100字范文 > 对外贸易竞争优势 the competitive advantages of foreign trade英语短句 例句大全

对外贸易竞争优势 the competitive advantages of foreign trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-24 16:42:31


对外贸易竞争优势 the competitive advantages of foreign trade英语短句 例句大全

对外贸易竞争优势,the competitive advantages of foreign trade

1)the competitive advantages of foreign trade对外贸易竞争优势

1.According to the concept, two aspects ofthe competitive advantages of foreign trade can be shown: the one is whether it has the ability to export to numerous countries continuously and in a large amount.从这个概念出发,可以看到,对外贸易竞争优势包含两个方面的内容:一是是否有能力向众多国家持续、大量出口;二是是否能够从这种出口当中获得大量的贸易利益。


1.The Analysis on the Institutional Factors Affecting the Establishment of the Competitive Advantages of Foreign Trade;对外贸易竞争优势形成的制度因素分析

2.On Our Country How to Make Use of Foreign Capifal from the Point of International Capital Flow & Adrantage of Foreign Trade Competition;从国际资本流动与对外贸易竞争优势谈我国利用外资问题

3.The New Development in the Theory of Comparative Advantage and the Improvement in China s Competitiveness in International Trade;比较优势论的新发展与对外贸易竞争力的提升

4.The Competitive Advantage of Nations and the Changes of China s Foreign Trade Strategy;国家竞争优势理论与我国对外贸易战略的转变

5.Study on Transition from Regional Comparative to Competitive Advantage from the Perspective of Foreign Trade in China;对外贸易视角下我国区域比较优势向竞争优势转化研究

6.From Comparative Advantage to Competitive Advantage:the Approaches to China s Foreign Trade Strategy Transformation;从比较优势走向竞争优势:中国对外贸易战略转变的依据和路径

7.From Comparative Advantage to Competitive Advantage:the Strategy of China s Foreign Trade of Aquatic Products;从比较优势到竞争优势——我国水产品对外贸易的战略选择

8.external price competitiveness对外贸易价格竞争能力

9.Studies on IIT and Its Impact on the Competitive Advantage of China;我国产业内贸易及对产业竞争优势影响研究

10.Study on Theory of Competitive Advantage and Enilghtments to China s International Trade in Service;竞争优势理论及其对我国服务贸易的启示

petitive Advantage Theory: Inspiration for China s Development of Int l Service Trade;竞争优势理论对我国发展国际服务贸易的启示

parative Study of FDI Effect on International Trade Competitiveness in BRIC Countries“金砖四国”FDI对贸易竞争力优势影响比较分析

13.A Brief Discussion of the Competitive Policy Globalization in Foreign Trade;对外贸易中的竞争政策国际化趋势刍议

14.Simply Analyse the Competitive Advantage Theory and the Development Countermeasure of Foreign Trade of Our Country;浅议竞争优势理论与我国外贸发展对策

15.The Impact of E-commerce on the Competitive Advantage of Foreign Trade Enterprises电子商务对外贸企业竞争优势的影响研究

16.The Compatative Advantage and Competitive Advantage of China Financial Service Trade;论我国金融服务贸易的比较优势与竞争优势

17.How to transfer the comparison superiority of service trade into the competitive advantage;如何将服务贸易的比较优势转化为竞争优势

18.A Further Development of International Trade Theories:Transformation from comparative advantage into competitive advantage;国际贸易理论再推进——化比较优势为竞争优势


Competitive advantage of trade贸易竞争优势

3)foreign trade competitiveness对外贸易竞争力

4)Comparative advantage of foreign trade对外贸易优势

5)Foreign trade competition order对外贸易竞争秩序

6)external price competitiveness对外贸易价格竞争能力


