100字范文 > 伊河上游 upper reaches of Yihe River英语短句 例句大全

伊河上游 upper reaches of Yihe River英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-14 08:19:01


伊河上游 upper reaches of Yihe River英语短句 例句大全

伊河上游,upper reaches of Yihe River

1)upper reaches of Yihe River伊河上游

1.Application of SWAT model in runoff simulation inupper reaches of Yihe RiverSWAT模型在伊河上游径流模拟中的应用


1.Application of SWAT model in runoff simulation in upper reaches of Yihe RiverSWAT模型在伊河上游径流模拟中的应用

2.navigate up [down] a river沿河向上游[下游]航行

3.Remote sensing based analysis on ecological water consumption in downstream of Yili River basin基于遥感的伊犁河下游生态耗水分析

4.The Sai as a nomadic tribe used to roam about the area from the Ili and Chuhe river basins in the east to the Sir (Syrdarya) River valley in the west.塞人,原游牧于东起伊犁河、楚河流域,西抵锡尔河地区。

5.She went up the river.她向河的上游而行。

6.tiding up the Hudson.顺潮驶向哈得逊河上游

7.On Identity of Eco-tourism and Product Design in Yili River Valley;伊犁河谷生态旅游形象定位及产品设计

8.Environmental Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of Ecotourism Resources in Yili River Valley;伊犁河谷生态旅游资源环境分析及评价

9.Study on the tourism production exploitation in Yili Valley of Xinjiang新疆伊犁河谷地区旅游产品开发的战略研究

10.Integration research on tourism resources in Baicheng,Xinjiang--YiLi Valley as an exampale新疆区域旅游资源整合研究——以伊犁河谷为例

11.Study on Ecological Water Requirement of Dry Valleys in the Upper Reaches of the Dadu River大渡河上游干旱河谷区生态需水研究

12.The Genesis of the upper Weihe River Terraces and Geomorphology Evolution;渭河上游河流阶地的成因与地貌演化

13.Shall I row you up/down/across the river?要我划你到河的上游(下游、对岸)去吗?

14.Practically every river has an upper, a middle and a lower part.按惯列每条河有上游部分,中游部分和下游部分。

15.We often divide a river into three parts, that is the upper, middle and lower reaches.我们经常把一条河分成三部分:上游、中游和下游。

16.We"re going through the Suez Canal now, Mr. Harris.我们马上就要通过苏伊士运河了,哈里斯先生。


18.A group of Indic languages spoken in the upper Indus River valley.达尔德语在印度河上游河谷说的印度语群


Upper Yellow River黄河上游

1.Effects ofUpper Yellow River Pollution on Antioxidant Enzymes Activities and Malondialdehyde Content of Bufo raddei;黄河上游环境污染对花背蟾蜍抗氧化酶活性及丙二醛含量的影响

2.Reconstruction of recent 522-year runoff series onUpper Yellow River and analysis on its variation trend;黄河上游近5径流量序列重建及其变化趋势分析

3.Climate variation in upper Yellow River in 1990s and its influences on inflow of Longyangxia Reservoir;近期黄河上游气候变化对龙羊峡入库水量的影响

3)upper reaches of the Yellow River黄河上游

1.For the severe situation of eco-unbalance in theupper reaches of the Yellow River, the study of function for soil and water conservation in rehabilitated lands not only has the theoretical values, but has the urgent need for practice.面对黄河上游地区生态失衡的严重现实,作为植被恢复重建重要手段的退耕还林还草工程,其水保功能研究不仅具有理论价值,而且有十分迫切的实践需要。

2.Based on field geological investigations of avalanches,landslides and mudflows in theupper reaches of the Yellow River,the authors determined the main influence factors and index system of the hazard risk evaluation and made risk evaluation with the county(city or qi)as a unit.本文在对黄河上游地区崩塌、滑坡、泥石流进行野外地质调查和资料收集的基础上,确定了灾害风险评价的主要影响要素和指标体系,进行了以县(市、旗)为单元的风险评价。

3.They are located among high mountains and gorges inupper reaches of the Yellow River.黄河上游水流湍急,水量丰沛。

4)the upper reaches of the Fenhe River汾河上游

1.The relationship between population pressure growth and environmental change in recent 600 years inthe upper reaches of the Fenhe River;六百年来汾河上游人口压力增长与环境状态演变之关系

5)upper reaches of Huaihe River淮河上游

1.Calculation of ecological water demand inupper reaches of Huaihe River淮河上游生态需水量计算分析

2.Theupper reaches of Huaihe River is the area where flood - waterlogging and drought disasters take place frequently.淮河上游修建了大量的水库,收到了显著成效,但在特大暴雨出现年份,由于全力泄洪或溃坝提高了洪峰流量。

3.Based on the land use maps of the study region during 3 different periods(the 1980s,the 1990s and the 2000s),the influence of land use change on the runoff generation in theupper reaches of Huaihe River basin(upstream of Xixian hydrological station) was simulated and analyzed.以淮河上游息县水文站以上为研究区域,基于研究区域3期(20世纪80年代2、0世纪90年代、2000年以后)土地利用图模拟分析土地利用变化对流域产水的影响。

6)the upper Yellow River黄河上游

1.Thoughts on hydropower development of the Upper Yellow River;关于黄河上游水电开发的若干构想

2.Relationship between ENSO Cycle and Abundant or Low Runoff in the Upper Yellow River;ENSO循环与黄河上游径流的丰枯

3.It establishes BP network predictive model of long-term variation of annual runoff ofthe upper Yellow River based on the theory of neural network and conventional analytical method and by using the improved BP network arithmetic and 278-year time series(1723~2000) of natural annual runoff of Qingtongxia Hydrometric Station on the Yellow River.基于神经网络理论与传统分析方法,采用改进的BP网络算法,利用黄河青铜峡水文站278年(1723~2000年)的天然年径流时间序列,建立了黄河上游年径流长期变化的BP网络预测模型,并以此模型对2001~2050年黄河上游天然年径流变化趋势进行预测分析,结论认为:①黄河上游天然年径流在未来50 a变化的大趋势是丰水时段占优势,且黄河干流天然年径流变化要经历3个不同的时段,即2001~以多年平均水平为基准上下波动的时段、~2037年相对丰水时段和2038~2050年相对枯水时段;②用神经网络理论建立了黄河天然年径流中长期BP网络预测模型,模型预测分析的未来几十年黄河天然年径流变化的大趋势是可信的。


