100字范文 > 信息化会计 information-based accountant英语短句 例句大全

信息化会计 information-based accountant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-11 00:24:51


信息化会计 information-based accountant英语短句 例句大全

信息化会计,information-based accountant

1)information-based accountant信息化会计

1.On the basic important precondition of developinginformation-based accountant;论发展中信息化会计的基本前提

2)accounting information system会计信息化

1.This article begins with the analysis of the technological features ofaccounting information system and studies the future development of financial software.会计信息化理论是传统会计理论和现代信息技术、网络技术相结合的产物 ,对会计理论、会计实务产生深远的影响 ,本文拟从会计信息化的技术特征分析入手 ,探讨财务软件发展方向。


1.How to Realize and Share Information-based Accounting;如何做到会计信息化及会计信息共享

2.Accounting Information--Tendency Towards the Development of Accounting Information System;会计信息化——会计信息系统发展的必然趋势

3.From accounting computerization to informalization--On changes of accounting information market;从会计电算化到会计信息化——兼议会计信息的市场化变革

4.Effects of Accounting Informationalization on the Theories and Practice of Accounting;会计信息化对会计理论及实务的影响

5.Practical Significance of the Accounting Informationization under the Unequal Theory of Information从信息不对称理论看会计信息化的实践意义

6.The Impact of Accounting infomationization Environment on Accounting System and Principle;会计信息化环境对会计制度和准则的影响

7.Counting Information:the Development Policy of Network Counting in 21~(th) Century;会计信息化:21世纪网络会计的发展策略

8.Expedite the Proceedings of Accounting Informatization through Accounting Human Resources Development;开发会计人才资源 加快会计信息化进程

9.On the Accounting Goal Under Accounting Information Production Socialization Condition;论会计信息生产社会化下的会计目标

10.Internal Accounting Control in Accounting Informational System Under Informational Environment;信息化环境下会计信息系统的内部会计控制

11.Strengthening Accounting Controlling System and Insuring Accounting Information Safety;强化会计控制制度 确保会计信息安全

12.Perfecting the Credit Evaluation System and Strengthening the Quality of Accounting Information完善信用评价体系 强化会计信息质量

puterization accounting information system application procedure audit;电算化会计信息系统应用程序的审计

14.Discussion on the Guarantee Measures of Accounting Information Quality in the Environment of Informationlization;信息化环境下保障会计信息质量的探讨

15.Discussion on the Omnibearing Electronicalization in the Informatized Society;论信息化社会中统计的全方位电子化

16.Developing Computerized Accounting and Supporting the Informationalization of Enterprises;发展会计电算化 支撑企业信息化

17.On the Change of Accounting Measurement Attribute to the Impact of Accounting Information;浅析会计计量属性的变化对会计信息的影响

18.Research on Accounting Function under Public Demands for Accounting Information;会计信息需求社会化下会计职能的研究


accounting information system会计信息化

1.This article begins with the analysis of the technological features ofaccounting information system and studies the future development of financial software.会计信息化理论是传统会计理论和现代信息技术、网络技术相结合的产物 ,对会计理论、会计实务产生深远的影响 ,本文拟从会计信息化的技术特征分析入手 ,探讨财务软件发展方向。

3)accounting informationization会计信息化

1.The Actuality and Improvement of Accounting Informationization Courses System;会计信息化课程体系的现状与改进

2.After current situation of universityaccounting informationization and university financial accounting defects of informationization are analysed,The Countermeasure are Proposed to realize university accounting measure of informationization.对目前高校会计信息化的现状和其缺陷进行分析,并在此基础上提出了调整会计组织形式,转变会计职能等改革高校会计信息化的措施。

3.Accounting informationization is the objective requirement of the network economy and information society,and an inevitable trend of the accounting computerization.会计信息化是网络经济、信息社会发展的客观要求,是会计电算化的必然趋势。

4)accounting informatization会计信息化

1.The theoretical and practical significance ofaccounting informatization;会计信息化的理论与实践意义

2.The design,implementation and application ofaccounting informatization guided by information engineering are the optimal choice for standardization and scientificization of accounting information systematic construction.以信息工程指导会计信息化的设计、实施和使用是会计信息系统建设的规范化和科学化的最优选择。

3.With theaccounting informatization universality and applications,the enterprise always realize theaccounting informatization by carrying out the informatization of the accounts processing.随着会计信息化的普及与应用,企业在会计信息化的实现中多以实现账务处理程序信息化为首要步骤。

5)Accounting information会计信息化

1.Safe risk in accounting information system and countermeasures study会计信息化系统中的安全风险及对策研究

2.Accounting information course is an practical technological major course, in order to train the students practice abilities and meet the need of employment, accounting information practice teaching becomes especially important.会计信息化是一门实践性很强的专业技能课,为培养学生的实践操作能力,满足职业界对人才的需求。

3.The paper explains the implication and display of“accounting information”,emphasizes the interaction link during the pro- cess of“accounting information”,and describes the manifestation of interaction.解释了“会计信息化”的内涵以及表现,将“会计信息化”进程中的互动环节作为重点内容介绍,在文中讲解了互动的表现形式,并指出开放是实现信息互动的基础。

6)accounting informationalization会计信息化

1.The paper analyzes the influence of informationalization on the theories and practice and the definition ofaccounting informationalization.本文就网络时代会计信息化的定义、会计信息化对会计理论及实践的影响进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了相应对策。

2.Analyzing the canonical requires ofaccounting informationalization of smaller entities, discussing the iufluence of Accounting System for Smaller Entities onaccounting informationalization, putting forward the countermeasure ofaccounting informationalization of smaller entities.本文主要以已颁布即将实施的《小企业会计制度》为背景 ,分析小企业会计信息的规范要求 ,探讨小企业会计制度对会计信息化的影响 ,提出小企业会计信息化的对策。


