省河口口岸中越边境贸易发展的现状及中方存在的问题进行分析后认为:中越边境贸易取得了一定的成绩,但中方边贸政策、口岸基础建设滞后和越南老街口岸发展带来的压力等问题需要引起重视。


1.Multilateral Division [Trade Department]多边贸易部〔贸易署〕

2.(B) Multilateral Trade Agreements(B) 多边贸易协定

3.(C) Plurilateral Trade Agreements(c) 诸边贸易协定:

4.Bilateral/multi-lateral trade negotiation双边/多边贸易谈判

5.balance the two-way trade保持双边贸易的平衡

6.bilateral trade and payments agreement双边贸易及支付协定

7.bilateral trade and payment agreement双边贸易和支付协定

8.EU-China agree trade deal中欧达成双边贸易协议

9.Having regard to the Multilateral Trade Negotiations;注意到多边贸易谈判;

10.Tokyo Round [MTNs]东京回合〔多边贸易谈判〕


12.Improve border trade supervision methods改进边贸监管方法。

13.The two countries of Myanmar and Thailand sign agreement on border trade缅泰两国签订边贸协定

14.Uruguay Round [UR] [GATT] [MTNs]乌拉圭回合〔《关贸总协议》〕〔多边贸易谈判〕

15.The Multilateral Trading System under the Impact of the Regional Trading System;区域贸易体制冲击下的多边贸易体制

16..Administering and implementing the multilateral and plurilateral trade agreements which together make up the WTO;·管理和执行WTO的多边与诸边贸易协定;

17.develop Border trade, strengthen Bilateral cooperation.加快边贸流通,加强双边合作。

18.Empirical Analysis on the International Trade Theory of Bilateral Tradebetween Russia and China中俄双边贸易的国际贸易理论实证分析


border trade边境贸易

1.Onborder trade development of west areas;西部地区边境贸易之发展

2.The Development and Prospect of the Border Trade between China s Tibet and India;中国西藏与印度边境贸易发展及其前景

3.Sino-Russia Border Trade: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study;中俄边境贸易:理论分析与实证研究

3)multilateral trade多边贸易

1.In this paper,the author quantificational calculated the two important index of pollution product in Chinamultilateral trade,one is the normalized trade balance,and the other is the normalized trade volume shares.本文通过对我国污染产品的对外贸易进出口额经标准化处理后的贸易差额和贸易份额的定量计算,得出我国在改革开放的对外多边贸易中污染产品的变迁规律,并提出了相应的政策建议。

4)Border trade travels边贸旅游

5)bilateral trade双边贸易

1.Research on trade integration of China,Japan and South Korea from perspective of Sino-Japanese,Sino-South Koreanbilateral trade;从中日、中韩双边贸易看中日韩贸易一体化

2.Russia s WTO entry and its effect on thebilateral trade between China and Russia;俄罗斯加入世贸组织及对中俄双边贸易的影响

3.This paper expounds the general situation of Sino -Russiabilateral trade, and probes into the feasibility of establishing the Sino-Russia free trade area from the aspects of the complementation of Sino-Russia economic trade and the effect of establishing the Sino-Russia free trade area.简述了中俄双边贸易的总体情况,从中俄经济贸易的互补性及中俄建立自由贸易区的效应等方面探讨了中俄建立自由贸易区的可行性。

6)frontier trade city边贸城市


